I really struggle on the weekends.



  • Somebody_Loved
    Somebody_Loved Posts: 498 Member
    @marynificent - I know! I've thought about that, too, but it just feeds into my "all or nothing" mentality and I'm really trying to learn how to moderate. I know I'm never going to give it up completely so I need to learn how to enjoy it while still working towards my goal. Very tricky.
  • sissypriss22
    sissypriss22 Posts: 21 Member
    What has helped me is knowing I have a "cheat day" but knowing I still have to log in my calories makes me a little more picky with what I eat...another thing I tell myself is a moment of self gratification worth days of guilt? Think about it good luck
  • ellesMFP93
    ellesMFP93 Posts: 43 Member
    I find that I lose more weight over the weekend. The reason being that I have more time in the morning to make myself a big breakfast and don't need to eat as much for the rest of the day. I eat high fat, low carb so my breakfast weekend breakfast would usually be scrambled eggs with full fat cheese and bacon. Then I only need a light snack for lunch and a small dinner. Low carb isn't for everyone and you don't even necessarily need to cut carbs but eating more fats and proteins will generally keep you full for a longer period of time.

    When I drink, I have a vodka shot with water and lime as the mixer. Keeps you hydrated so your hangover isn't so bad and it tastes just like lime infused water.

    Good luck x
  • cschu544
    cschu544 Posts: 320 Member
    Heh. I could have written this post. I have similar problems.
    I've gotten better by making a priority to do at least 1 active thing in the weekend. Fun exercise. Making a concious effort to at least make healthier choices on the weekend helps.
    Not so much "dieting" just healthier.

    I think part of the problem might be that sometimes i go overboard on healthy during the week that I freak out after a while. Like OMG Ive eaten veggies all week i need 6 tacos NOW!!! and 2 burgers and 6 beers. Then im sad.

    Im more successful when i think about what i eat (on the weekends) and how i want to feel afterwards, before i do it.

    This is exactly me. I do double work outs during the week because I teach zumba so my body is used to the high calorie burn that it stopped being an effective tool for weight loss. So after class I have to go to the gym. Ever since I started doing this I've seen results. I do the same thing on the weekends but I've been eating more healthy (like instead of eating this bacon pizza I ordered this white pizza with spinach and tomatos instead) so I still have a burn on saturday and Sunday but I don't think it registers for my body anymore. So it's like just talking a walk now. I try to get outside and go hiking or take the dog out or go swimming. Every little choice you make will help you. You don't have to deny yourself a rest day but just be careful. I love beer too... believe me. But now instead of 4 blue moons I'll do two light beers. Not as delicious but I saves me hundreds of calories. It's just small things that you might be able to tweak. Just remind yourself on the weekend how good you were feeling Wednesday when you're scale lost another lb.

    I totally get it though. It's not easy when everyone has cheese fries and you have a salad. I'm constantly working on saying no to bad foods. MUCH easier said than done.
  • williamwj2014
    williamwj2014 Posts: 750 Member
    I'm sorry..if you can't hang out with friends without it involving drinking, you're always going to fall into this trap. I have a hard time being sympathetic to your situation because for one, in order to achieve what you want, you must be willing to sacrifice. You don't have to be with your friends every weekend if its going to cause you to fail..seriously. You're doing it to yourself.
  • persephonic
    persephonic Posts: 7 Member
    Alternate in a glass of water or soda water and ice between each alcoholic drink - 50% calories saved right there!
  • Somebody_Loved
    Somebody_Loved Posts: 498 Member
    @williamwj2014 - I take full responsibility for my slow progress and was not looking for sympathy. I understand what I'm doing wrong and that I need to make sacrifices to reach my goal (as stated in my OP). I was more looking for advice and suggestions from others who have found ways to manage a good balance in these types of situations.
  • alexjost520
    alexjost520 Posts: 4 Member
    Holy *kitten* I totally get this! In fact you kind of pulled me out of my depression tonight, sometimes it's nice to know people are exactly like you!
  • OmarGallegos20255
    OmarGallegos20255 Posts: 16 Member
    I do the same thing on Friday and Saturday I tend to go to the bar then occasionally eat fast food after but I feel so bad the next day I literally work my butt off to burn off at least half of the calories I ate
  • UMDavies
    UMDavies Posts: 87 Member
    I had exactly the same problem! I was living with eight housemates, all of us 22-23 years old, and all of us working 9-5 during the week. Needless to say, on the weekends we tended to go a bit overboard and treat ourselves. What I found worked for me was scheduling exercise in for reasonably early (like, before lunch... not too early!) on Saturday and Sunday mornings. I'd go to a spin class on Saturday at 11am, and then all of us would go walking in the park near us on Sunday before lunch. This made me more conscious of what/how much I was drinking on the Friday and Saturday nights as I knew I had to be up early, as well as helping to burn off the alcohol calories. And it gets you out of the house so you're not tempted to just sit around eating junk all day! We also started going to spin on Friday evenings after work, to kind of 'bank' a few exercise calories before the night out.

    Of course, the ideal thing would be to tone it down to only drinking one night per weekend (or even every other weekend) and not getting takeaway afterwards/eating hangover snacks the next day. But it's easier said than done!
  • megginanderson
    megginanderson Posts: 276 Member
    My problem is that I am diligent and spot on with my deficit during the week, and then I obliterate it during the weekend with alcohol and the subsequent food choices.

    I "officially" weigh in every Friday. The past few Fridays I have weighed in around 137 (137.4, 137.2, 137.8). Then I go overboard on the weekend and bloat up to 143-144 come Monday. Work hard during the week to get down around 137 again on Friday. Then repeat. And now here I am again on another Monday, angry with myself. I would have been to goal months ago had I stayed consistent.

    I know what I'm doing wrong and that I can't expect to reach my goals without putting forth the effort and changing my lifestyle. I'm hoping writing it out will help hold me accountable. And any advice from someone who's been in a similar situation would also be much appreciated. Thanks!

    Story of my life, and why it took me 2 years to lose 80 pounds. Habits are hard to break. I'm definitely better, but something in my head clicks when Friday rolls around. I of course also don't believe in 100% of the time eating perfect, but I wish I could stick to just 1 meal. Let's make a plan to change.
  • Somebody_Loved
    Somebody_Loved Posts: 498 Member
    @megginanderson - Exactly. I really like the earlier suggestions of looking at my calories throughout the week and "banking" the extras for the weekend. If I did this and legitimately tried to stay within my caloric target, I'd be SO much better off. Let's do it, it's nice to know I'm not the only one who struggles with this.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    I get together with friends and what not most Saturdays...this usually involves good food and drinks...because I know it's coming, I plan accordingly...I usually eat a pretty solid breakfast and a light lunch...often just a garden salad along with some kind of lean protein...then I have plenty of room to indulge Saturday evening.

    When I drink I also tend towards lower calorie options...in the summer I prefer vodka and sparkling water with lime...I will occasionally have a beer or two, but usually a lite beer of some kind...more often than not though, I will opt for a glass of wine these days over a beer.

    Where food is concerned, I try to focus on protein and veg when I'm drinking...

    It is quite possible to have a social life and be reasonably responsible with your diet as well.
  • Somebody_Loved
    Somebody_Loved Posts: 498 Member
    @cwolfman13 - Thanks for the reply! That's exactly what I'm going to put my effort into. I have a lot of plans this weekend due to the holiday, and I'm going to focus on pre-planning healthy meals so I can indulge a bit more in the evenings.
  • 2wise4u
    2wise4u Posts: 229 Member
    I do the same and workout during the week because the gym is literally across the street from work but on weekends, I rest/run errands/clean house but don't hit the gym and eat more than I do during the week. I may try to keep the same/similar eating habits on the weekends as I do during the week to see if I can maintain and/or lose that way. Great post because it's making me rethink my own routine.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    Also, I'd strongly suggest making regular exercise on the weekends a part of your lifestyle if you haven't already. I hit the gym most Saturdays to lift and Sunday is one of my favorite days of the week because it's the day that I can really get out there on my bike for a couple hours or more and ride.

    Pretty much any nonsense I get into on Saturday night I can ride off Sunday morning. Work hard, play hard...
  • nutmeg86rb
    nutmeg86rb Posts: 16 Member
    I have the same dilemma. Between eating out and not in the same routine...it messes with me by the time mondays roll around (and pants don't button) I know the best course of action is plan & prepare ahead but weekends are for lounging...right?!
  • enterdanger
    enterdanger Posts: 2,447 Member
    I try really hard not to eat my exercise calories back during the week and I hoard them like a miser for the weekend. This way I can drink my beer and eat at maintenance on the weekend and still have a decent loss for the week overall.
  • pasandoval
    pasandoval Posts: 37 Member
    Try at least one morning weekend exercise session to make you feel better about living your life on the weekends, which you should do guilt-free anyway! Or maybe try joining a weekend rec sports league (if you're that type) so that yon can combine exercise with socializing.
  • carakirkey
    carakirkey Posts: 199 Member
    I don't consider the weekends "cheat" days, they just happen to be days that I have plans with friends and are more social. I don't want to cut them out while I'm losing weight as I plan to continue to go out while maintaining my weight. Instead, I want to learn how to go out on the weekends in moderation.

    I definitely agree about being more selective for when I go out, though. I have a tendency to go out on Friday and Saturday for the sheer fact that it's the weekend. I can definitely get better about that.

    Agreed. This is long term lifestyle for me, and I don't plan on giving up my friend and social time. My suggestion would be to try and have more 'active' social time. Play a sport, walk, rent a kayak or paddleboard with your friends. Work for that beer! Your friends may be on board with that plan too;)