


  • MamaBirdBoss
    MamaBirdBoss Posts: 1,516 Member
    Earl Gray tea
  • geturdone123
    geturdone123 Posts: 5 Member
    Thanks Everyone! This was very helpful☺
  • martyqueen52
    martyqueen52 Posts: 1,120 Member
    I usually go with with a tall iced coffee / nonfat milk / sugar free mocha. Really no need for sweetener with the mocha!
  • discretekim
    discretekim Posts: 314 Member
    Can anyone recommend a more expensive low calorie option?? I need to use my rewards.
  • FitPhillygirl
    FitPhillygirl Posts: 7,124 Member
    I only drink the French Roast Extra Bold flavor. After creamer it comes to about 20 calories.
  • DancingMoosie
    DancingMoosie Posts: 8,619 Member
    I usually get a Venti Iced coffee with sugar free hazelnut, light soy. I also add whip cream if I have calories for the day. Hot, usually just coffee with cream or a non-fat misto. I like to pick a sugar free syrup or just sweeten it myself and put cinnamon powder on top. Without whip, these drinks usually run about 60-100 calories.
  • anglyn1
    anglyn1 Posts: 1,802 Member
    I don't watch fat so I usually get a tall flat white or a tall whole milk cappuccino. Calories range from 140-170. I don't use artificial sweeteners and I find when I use whole milk I don't need sugar or sweeteners. :)
  • sixxpoint
    sixxpoint Posts: 3,529 Member
    edited June 2015
    Sumatra on the Clover, Black with one Splenda

    That's maybe 10-12 calories, tops
  • suruda
    suruda Posts: 1,233 Member
    I love Americanos in the morning (Espresso shots and water), very low calories until you add stuff to it
    Black iced tea unsweetened in the afternoon

    For a cold treat...more expensive in $$ and calories I love the refreshers. Still only around 100 calories but made with fruit, green coffee, and sugar and stevia...delicious!
  • suruda
    suruda Posts: 1,233 Member
    you can look up the nutritional information on line OR your local store should have nutritional brochures that list all of the calories.
  • nutmeg86rb
    nutmeg86rb Posts: 16 Member
    I love iced coffee with coconut milk. or unsweetened green iced tea.
  • wonderiss
    wonderiss Posts: 55 Member
    Passion Tea. It is great hot and iced.