That was disappointing



  • jgdb1
    jgdb1 Posts: 6 Member
    I actually do have a very nice food scale I will dig it out. Although, like I said I do measure half cup quarter cup, whatever. As far as the weight watcher mindset? No, I know that it's just for their programI have been actually surprised at the amount of sugars and even some cards that are in fruit. I think maybe I'm not eating enough? I know myself and I feel tired, a lot. I'm not normally feeling so dragged out. I do take vitamins every day. I will give it some time and do what I need to do. I'm not giving up! Thanks for all your input MFP people :-)
  • Psychgrrl
    Psychgrrl Posts: 3,177 Member
    Possibly you've gained some muscle, that weighs more. Stick with it.

    It's not likely she gained muscle in two weeks.
  • jgdb1
    jgdb1 Posts: 6 Member
    jgdb1 wrote: »
    Wow, you guys all answered with such helpful information. I realized I didn't give enough info to you. I have been doing this for 2 weeks. haven't lost anything. I am measuring everything but not weighing it. I stay at or below 1230 calories a day. MommyL2015~ I have not lost 19 lbs. that was incorrect, I had that fixed in my info.
    Troutsy~ I put my information in and it gave me a caloric goal for my age, weight and rate of loss that I wanted. (2lb a week). I know our bodies change as we get older but this is ridiculous.
    I recently went to a holistic Dr. who told me that I am pre-diabetic. I really need to shed these pounds.

    2 weeks isn't too long, keep plugging away! If you are female your menstrual cycle might also be causing trouble give it time.
    Is this "holistic" Dr. An actual MD? Did s/he run blood tests? Sorry to have to ask but I've met holistic Drs who are legitimate Drs and some that'll try to heal you with crystals. Approach with caution!

  • jgdb1
    jgdb1 Posts: 6 Member
    Yes, he is a MD. He did run a lot of blood tests. I'm not returning to him because he is over-the-top expensive. Yes, I am a female and no, I don't think monthly issues are a problem for me anymore.
  • Psychgrrl
    Psychgrrl Posts: 3,177 Member
    jgdb1 wrote: »
    I actually do have a very nice food scale I will dig it out. Although, like I said I do measure half cup quarter cup, whatever. I think maybe I'm not eating enough? I know myself and I feel tired, a lot. I'm not normally feeling so dragged out. I do take vitamins every day. I will give it some time and do what I need to do. I'm not giving up! Thanks for all your input MFP people :-)

    If you measure and then weigh the same foods and compare, you'll be stunned. "Measured" portion sizes are often on the large size when compared to the weighted ones. Weigh everything, even a slice of bread. SUCH a difference--all those little calories add up.

    If you're dragging, you might not be getting enough calories to provide the fuel you need.

  • jgdb1
    jgdb1 Posts: 6 Member
    If you're still in the WW mindset of not tracking "zero point foods" that needs to change. Vegetables and fruits and spices etc all contain calories and that isn't factored into your deficit in MFP. So you'll need to weigh and track everything.

    You should be proud of yourself :-) your profile picture looks like you put a lot of hard work into it and it's paid off for you. Good for you!
  • lithezebra
    lithezebra Posts: 3,670 Member
    Two weeks is very little time to see results. I'm super thrilled to have dropped a pound in the last month, eating 1200 calories a day plus some of my exercise calories, and that was a pound that I gained while I was on crutches and not able to do any real cardio.

    I love my food scale. It's digital and it was not expensive.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    ceoverturf wrote: »
    You did not lose anything....over what time period?

    What is your daily calorie goal, and have you been hitting it?

    How do you measure your caloric intake?

  • madddawg11
    madddawg11 Posts: 6 Member
    Very helpful flow chart:


    Very nice chart!!

    As far as problem solving, I would try and boost you metabolism by carrying some protein rich snacks. I have been using low sodium sunflower seeds. It's like eating in small doses all day, works great!
  • ano463s
    ano463s Posts: 21 Member
    jgdb1 wrote: »
    I think maybe I'm not eating enough? I know myself and I feel tired, a lot. I'm not normally feeling so dragged out.

    If you are eating at a deficit, you will lose weight. You may not see it right away (water weight gained/lost, etc), but it will come off. Remember... weight loss is not linear, and there is no such thing as starvation mode. And the chart above is great.

    At the beginning (first few weeks or month, everyone's a bit different) you likely will feel tired if you've set up a large deficit, but that should decrease as time goes by. Remember, your body was used to getting (for example) 125% of the calories it needed, and now you're giving it 80% of the calories it needs. To your mind, it's just a 20% deficit, but your body is going to whine for a bit because it sees a much larger drop in food intake (compared to just a few weeks ago). Throw some cravings on top of that, and it's easy to be more tired and in a worse mood than normal.

    Just a suggestion based on my personal experience (to each his own)... When you feel like you're getting more tired and such, try looking at your sleeping, eating, and drinking patterns for the past 24 hours. I find that I'm more tired when something is awry on one of those pieces. Sleeping is obvious. Eating, normally I haven't spread out my calories in a way that works best for me (I tend to load about half into dinner, so it might be that I saved more like 60% instead of 50% for dinner that day). Drinking patterns.. I normally drink only water, and a lot of it. I have done it for years, and I enjoy it, so it makes me happy and wakes me up, similar to what most people experience with coffee, tea or sodas. If I haven't had enough water for the day in the morning, my afternoon might be a bit sluggish.

    Everyone else has talked up the weighing, and yep, totally agree... Weigh everything, even things that give you a portion size. If your old scale is digital, that'll be your new best friend. If it's not digital, you may want to look at upgrading, because anything that makes the process easier and faster is generally worth $20 or so.

    Most of us are focusing on your discussion topics about diet because, as the adage goes, you can't outrun a poor diet. If your calories in are higher than you're thinking they are, you're likely not going to be compensating adequately with the increased activity (especially since you were already active before, when you were gaining).

    Overall, keep up with your tracking, and maybe tweak a few things, and it sounds like you're going to see the results you're craving!
  • daniwilford
    daniwilford Posts: 1,030 Member
    I just want to encourage the digital scale. The only thing I use a measuring cup for is Milk. I was amazed at how many foods I was under counting. Especially on fruits, it makes a huge difference in calories and carbs, which is important to know if you are using your diet to prevent diabetes.
  • robertf57
    robertf57 Posts: 560 Member
    jgdb1 wrote: »
    I actually do have a very nice food scale I will dig it out. Although, like I said I do measure half cup quarter cup, whatever. As far as the weight watcher mindset? No, I know that it's just for their programI have been actually surprised at the amount of sugars and even some cards that are in fruit. I think maybe I'm not eating enough? I know myself and I feel tired, a lot. I'm not normally feeling so dragged out. I do take vitamins every day. I will give it some time and do what I need to do. I'm not giving up! Thanks for all your input MFP people :-)

    That is not the cause of a failure to lose. (although your calorie target may be a bit low for your circumstances.) I suspect ,as has been suggested already, that you are eating TOO MUCH! Weigh everything and give it some time.
  • acheben
    acheben Posts: 476 Member
    jgdb1 wrote: »
    I actually do have a very nice food scale I will dig it out. Although, like I said I do measure half cup quarter cup, whatever. As far as the weight watcher mindset? No, I know that it's just for their programI have been actually surprised at the amount of sugars and even some cards that are in fruit. I think maybe I'm not eating enough? I know myself and I feel tired, a lot. I'm not normally feeling so dragged out. I do take vitamins every day. I will give it some time and do what I need to do. I'm not giving up! Thanks for all your input MFP people :-)

    If you are feeling tired and sluggish, it might be worth reducing your goal weight loss per week so that you can have a more manageable calorie goal. Like PPs have said, it is also really important to get your tracking as accurate as possible.
  • CherylanneCorsini
    CherylanneCorsini Posts: 50 Member
    edited June 2015

    I'm new here and still learning. Sorry for any confusion I've caused about muscle gain.