What do you love most...



  • c2sky
    c2sky Posts: 487 Member
    I love that my husband is exactly the way he described himself on the internet dating sight he found me on. He described that he wanted to find someone who was active, so that he could cheer her on and/or participate with her in whatever she loves to do.

    He has cheered me on through running events, including the time he packed his bike on a plane, so he could ride up the marathon course as far as he was allowed. The course was on a highway that was closed to all traffic until the course ended through town the last three miles. But a bike path paralelled the highway for about 7 miles. My husband looked for me amidst hundreds of runners. I spotted him first. But he cheered me on through about 4 grueling miles of that race. Then he went back and got my family together for my big finish.

    He also has been through so much. So many unfair financial things, and almost losing his son to a bike accident. He is a ROCK amidst adversity.

  • chezmama
    chezmama Posts: 396 Member
    My husband has amazing integrity and work ethic! I admire him so much!

    I am not sure who I consider my best friend as I have several very dear friends....probably my sister in law who is on my side no matter what. She knows my heart and I know hers. God has blessed me with her and with some other amazing chicas who love me through this life.
  • songbyrdsweet
    songbyrdsweet Posts: 5,691 Member
    I love that my husband is exactly the way he described himself on the internet dating sight he found me on. He described that he wanted to find someone who was active, so that he could cheer her on and/or participate with her in whatever she loves to do.

    He has cheered me on through running events, including the time he packed his bike on a plane, so he could ride up the marathon course as far as he was allowed. The course was on a highway that was closed to all traffic until the course ended through town the last three miles. But a bike path paralelled the highway for about 7 miles. My husband looked for me amidst hundreds of runners. I spotted him first. But he cheered me on through about 4 grueling miles of that race. Then he went back and got my family together for my big finish.

    He also has been through so much. So many unfair financial things, and almost losing his son to a bike accident. He is a ROCK amidst adversity.


    Wow, soooo awesome!!

    That reminds me of the manager of my gym...she did a century bike ride and her hubby finished first. He came back to the last check point with a cold towel for her and jogged with her up the last half mile with his hand on her back, cheering her on!
  • songbyrdsweet
    songbyrdsweet Posts: 5,691 Member
    My husband has amazing integrity and work ethic! I admire him so much!

    I am not sure who I consider my best friend as I have several very dear friends....probably my sister in law who is on my side no matter what. She knows my heart and I know hers. God has blessed me with her and with some other amazing chicas who love me through this life.

    Integrity is a rare thing these days. One of my 'must haves' for a bf. And I got it! :)
  • ncwmark
    ncwmark Posts: 40
    My wife: her unstoppable dedication to her family. I never have to wonder if me or the kids are a priority in her life. Tons of other things to list too, but that is just what came to mind first.

    My son: His relentlessness. 100% is so in his rear view mirror. When he is bouncing on the trampoline he isn't satisfied with mediocre jumps, he's got to flip all over the place and bounce as high as he can. When he's playing action figures it is like he IS a superhero (and to me he just may be). He is totally committed to whatever he is doing at the moment and the creativity just doesn't stop. Oh, and he's a great snuggler at the end of the day too.

    My daughter: Her strong will and independent streak. It can be annoying right now at the age of three, but it is one of the traits she has that will pay off for her in the long run. That, and she's an entertainer... always has to make sure everyone in the room is having a good time and smiling.
  • debussyschild
    debussyschild Posts: 804 Member
    I love my husband because of how PATIENT he is with me. I'm feisty and stubborn and always have to be right, but his patience subdues me and that's a very rare thing for any one to accomplish with me. I am a woman of very little inherent patience, and everyone that knows me (and loves me in spite of it!) knows that about me. The lord knows I try ;) I also love that he is soooo incredibly supportive of me in everything that I do. He reassures me that even if I don't believe in myself at times, he believes in me ALL the time. We all need that in our lives and I'm so happy God blessed me with him.

    I love my best friend TOO and am so incredibly happy for her and the way her life is going. She is truly a phoenix who continually rises from the ashes and proves to the world that nothing can stop her from reaching her dreams. She's been through a lot, especially by putting up with me!! LOL And in some of my darkest hours, she's been there for me. I'm proud to call her my "sister from another mister" :) And we need to find time to talk more often. I will work on that!
  • SabrinaJL
    SabrinaJL Posts: 1,579 Member
    Since it's so hard to pick one thing, I'll just say his epic awesomeness. That should cover it all. lol

    I've even posted about how awesome he is in my blog. http://www.myfitnesspal.com/blog/SabrinaJL/view/best-husband-ever-and-an-nsv-85906
  • songbyrdsweet
    songbyrdsweet Posts: 5,691 Member
    I love my husband because of how PATIENT he is with me. I'm feisty and stubborn and always have to be right, but his patience subdues me and that's a very rare thing for any one to accomplish with me. I am a woman of very little inherent patience, and everyone that knows me (and loves me in spite of it!) knows that about me. The lord knows I try ;) I also love that he is soooo incredibly supportive of me in everything that I do. He reassures me that even if I don't believe in myself at times, he believes in me ALL the time. We all need that in our lives and I'm so happy God blessed me with him.

    I love my best friend TOO and am so incredibly happy for her and the way her life is going. She is truly a phoenix who continually rises from the ashes and proves to the world that nothing can stop her from reaching her dreams. She's been through a lot, especially by putting up with me!! LOL And in some of my darkest hours, she's been there for me. I'm proud to call her my "sister from another mister" :) And we need to find time to talk more often. I will work on that!

    AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWE I love you!!!!!!!! :D
  • _beachgirl_
    _beachgirl_ Posts: 3,865 Member
    My kids, they rock! Each is unique in their own way. C is 20 and he can talk to anyone, he can sit on the floor with a 6 year old and talk about pokemon,discuss politics with our Mayor, or hang out with some police officers and have them all laughing. At one concert, I remember while we were waiting in line, within minutes everyone had surrounded him and he was telling them all the latest music news. When he goes into the video game store, he knows more than the people who works there. He is creating his own music/video game blog/website. M is 19, he's the best athlete I've ever seen. Bats righty/lefty, puts righty/lefty, first time he ever tried to snowboard he was doing jumps. Everything comes so easy to him, yet he doesn't need to brag. With this great athleticism, comes risk though. 2 broken arms and thousands of stitches later, I still come outside to see him on the roof of our house on his bike wanting to jump off. Good thing he has a high tolerance to pain! Z is 10 and he's an angel. The sweetest, nicest, most polite kid you will ever meet, with hundreds of freckles, bright blue eyes, and the biggest dimples! He's laid back, easygoing, just a pleasure to be around. Unlike his big brother, sports don't come as easy to him, but he's out there everyday practicing and always gives 100%. He's a bit of a class clown, but his teachers can't ever disciplinehim because when he gets caught he flashes those dimples and melts their hearts! His basketball coach gave him the MVP of the team, said he was a selfless player, and the nicest kid he's had the pleasure to coach. W the baby, the only girl, is 6. She's so independent, her first words were "me do." She's fearless, she can hang with her 3 older brothers, no problem. She's determined, she was delayed in her speech, and she works hard everyday and has made huge strides. She's helpful, always asking what I need her to do. She is caring and generous, always concerned about others. She just wants to please and make her mother, her teacher, her brothers proud. She's already an activist, and she wants to fund-raise this summer for endangered species. Of course, they all have their faults too, any given day some combination of the 4 are arguing, they tease and annoy each other like siblings do, they don't always listen to their mother the first time. But a day doesn't go by that I don't thank god for them.
  • 12by311
    12by311 Posts: 1,716 Member
    The thing I love most about my 10 month old is that he is such a morning person. He *always* wakes up with a smile. The thing I love most about both my husband and best friend is that they are both the most loyal people I've ever been around in my life. I know without a doubt they will always be there for me no matter what. We are all three best friends...they were bff's growing up!
  • sue26
    sue26 Posts: 412
    hubby - he loves me unconditionally (although some times I dont know why):smile:

    best friend - we live 8000 miles away but when we meet it is like we have never been apart:smile:
  • Cherrycandy
    Cherrycandy Posts: 200
    What I love most about my sig. other/best friend (yes, he happens to be both, lol): He always let's ME be ME. He knows im neurotic, crazy, I have wayyy too much energy, I have a bit of an anger managment problem at times, lol, and I can sometimes be a little clingy. HE just laughs and tells me that I drive him crazy and he LOVES it, lol. He is VERY honorable and soooo intelligent and I cant leave out the fact, that there has never been anybody that makes me feel more like a real woman than him. He is just an amazing person. If you looked up the meaning of the word "Man" in the dictionary....his pic should mos def be there!
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    I love that he gets me and accepts me for who I am, flaws and all.
  • songbyrdsweet
    songbyrdsweet Posts: 5,691 Member
    I love reading all of these! Sooooo romantic and heartwarming. It's very refreshing to hear about healthy, loving relationships and families!
  • kapeluza
    kapeluza Posts: 3,434 Member
    The list is too long! I would bore you with the many ways my husband is ammmmaaazzzzzinnnngggggg!!!!!!!!!
