Question about strength training/ New Rules of Lifting for Women



  • sarabrunning
    sarabrunning Posts: 21 Member
    You've got this! If your main goal is to drop body fat percentage, that's really 90% diet and 10% exercise. Best muscles to build to help with that will be legs to get the biggest fat burning muscles growing. Just keep moving, eat clean at least 80% of the time and make sure you are eating small frequent meals with lots and lots of protein and you will see results soon!
  • pznatti
    pznatti Posts: 51 Member
    I've been doing. New rules for a month now and I've lifted off and on for a long time... I think what Lou says in the book - that it's for everyone - is exactly true. Since I am starting with a strongish base, I'm starting with heavier weights than others might. I would also encourage you to remember what he says - that men overestimate how much they can lift and women underestimate. I started deadlifting 45lbs and am now at 85.

    I really like it so far and should finish stage 1 next week.

    Also, whoever said the thing about high reps is mistaken. For the first four workouts you do have high reps - lower weight because you're just getting started. I'm now at 3 sets of 10 and will soon go to 3 sets of 8 (higher weights). In fact, Lou spends quite some time in his book talking about the flaw in "common knowledge" about what women "need"... That we've been told to do high reps low weight when we really should mix it up and lift just like men... And that low reps/ high weights will get us stronger... And burn more energy while we're at it.
  • OffKilter5150
    OffKilter5150 Posts: 24 Member
    I just did my first workout with NROLW. I liked it. I'm not at all sore today, but I wasn't sure of where to start with my weights. As the book suggests, I will add more weight on my next workout! So far though, I like the program. Seems pretty straightforward and progressive!
  • laineybz
    laineybz Posts: 704 Member
    Bookmarking this as I have the book and want to start doing it, I just worry I won't be able to do the moves as well as needed as I'll be doing it from home. Good luck!
  • CallMeCupcakeDammit
    CallMeCupcakeDammit Posts: 9,377 Member
    These pre-filled spreadsheets help take some of the confusion out of the program.

    This video should help with pull-ups.
  • HollieWould1
    HollieWould1 Posts: 68 Member
    I would like to piggy back on this thread. Tomorrow I do my second day of workout B. Does it matter that my body is still very achey? If my body is aching, does it mean my muscles are still in repair? Do I do workout B regardless? Thanks.
  • loulamb7
    loulamb7 Posts: 801 Member
    I would like to piggy back on this thread. Tomorrow I do my second day of workout B. Does it matter that my body is still very achey? If my body is aching, does it mean my muscles are still in repair? Do I do workout B regardless? Thanks.

    If you've just started lifting it's normal for your body to be sore. Continue with workout B as planned. After a couple of weeks you won't be sore anymore.

  • HollieWould1
    HollieWould1 Posts: 68 Member
    Awesome. Just making sure I wasn't going to do any damage. Will do as planned :) Thanks! The power rack, bar and plates arrive tomorrow Lou! So I am anxious to lift. I wonder how long this thing is going to take me to put together.
  • normoth
    normoth Posts: 1 Member
    As for chin-ups, years ago I started out by jumping up so my chin was at the level of the bar and then trying slowly to lower myself down. After doing this for weeks, one day I tried to pull up from hanging...and I could do it! It felt like magic.
  • pfgaytriot
    pfgaytriot Posts: 238 Member
    NROL is a great program to start with. It's what I used a couple of years ago when I wanted to start lifting heavy. I was also skinny fat when I started. It's great for beginners. I also did Stronglifts 5x5 and absolutely loved it. The Stronglifts app also has an accessory dip and pull-up workout designed to allow you to work up to unassisted dips and pull-ups.

    I think you should go for it!