Ive been trying for years & i just cant do it

my dad bullies me for being fat , & i all that i think about suring the day is how fat i probably look in that very moment . my doctors have warned me for gaining all of this weight . i dont know what to do because i cant go to the gym because people i know would be there & make fun of me , & same goes for running in my neighborhood & such . im in a never ending cycle of hating myself for being so fat , & overeating to deal with the grief . im just helpless & i dont know where to go from here ...


    KANGOOJUMPS Posts: 6,474 Member
    you can do this,everyone has to start off somewhere,, no one makes fun of you,,, you are out doing this, and making it better, go, and do this!
  • Kylandme
    Kylandme Posts: 42 Member
    i just started after my weight loss got out of hand and turned to anorexia then it turned to binge eating. I feel fat. I gained 20 lb... today I started exercising again... so if u start with baby steps like example going for a walk and tracking your food, you will get to ur goal :) take it one day at a time and keep motivated.
  • abandonedloveforfat
    abandonedloveforfat Posts: 12 Member
    @Kylandme i did start doing walking & logging my food . it didnt take longer for me to give up on that as well
  • Valeriablu
    Valeriablu Posts: 3 Member
    If you do not feel like going to the gym it's OK, just get a nice set of DVDs and exercise home. I am doing P90X in the privacy of my living room :) or you could look for turbofire.
  • Kylandme
    Kylandme Posts: 42 Member
    never give up on yourself... just put yourself first. don't think of others... think of your goal...
  • Soopatt
    Soopatt Posts: 563 Member
    You have to take full accountability. You are the only one who can change your life. Consider every nasty remark a dare. Be motivated by dares! For everyone that thinks you can't, think of the pleasure of wiping the smug smile off their faces when you prove them wrong. Picture them apologizing to you down the line, surprised by your progress. View the success threads here for inspiration, but find your real inspiration from within. If you need others to police you, you won't be able to make it.

    The bigger you start off - the more inspiring your before and after photos! Don't let anyone stop you from doing anything. No matter what they say to your face, people are impressed by heavy people at the gym. That takes real guts. Show everyone what you are made of by exercising without apology. Think about it, the only reason you don't want to is because a part of you thinks you are going to give up and then you will look stupid later - if you take away the option of failiure, there will not be a later to be embarrassed by, only success :)

    Good luck. No excuses, no looking back. No issue with small failures.
  • trinatrina1984
    trinatrina1984 Posts: 1,018 Member
    Firstly are you in a position to be able to move out and away from your dad? it doesn't sound as though you are in a very healthy environment mentally or physically.

    You don't have to exercise to lose weight - you just need to get your diet right. When you have tried in the past have you set yourself unrealistic goals, like setting your calorie goal too low?

    I would start off with setting some realistic goals, reading some of the stickied posts which have a tone of useful info and just taking it a day at a time.

    What are your stats?
  • abandonedloveforfat
    abandonedloveforfat Posts: 12 Member
    @trinatrina1984 what do you mean by stats ? & no i cannot move out
  • trinatrina1984
    trinatrina1984 Posts: 1,018 Member
    How tall are you how much do you weigh? what is your calorie goal currently set to?
  • bladebiker
    bladebiker Posts: 133 Member
    I was in exactly the same position as you once, I know how you are feeling but there is an answer, you can do this, just bit by bit a little more each day, you need to really try to box these negative comments off again it's difficult but you can do this I promise you, I was picked on by a family member and even punched and kicked, but I got through, lost my weight, and then I fought back one day and it never happened again.
    You're in a vicious circle, but you can get out of it, have faith in yourself.
  • sarthak523
    sarthak523 Posts: 45 Member
    Hey... Dont break down.. Come on..

    Every one has to start somewhere.. Fitness models werent born carved into stone, and many bodybuilders were skinny to start with..

    The fact that matters is you persevere and take matters into your own hands ,and take steps accordingly..

    It takes time to get fit , so if anyone makes fun of you , don't worry, there will be plenty supportive people in the gym.. Just sign up and keep going.. It's your journey and your's alone.. Others can walk it with you, but they can't walk it "for" you.. YOU HAVE TO START AND BE UNDETERRED...

    All the best , and if you need support, feel free to add me..
  • Ninkyou
    Ninkyou Posts: 6,666 Member
    I know this is going to sound harsh, but, you need to get over the pity party. You can't keep feeling sorry for yourself or wish it away. You need to have the determination and will to do whatever it takes to make yourself happy. If that includes weight loss, then do it.

    The good news is you're already a member of MFP. All you have to do is start by logging everything you eat into the food diary function. Try to hit your goal everyday. Consider investing in a food scale to weigh your portions and to log more accurately. As long as you're hitting your goal, regardless of exercise, you will lose weight. It's science.

    As for people's comments, ignore it. Don't let what other people think deter you from the things you want in life.

    Also, read this:
  • bridgetcarroll7
    bridgetcarroll7 Posts: 1 Member
    Don't get discouraged! After knee surgery last year, I gained 20 pounds due to inactivity. Baby steps. There are lots of really great work out apps that you can do at home. I'm not ready for the gym either, but I work out at home. Make sure you are eating right, and Nevermind the haters. You have to feel good for you.
  • galprincess
    galprincess Posts: 683 Member
    Firstly you absolutely can do this. I'm 30 mum of 3 I had 2 ivfs and 3 natural births and I did it and am doing it just find what works for you.
  • Heulitt26
    Heulitt26 Posts: 14 Member
    You have already taken the first step and logged into MFP and asked for help! Two amazing things you did right! YOU ARE MAKING SMALL STEPS FOR YOU ALREADY! Losing motivation is one of the biggest problems most people face when working out and trying to reach their goals and get where they want to be - you just need to dig deep down and find out WHY! Why do you want to get to that goal and it needs to be something you STRIVE for everyday to not back down and overeat or not workout or let that push of negativity break down your walls!! TRUST ME. There will always be someone, somewhere that needs to say something against what you will be doing or what you want to do with your life! It hurts the most from people we love, but it is going to happen.

    Take that negativity and turn it into fire you can fight with! Put that power to use and do what you want to do with your life! FOR YOU! You can do it! Close off your mind to that bad influence and come to realize you are beautiful and if you feel your outside doesn't match your inside than take the right steps towards changing it.
  • bionicrooster
    bionicrooster Posts: 353 Member
    make contacts here on MFP, people who understand exactly what you are going through. And then use those people for support and motivation! You can do it. Feel free to add me if you'd like!
  • deepblue21
    deepblue21 Posts: 6 Member
    You should not worry about what other people think. It's about you and your health. Set yourself a target each week on here and achieve it ( or close to it). Go for moderate exercise, walking for 30 minutes each day. You will soon see the results and so will everybody else. There are plenty of people on here you can link up with to keep you motivated and on track.
  • lxsaps
    lxsaps Posts: 181 Member
    Sorry to hear about the bullying. Use YouTube for work outs, find a few that you can do, then add to them over time with new ones.
    Also, I like to set my alarm on my phone that go off every few hours to remind me to keep fighting. It will literally make a bunch of noise and flash across the screen of my phone "KEEP FIGHTING" in big bold letters.

    You can add me if you want more tips on what I do or just support in general.
  • FatFreeFrolicking
    FatFreeFrolicking Posts: 4,252 Member
    edited July 2015
    Seeing people at the gym or people seeing you working out in your neighborhood SHOULD NOT hold you back from going to the gym or walking in your neighborhood.

    It sounds like you have serious underlying psychological issues that need to be addressed by a professional before you should try losing weight.
  • misskitty2018
    misskitty2018 Posts: 68 Member
    put one foot in front of the other and remain positive for your own mental state of mind! you have to find that place inside where you want to do this. You did not gain this overnight and it will not be lost overnight...take it day by day and I will be here for you along with all of these new friends.