Drastic Lifestyle Change - A tough transition

LucinaWinters Posts: 3 Member
edited June 2015 in Introduce Yourself
Hello, my name is Lucina. I'm 21 years old.

Since I was about 9, I started gaining weight slowly and kept packing on pounds. By 14, I was overweight. By 17, I was borderline obese. As of now I'm considered obese, with a BMI of almost 42. For a woman who is 5'2.5, this is awful. I realize that this puts me in a bad place for my health and can cause a lot more complications down the road if I don't start turning myself around soon. As well as my health, I also have a very severe self image issue that drives into my self esteem. I am very aware that losing weight would solve this, but it is a tough thing to do, as it is more than a temporary diet. I am aware weight loss is something that is a lifestyle change, and that is the only way I will be able to keep my weight off.

I come from a family of many health problems, one of the main ones being diabetes. I'm worried that my current problems will get worse, and I hate the idea of having to give myself insulin on top of the many other physical limitations I already have. I have scoliosis, depression, anxiety, I've torn and strained my legs from multiple accidents, and also have carpal tunnel. Adding more fuel to this fire is not my idea of fun. I worry that if I don't get myself changed fast enough, I may wind up losing my vision (diabetes), use of my limbs, or more. I take a lot of pride in my art, and my music, and I would be very upset if I was no longer able to pursue my passions.

I'm looking for buddies who will help motivate me, share meal and exercise ideas with me, and just be positive helpers in my life. Anything helps. I keep telling myself I'll lose the weight and I never do. I just go back to my horrible diet of junk and fast food. I'm currently 240 pounds and would ideally love to drop to around 125-135. Somewhere that will make me healthy and feel good about myself. Now just to get myself to actually do it...

I really just need a good kick in the *kitten* and I think that will help tremendously. Here's to my journey of self-realization [of potential] and my commitment to changing my lifestyle.


  • amy0011
    amy0011 Posts: 7 Member
    Hello! My name is amy and I can relate. I am 4'11 and am currently working on a healthier lifestyle too...you can do this! :)
  • kscarf1
    kscarf1 Posts: 33 Member
    Hi Lucina! I'm Karen and my story is very similar to yours. When I started living healthier two months ago, my BMI was 41 and I was 246 pounds (I'm 5'5"). I am the only woman in three generations of my family who doesn't have diabetes, and I plan on keeping it that way. I suffer from several other medical conditions, but they are all unrelated to my weight and under control with medication. I am trying to lose 100 pounds, maybe a little more, and keep living a healthy lifestyle for the rest of my life. In two months I've lost 25 pounds and I am feeling so much better. I love MFP and I am on every day, providing support to my MFP friends and tracking everything I eat, drink, and do. MFP has been incredibly helpful for me and I hope it is for you too. Please feel free to add me as a friend if you'd like. Best of luck to you! You can do this!
  • Karen_can_do_this
    Karen_can_do_this Posts: 1,150 Member
    Wowee, I feel like I could be reading my story! I'm 5'1 32 and my was in the obese section. I've finally managed to get it to overweight!!!! Hooray lol.

    Anyway. I'm finding that I'm gaining self confidence from lifting weights at the gym. The more I do for myself and my health the better I feel inside. The better I feel inside, the better I am looking after the outside. Huh life sure is strange.

    Trust me guys, if i can do this so can you!!
  • LucinaWinters
    LucinaWinters Posts: 3 Member
    amy0011 wrote: »
    Hello! My name is amy and I can relate. I am 4'11 and am currently working on a healthier lifestyle too...you can do this! :)

    Thanks! I know we can all do it with a little discipline and dedication!
    kscarf1 wrote: »
    Hi Lucina! I'm Karen and my story is very similar to yours. When I started living healthier two months ago, my BMI was 41 and I was 246 pounds (I'm 5'5"). I am the only woman in three generations of my family who doesn't have diabetes, and I plan on keeping it that way. I suffer from several other medical conditions, but they are all unrelated to my weight and under control with medication. I am trying to lose 100 pounds, maybe a little more, and keep living a healthy lifestyle for the rest of my life. In two months I've lost 25 pounds and I am feeling so much better. I love MFP and I am on every day, providing support to my MFP friends and tracking everything I eat, drink, and do. MFP has been incredibly helpful for me and I hope it is for you too. Please feel free to add me as a friend if you'd like. Best of luck to you! You can do this!

    That's really awesome Karen. Keep up your good work, I hope I can keep some good progress in the next few months myself. Most of my physical limitation comes from the few bike accidents I've been in, but I think with some weight off, my joints should naturally get to a better state. It's good to know MFP has such an active and positive community. Let's hope MFP is the help I needed to finally do this! I'll be sure to add you. :)
    mrsfitzyv8 wrote: »
    Wowee, I feel like I could be reading my story! I'm 5'1 32 and my was in the obese section. I've finally managed to get it to overweight!!!! Hooray lol.

    Anyway. I'm finding that I'm gaining self confidence from lifting weights at the gym. The more I do for myself and my health the better I feel inside. The better I feel inside, the better I am looking after the outside. Huh life sure is strange.

    Trust me guys, if i can do this so can you!!

    It's good to know I'm not alone on this. I was pretty upset to find out I finally bounced into the "obese" section, but I know this doesn't have to be forever. That's really awesome! I think we can all do it, just need the motivation, discipline, and dedication. It's my turn this time, and I plan to keep going until I make it. :blush: