Best ways you've lost weight?

I'm 19 years old and am at 87kg and 5ft3 with a bigger bust area(hard to do certain types of cardio)
Are there any ways that you feel have really helped you lose weight? Whether it's certain workouts or foods or drinks?

I am currently struggling to build up my fitness as well as lose weight.


  • hislittlelights
    hislittlelights Posts: 21 Member
    Log faithfully; drink plenty of water, and begin walking, gradually lengthening the distance as you get more fit. And I'm about 60 lbs. down from a year ago. 5' 1" was 218 when I started (a few lbs. lost before discovering MFP) and I am now about 157!
  • allaboutthefood
    allaboutthefood Posts: 781 Member
    I'm down 42 lbs in just a little over 4 months, still have a long way to go, but getting there, what has helped me is eating in a deficit, exercise, walking and I also lowered my carbs to 100 oh and I drink lots of water, helps me feel full for longer, good luck on your journey
  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,626 Member
    edited July 2015
    I've tried a million things. As long as it fits into my overall plan, I'm game. It's fun.

    The most helpful things for me are eating a healthy diet and doing some exercise. That's not meant to sound mean. It's just true. The rest of it is just for fun. :) (I never tried wearing high heels or those shoes where the soles roll, but I've tried a lot of dumb stuff.)
  • DawnieB1977
    DawnieB1977 Posts: 4,248 Member
    I know everyone says exercise is not for weight loss, it's just for health, but for me it's exercise that makes the biggest difference to weight loss. Strength training has helped a lot too as it seems to help change my body shape, whereas cardio alone just makes me smaller. I've had 3 children so this is the third time I'm losing weight, so I've had lots of practise lol.

    What I learnt about a year into losing weight after my 2nd baby was that I didn't need to restrict calories to 1200. I exercise a lot and I'm very active, so there's no need to keep calories so low.

    I have also learnt that you can fit little treats into your daily calories, so long as you're at a deficit. If I want an ice-cream while I'm on the seafront with my kids, I'll have one, so long as I'm not over my daily calories. It's taken me a long time to learn this!

    You're welcome to look at my diary by the way. I aim for high protein every day, lots of chicken, tuna, ham etc. I eat eggs for breakfast most days as it keeps me more full.
  • eduardflow23
    eduardflow23 Posts: 1 Member
    I can guarantee you will lose weight with insanity workout
  • elphie754
    elphie754 Posts: 7,574 Member
    I can guarantee you will lose weight with insanity workout

    Uh no. If they are not in a calorie deficit they will not lose weight.
  • middlehaitch
    middlehaitch Posts: 8,487 Member
    Things that have helped me-

    Buying and using a food scale so I know I am eating at a deficit.
    Having a chocolate every night.
    Having a glass of wine most days.
    Finding exercises I like.

    Cheers, h.
  • smotheredincheese
    smotheredincheese Posts: 559 Member
    I can guarantee you will lose weight with insanity workout

    I did the insanity workout. Did not lose any weight. I got fitter, but didn't change my diet at all (if anything I ate more) so my size and shape did not change.
  • lucyholdcroft363
    lucyholdcroft363 Posts: 124 Member
    I eat less than I burn. I walk a lot in my day and rarely take the car- which is lovely in this weather if you remember sunscreen! I also cycle a lot though you may need a sports bra for that if you've got a large bust. I increased my protein dramatically and it helped me feel satiated. I also didn't cut down a great deal, my deficit is 500 and I eat 2000 calories per day. I feel good, I lose enough and I'm seeing results! It really is just as simple as CICO.
  • JoRumbles
    JoRumbles Posts: 262 Member
    I enjoy good food and wine, they are important aspects of my life...but they make me fat! So, what has helped me is eating at a sizable deficit 4 or 5 days a week (1,200cals, don't eat back excercise cals) and then eating enjoying a big dinner with wine on the other days- I still eat light at breakfast and lunch those days AND exercise but my dinner mght be 800cals, plus wine which might be another 400.

    I seem to be getting away with it.

    I'm trying low carb at the moment and liking that a lot becuase cutting out the 300cals of carbs at lunch and dinner and replacing with maybe 40cals of veg means I automatically eat at a deficit and the fat and protein keep me full. Plus fat adds a lot of taste. So dinners like steak with broccoli and kale.
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    eat at a calorie defecit across the week

    everything else is bubkis

    loving the wiki definition
  • Soopatt
    Soopatt Posts: 563 Member
    edited July 2015
    Tracking everything via a digital scale gives you more freedom. It might sound like it does not - if you are one of those people that are somehow horrified by the idea of holding yourself completely accountable - but it really is freedom when you embrace it as there are no surprises. There is ALWAYS weight loss each week and each month (water and hormones aside), no holding your breath and wondering.

    I fit in pizza, burgers, chocolate, whatever, when I need it, I just have to shuffle around the calories on that day or "save up" for them.

    I am hungry quite a bit (I even made a thread about it!) but it is not keel-over-gonna-kill-me hunger and I am fine with it and see it as part of the process. I could eat more veggies and be less hungry, but stuff that! I want to eat the junk! For me, that is what makes this sustainable. I eat at 1200 but I am a lot older and am prepared to put up with that to get results, you will probably have a lot more leeway.
  • dawniemate
    dawniemate Posts: 395 Member
    sluh wrote: »
    I'm 19 years old and am at 87kg and 5ft3 with a bigger bust area(hard to do certain types of cardio)
    Are there any ways that you feel have really helped you lose weight? Whether it's certain workouts or foods or drinks?

    I am currently struggling to build up my fitness as well as lose weight.

    Invest in a decent sports bra!! :wink:
  • callsitlikeiseeit
    callsitlikeiseeit Posts: 8,627 Member
    eating less. moving more.
  • FoxyLifter
    FoxyLifter Posts: 965 Member
    Food scale!!
  • PeachyCarol
    PeachyCarol Posts: 8,029 Member
    eating less. moving more.


  • PaulSantoro
    PaulSantoro Posts: 1 Member
    edited July 2015
    Follow 80 10 10. It works. You get so much more energy, you want to do things. Even going for a walk or just ride a bike, great for cardio, coupled with 80/10/10, you're body will drop it's fat because to your body, your fat is no longer needed for storage of energy because you're getting plenty of energy and nutrients eating 80/10/10. My stomach is now flat and looking forward to seeing some abs.
  • PeachyCarol
    PeachyCarol Posts: 8,029 Member
    Follow 80 10 10. It works. You get so much more energy, you want to do things. Even going for a walk or just ride a bike, great for cardio, coupled with 80/10/10, you're body will drop it's fat because to your body, your fat is no longer needed for storage of energy because you're getting plenty of energy and nutrients eating 80/10/10. My stomach is now flat and looking forward to seeing some abs.

    Oh dear.

  • BoxerBrawler
    BoxerBrawler Posts: 2,032 Member
    Replacing most of my foods with raw veggies, tons of water, healthy fats and lean protein.
    Cardio and lifting seven days a week.
    MMA <--- this was huge for me as far as after weight loss/body conditioning
    Dance :smile:
    Eating at a highly restricted caloric deficit
    Keeping things simple