I've decided to quit Weight Watchers.



  • belinda_73
    belinda_73 Posts: 149 Member
    the monthly fee seemed steep to me, then people complained about them taking money out even after canceling the membership. I totally get the weighing in part tho. When I was seeing a trainer who weighed me every week, I tried so hard to be at least a lb less than the week before.
  • zanyzanycrazy
    zanyzanycrazy Posts: 7 Member
    Once they updated MFP, I officially decided to quit WW. I went for the support, but I think the community on MFP provides way more support. Plus I was missing meetings because of my busy lifestyle. I did learn one thing that I hadn't thought about and that was moving leftovers to the "fruit and veggie" drawers and moving the fruit and veggies into the main part of the fridge so you are more likely to eat it. I guess something good came out of my 4 month membership:)
  • KarenJanine
    KarenJanine Posts: 3,497 Member
    I was also a member in the past for a brief period of time but quit when they suggested that I stop lifting weights so I can lose muscle and therefore lose weight on the scale - no thanks!!

  • Muscleflex79
    Muscleflex79 Posts: 1,917 Member
    I was also a member in the past for a brief period of time but quit when they suggested that I stop lifting weights so I can lose muscle and therefore lose weight on the scale - no thanks!!


    karenjanine - that was my reaction too! I couldn't believe they were actually recommending that! when I told her I loved lifting (heavy) weights and would not be stopping, she said I should at least lift light weights :*
  • daniwilford
    daniwilford Posts: 1,030 Member
    I have done WW 4 times in the past and lost weight every time. I never made it to goal so I lost money every time too. My cousin actually recommended MFP to me, so I had a immediate accountability partner. I use some of the things I learned in WW still today but I have learned more studying the MFP forums for free than I ever learned at WW meetings.
  • happyhomemaker88
    happyhomemaker88 Posts: 9 Member
    I switched from WW to MFP due to two things: (1) cost and (2) WW’s crappy website and app. I got tired of paying for tools that worked only part of the time.

    The program itself is great. I had no problem losing with the “free” fruit. Maybe because there is no such thing as “free” fruit. People who work the program that way are doing it wrong. Nowhere in the materials does it say that fruit is free and you can eat as much as you want. It says that fruit is zero points and should be eaten in moderation/to satisfaction. If people want to gorge themselves on watermelon and then blame WW because they’re not losing….. *shrugs*.

  • happyhomemaker88
    happyhomemaker88 Posts: 9 Member
    I've done weight watchers before both the flex points and the points plus. I seemed to lose more on the flex point system. But in weight watchers defense, they told me, and I also read it in the literature they gave me for points plus, that you should keep your fruits and veggies to 3-5 servings per day and you should only have one banana per day because of the high calorie content. People are misinformed and sucked in by the FREE fruits and veggies thing and are then disappointed because they over indulge and then don't see the progress they want to see. BTW, I love MFP and am having great success with it abs would recommend it to anyone over weight watchers. Their app works better and I've yet to scan something that didn't give me the info I needed. It is awesome!!!
  • lifecherished
    lifecherished Posts: 2 Member
    I am currently taking advantage of weight loss referral from my GP. At the beginning of the year, I lost a stone with WW through the first referral. I'm a Gold member but that was awarded at Christmas 1979 and I've been back at goal once in my mid 20s and once in my mid 30s but only halfway there once since.

    Of course, the programme has been revised and updated over the years as more is understood about nutrition. I even got part way through training to be a WW Leader in my 30s but I hadn't learnt how to maintain my weight loss.

    My GP referred me for a second time but WW won't allow me to take up the offer (incomprehensible as the NHS is paying). So my for second referral, I've joined Slimming World (SW) but can't get my head around their programme and tracking through their website is a nightmare as their app doesn't include a diary element.

    The WW eSource app is much easier to use. However, I've noticed that SW is more concerned with nutritional balance and non processed food. Their counted extras - Syns - are limited and this is where you will find processed and ready meals.

    So I've come here to find a free place to log my intake, sync my FitBit Flex and just use up the rest of the SW referral weeks for checking in with weight loss as I'm not "jelling" with the leader, the group or the programme!
  • booksandchocolate12
    booksandchocolate12 Posts: 1,741 Member
    But in weight watchers defense, they told me, and I also read it in the literature they gave me for points plus, that you should keep your fruits and veggies to 3-5 servings per day and you should only have one banana per day because of the high calorie content.

    Are you sure you read this in the literature? Do you still have it? Because that's not what it says in the good health guidelines. (weightwatchers.com/util/art/index_art.aspx?tabnum=1&art_id=2071 ) It says AT LEAST five servings of fruits/veggies a day. Nothing about bananas at all. Elsewhere on the website it says that you should eat fruits and veggies to satisfaction, but doesn't tell you to limit it to 3-5 servings. Unfortunately, I have lost access to that section of the site, since I canceled my membership.

    No offense, but I feel like the "one banana a day" thing is something that a leader told you. WW leaders are infamous for passing off their own personal "program tweaks" as gospel.
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,150 Member
    I was also a member in the past for a brief period of time but quit when they suggested that I stop lifting weights so I can lose muscle and therefore lose weight on the scale - no thanks!!

  • Merkavar
    Merkavar Posts: 3,082 Member
    I don't know, seems like people focus on the free fruit and veg but if I'm not mistaken your meant to eat till no longer hungry.

    I imagine if you ate fruit and veg till you are no longer hungry, for most that wouldn't be a massive amount. On top of the food you would eat that cost points.

    So it's not a eat 30kg of carrots and turn orange plan. It's a if your hungry have some fruit or veg instead of cake or a hotdog plan.
  • Agathokakological
    Agathokakological Posts: 136 Member
    I did WW for a year because my insurance fully reimbursed me for the online membership. The points system took way more effort to track than MFP does. The only good thing that came out of WW online was the forums. They are supportive and pretty informative (but always do your own research) at times. There are more weight-loss focused forums there than here for sure. So I'll stick with MFP for food tracking, and the MFP forums for fun and the WW forums for support.
  • HealthierCarol
    HealthierCarol Posts: 12 Member
    I was on WW for several years (got to goal and then quit smoking; gained it all back and then some) and just quit within the last 2 months. The minimum fruit and vegetables is 5 per day and you're to eat them "to satisfaction," not full. I know I only had 2 fruit servings a day (1 fruit serving is 1/2 cup), but plenty of salads and other no-point vegetables. When you're assigned a daily point value, they take the "free" fruit and vegetables into consideration.

    While I was used to the point-value of most of the foods I ate and didn't consider it difficult, I just felt the need to get away from it for a while, so came to MFP.