Help needed - Apply within

Hi Everyone
I got married on June 6th 2015 and spent a whole year before that dieting ridgedly, however since then, Call it contentment but Ive done nothing but eat & eat & eat and then eat a bit more.... So the fact is, I now need help to get back on track, get my confident, fit and trim pre wedding body & mind back. Now I know I can with the right kind of kick up the backside I can turn things around!!....I know this isn't a deep and profound introduction but I'm honest and mean business!! I'm also funny (when on form), supportIve, caring and a bloody good friend so am more than capable of returning the favour to anyone else that may have lost there way. Thanks for listening and hope to get to know you all a bit better.
x Trish x


  • melholmes80
    melholmes80 Posts: 36 Member
    Hi Trish, congrats on your wedding! I did exactly the same thing, just took me longer to realize it. I lots 35lbs pre-wedding in 2009, looked super awesome in my pictures, then got pregnant 6 weeks later and I went from my smallest to my biggest in one year. I got content (aka lazy) and managed to put on 70lbs. In February 2015 I started watching what I eat, in April I started walking and running. I began this journey back to my pre wedding self at 230lbs, I'm already down to 191, with another 21 to go. My wedding dress in hanging in my closet waiting for me. Feel free to add me, I'm happy to be the supportive, caring ear you need. Mel
  • CandaceTaylor2014
    CandaceTaylor2014 Posts: 12 Member
    I too have a similar story. I have been pretty fit most of my life. I was very athletic in elementary and high school. Even after high school, I still stayed a good weight. Now I am 27 and I got married about a year ago. Since then I have put on about 15 pounds. I know that doesn't sound like a lot but I am only 4'11". Every pound I put on looks like 5 pounds. I am just starting this journey as well. Feel free to add me and good luck with your journey!