Macro ratio?

I don't feel very confident with the macro ratio that MFP automatically gave me because the # of carbs is high.

Here's my current Macros: 51/21/28
My overall goal: lose fat

I've heard of 45/30/25 (low fat), 40/40/20 (low fat but more protein) and the 30/40/30 (low carb/fat) which I found on bodybuilder in order to lose fat. I've been losing weight but my problem: paranoid I could possibly get better results if I go low carb/fat or should I just stick with the automatic macros? What does your macros look like?


  • sixxpoint
    sixxpoint Posts: 3,529 Member
    Ratios themselves are arbitrary; go by the actual grams those ratios provide.

    Dietary Fat: strict minimum of 0.40 - 0.45 grams per 1 lb bodyweight (unless sedentary or obese).
    Protein: 0.60 - 0.80 grams per 1 lb bodyweight (unless sedentary or obese).
    Carbs: no range; carbs can fill the remainder of your calorie goal, if desired. Try to incorporate plenty of nutritious whole foods and high fiber items.
  • Hornsby
    Hornsby Posts: 10,322 Member
    I find it better to focus on protein and fats by grams rather than percentage of diet so I try to get .8 grams of protein per lb of body weight, then .6 grams of fat per lb of body weight, then I fill the rest in with carbs (as well as more fat and protein).
  • _lyndseybrooke_
    _lyndseybrooke_ Posts: 2,561 Member
    I prefer to go by grams rather than percentages.

    My current percentages are something like 47% carbs, 25% protein, 28% fat. I'm 118 lbs eating 2150 calories per day and my macro averages are 260c/68f/125p. I always end up hitting my protein and fat rather easily and I'm left with a bunch of carbs. I allow some flexibility by ocassionally swapping carb grams for protein grams. For example, going 10 grams over in protein and 10 grams under in carbs. It's all good, and the calorie intake is the same.

    I thought about increasing my protein and decreasing my carbs to make things easier, but I'm already eating more than 1g/lb of body fat and I see no benefit (or harm, but still) in going over that. And I'm hesitant to increase my fat since it's already so close to 30% of my total intake, which is what is recommended for most people. I'll probably keep it as is for now. Plus, carbs are delicious. :smile:
  • ladymiseryali
    ladymiseryali Posts: 2,555 Member
    My ratios are 5% carbs 75% fat and 25% protein
  • butterflyeyes2014
    butterflyeyes2014 Posts: 1 Member
    Not sure if either of you can answer this. I had my macros set and just had to adjust them as I have lost 20 pounds since February. When I went to try and change them it wouldn't let me unless I upgrade to Premium? Did something change since February?
  • chandelierbee
    chandelierbee Posts: 95 Member
    My ratios are 5% carbs 75% fat and 25% protein

    Hwhat?! How do you do 5% carbs?
  • chandelierbee
    chandelierbee Posts: 95 Member
    Not sure if either of you can answer this. I had my macros set and just had to adjust them as I have lost 20 pounds since February. When I went to try and change them it wouldn't let me unless I upgrade to Premium? Did something change since February?

    You can still change your goals. It says that you can do that in premium but if you go to nutrition>macros> goals at the bottom of the pie graph and then you just adjust how you want it.
  • chandelierbee
    chandelierbee Posts: 95 Member
    You can click on either protein,carbs, fat, then it refreshes and then click on the light blue ("goal")
  • ladymiseryali
    ladymiseryali Posts: 2,555 Member
    My ratios are 5% carbs 75% fat and 25% protein

    Hwhat?! How do you do 5% carbs?
    It's not that hard when you eat mainly veggies, meats and full-fat cheeses, along with seeds and nuts.