Gym VS. working out at home

Hey everyone! I was wondering if you could give me some input on getting a gym membership. Do you feel that going to the gym helped with motivation? Pros and cons would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance!


  • DuckReconMajor
    DuckReconMajor Posts: 434 Member
    I personally knew I could never stick to a workout I had to drive to get to. I used to run in the morning but even then the prep to get suited up would take longer then I'd liked, especially in winter. Then I started doing P90x3, which I could just wake up and do in my underwear, and I've stuck to that for more than 4 months now.
  • worstcaster
    worstcaster Posts: 217 Member
    I don't have a gym near me, so I work out at home. The gym gives you a lot of different work out options. What you need to figure out is how convenient is will be for you to go to the gym and if you would go regularly.
  • DoreenaV1975
    DoreenaV1975 Posts: 567 Member
    I feel self conscious at the gym but go because they have different equipment to use than what I have at home. But I mostly work out at home on my elliptical and using my Wii. My gym membership is only $10 a month so I don't mind paying for it for when I feel the urge to go. Working out at home also saves on gas and time.
  • CandaceTaylor2014
    CandaceTaylor2014 Posts: 12 Member
    Thanks for the replies! I appreciate the feedback. I think with my job it is going to be difficult to get to a gym on most days. I am a nurse and I don't always get off when I am supposed to
  • kali31337
    kali31337 Posts: 1,048 Member
    If I had an elliptical, I would do my cardio at home but I love to lift so I definitely would still need to go
  • SignpostPsycho
    SignpostPsycho Posts: 40 Member
    I have done both and will probably continue to do both. For working out at a gym:

    PRO: wider variety of equipment and programs to suit your needs without cluttering up your home
    (un)conscious competition with other members makes you push yourself harder
    Psychological association of the gym with working out, making your home a place to relax (like how you aren't
    supposed to have a desk in your bedroom)
    No kids

    CON: Membership cost, gas cost
    can be time consuming, depending on travel time
    Self-consciousness/public embarrassment
    Open 24 hours
    Other people being dumb *kitten*

  • LaurenAOK
    LaurenAOK Posts: 2,475 Member
    It's all about personal preference! I used to be way too self conscious to go to the gym, so I chose to work out at home. I really wanted to start lifting though after seeing some awesome transformations here on MFP, so I forced myself to give the gym a chance. I had to ease myself into it - the first couple times I just jogged on the treadmill and observed others until I felt comfortable enough to try the weights and machines myself.

    Now I'm pretty much a gym addict and going to the gym is way more motivating for me than working out at home ever was. The environment of fitness keeps me focused and I look forward to it every time I go. Also the fact that I know I'm paying for it means I'd better keep using it :p
  • Kandy4mel
    Kandy4mel Posts: 95 Member
    I chose to workout at home because of not being able to afford a monthly gym membership. However, I prefer working out at home. The only reason I am trying to figure a gym membership into my budget is for water aerobics. Personal preference really.
  • CandaceTaylor2014
    CandaceTaylor2014 Posts: 12 Member
    Thanks for all the comments!
  • Lounmoun
    Lounmoun Posts: 8,423 Member
    No gym near here. I work out at home.
    Honestly, if I thought of a gym as the place I would get my exercise it would never happen. I would find something more important because I am lazy. Since I exercise at home it is hard to make excuses. 30 minutes isn't hard to fit in with no commute. I walk, do workout dvd's or videos off of you tube.
    So do the thing that you will stick with and is most convenient. If you aren't sure maybe wait on a gym or see if they have a trial membership.
  • 04hoopsgal73
    04hoopsgal73 Posts: 890 Member
    I do both. I enjoy and want the environment of others exercising. I also enjoy doing a 'Jillian" when there's 12" of snow in my driveway. A membership gives me access to more strength training equipment and cardio machines.
    So a few days with a membership and a few days on my own works well. .....

    At home I have a good mat, use my own body for resistance, a treadmill, outdoor bicycle, the ability to walk outdoors, Strength Bands, Physio Ball, ankle weights, dumbbells, DVDs-YouTube-Free on Demand Programs. I'd like to have even more of a home fitness area but need to consider others I live with.
  • racheln2017
    racheln2017 Posts: 45 Member
    I have a gym membership, but I started out at home. It was more of a motivation thing, I felt if I couldn't even do anything at the gym I'd be too embarrassed to keep going. So I built up my endurance a bit, and then went to the gym.
  • CandaceTaylor2014
    CandaceTaylor2014 Posts: 12 Member
    Gym memberships are few and far between where I live as well!
  • CandaceTaylor2014
    CandaceTaylor2014 Posts: 12 Member
    Thanks everyone again! I can't believe how supportive and helpful everyone is here. I really appreciate it :)
  • ohmscheeks
    ohmscheeks Posts: 840 Member
    It would take a super amazing and super cheap gym to get me to give up the convenience of exercising at home. Not having to go anywhere... Nor having to do all the prep of going to a public place... Convenience :)
  • newfutures
    newfutures Posts: 113 Member
    I used to have a gym membership but found myself spending a lot of money while I stuck to just a handful of activities I liked. Now I work out at home. I picked up a USED spinn bike and several spinn dvds. a palates dvd and an elliptical. (not all at once of course) With those items and a small set of free weights I actually get a better work out. I don't have the pressure and insecurities I had when I went to the gym allowing me to work longer, harder and I enjoy it more.
  • CandaceTaylor2014
    CandaceTaylor2014 Posts: 12 Member
    I totally understand! Since we are limited on gyms here in my area they can pretty much charge what they want :(
  • SillyCat1975
    SillyCat1975 Posts: 328 Member
    When I had a membership before I would make myself drive there and once I was there then I would make myself go in. I was always glad when I finished. I hate however going to the gym now. I prefer to walk/run around the neighborhood as things are always changing outdoors. You meet new people and have an awesome support system to cheer you on. That's here where I live at.. Of course, you will meet an occasional *kitten*.
  • MonkeyMel21
    MonkeyMel21 Posts: 2,396 Member
    I hate working out at home and will use any excuse to not work out or to not spend as much time working out if I'm at home. Being at the gym motivates me to use the time that I have to do the best that I can. I go to the gym in the morning before work and it's literally two blocks from my office, so I have to drive there anyway. On the weekends I'll sometimes run 3 miles around the neighborhood but more often I go to the other gym near my house that I can put my son in daycare for 2 hours. I love them gym. Home is for relaxing for me, unless I just want to go for a run.
  • GlassslippersAndFairyDust
    GlassslippersAndFairyDust Posts: 518 Member
    edited July 2015
    I had a gym membership for two years then I bought a power rack, an oly bar, weight plates and an elliptical. I would never go back to a gym. I love working out at home. No one else's sweaty body on my equipment, no one staring at me like I don't belong, no more fees, no more drives to get to the gym. I can work out naked if I want and often do! :p