Last 10 pounds

Finding it so so hard to stay motivated and loose this last 10lbs. I am running in a half marathon in September (I'm up to 9 miles according to my weekly plan : know I have plenty of time) but I just am not eating like I should be. I'm not gaining but I'm not loosing either. In January I stated at 204 at 5'2'' and I'm down to 168-169lbs. My goal weight is 160 and I know for my height that is still over weight but I feel so amazingly better, I don't want to be unrealistic with a weight goal. Any advice!!!, also doesn't help I recently started working 3rd shift :/


  • nishatay
    nishatay Posts: 67 Member
    Maybe increase your protein and decrease your carb intake.
  • melissaf0405
    melissaf0405 Posts: 67 Member
    I think the last 10 lbs are the hardest! Don't get discouraged you've proven you can do this you've already lost more than 15% of your total body weight which is amazing. Keep tracking and don't give up you've come this far now finish it :smile:
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    Are you actually trying to lose the weight and you aren't? Or you need motivation? I'm confused.

    If you're trying and you aren't losing, tighten up your logging. Make sure you're weighing all food and not leaving anything out of your diary.

    If you need motivation: Go. Do the thing.
  • meraki78
    meraki78 Posts: 43 Member
    I think the last 10 lbs are the hardest! Don't get discouraged you've proven you can do this you've already lost more than 15% of your total body weight which is amazing. Keep tracking and don't give up you've come this far now finish it :smile:

    Thank you!!!:)
  • sbostonRN
    sbostonRN Posts: 14 Member
    Mix up your food intake. Try not to eat the same things every day, or the same amount of calories every day. One day, eat 1400 and the next 1600. I find that my body gets too comfortable eating the same things or the same number of calories so when I switch it up and eat MORE, I actually lose more.

    I am also 5'2", have a similar starting weight and run half marathons :) Oh, and I'm a nurse too. I just switched from evenings to day shift and am finding it so much harder to stay on track! Third shift is hard because I get very snacky at night. For those times, bring lots of snacks so you always have a healthy snack whether you're craving salty or sweet or crunchy, and don't go to the vending machine!