so fusterated

I am fusterated and hope someone can help I been working out 4 to 5 time a week I cut back on the sugar sodas and fast food I'm preparing all my meals watching my calories and portion size and I have lost nothing in the past I did this and lost 50 lbs even 30 a time before that Idk know what to do I want to give up :(


  • Ialwayswin01
    Ialwayswin01 Posts: 3 Member
    Don't give up! :) possibly ask your doctor?
  • RodaRose
    RodaRose Posts: 9,562 Member
    You will lose the weight. Do you have a scale that you use to weigh the food you log?
  • runner1234b
    runner1234b Posts: 13 Member
    Stress and anxiety often lead to holding unwanted weight. Stop thinking about it and start go with if you feel good then you will start to look good. Your skin wil see it.
  • pattyserenity
    pattyserenity Posts: 21 Member
    Thank you all means a lot and really good answers no I don't have a food scale I been hearing lots about one I will invest in one soon, and I have a doctors appointment on Monday I can't wait I have questions for him, yes I tend to stress alot over my weight and I am still in ups and downs of my Anxiety :( did not realize this can be an issue really ready to be healthy current weight 261 I'm 5"7
  • Dagoob
    Dagoob Posts: 33 Member
    What kind of work outs are you doing? I used to kill myself on the machines and then learned if I add in weights, slow down the machines and alter my workouts they become more effective.... Just my $.02....
  • amdawells
    amdawells Posts: 76 Member
    edited July 2015
    Dagoob wrote: »
    What kind of work outs are you doing? I used to kill myself on the machines and then learned if I add in weights, slow down the machines and alter my workouts they become more effective.... Just my $.02....

    I was wondering the same thing. Depending on how much you work out & what your calorie deficit is makes a difference.
    Make sure to weigh your dry ingredients if you want to be completely accurate. Some folks just "eye" it & go on, others are to the "T" when they measure their food intake. Keep in mind that measuring accurately can make a difference of 100-200 calories in one day. Everyone is different & it really is up to you, ultimately, with what works best for you.
    Keep your chin up my dear, you are making a positive change for your health & that's a wonderful thing! I know it's frustrating not to see an immediate change, but do your best to stick with it & I promise you that you will start to see a difference. Take your measurements & record them every two weeks. You may not see a change in your scale, but you will with your measurements. It may be slow at first ... but slow & steady wins the race!
  • stm712015
    stm712015 Posts: 138 Member
    Hi Patty. I feel for you. It's hard to stay motivated and disciplined when the scale isn't moving. I've been a yo-yo dieter my whole life and have lost a lot of weight over and over again. My struggle is more about keeping the weight off because I get to my goal and then relax and ease up on the discipline. I completely understand the anxiety thing because I deal with that a lot too.

    Here's how I lose weight. Maybe it can help you?
    I measure everything - exactly - no fudging. I write every little thing that goes into my mouth and log the calories as accurately as possible. I watch for hidden calories (for instance, that 1 tps. of olive oil I might use to cook my egg, or the tiny bit of powder I use to flavor my water).
    I plan and prepare meals ahead of time and log them into my daily food chart in the morning so I know what I can have for the day.
    I document my exercise minutes and am realistic about how much I'm really pushing myself and for how many minutes. I exercise 5 days/wk so I can take a couple days off and let my muscles recover as well as not get burnt out.
    I drink my water (not something that comes naturally to me).
    I get enough sleep (also something that is hard for me when I'm dieting for some reason).
    I only weigh in once a week (I get obsessive otherwise, and the fluctuations in water weight can do a number on my psyche).
    I make small and long term goals that I track on a calendar so I can rejoice in the little losses as well as the big ones in order to stay motivated. With each goal I have a non-food reward planned.

    I'm cheering you on! You can do this!

  • pattyserenity
    pattyserenity Posts: 21 Member
    Dagoob wrote: »
    What kind of work outs are you doing? I used to kill myself on the machines and then learned if I add in weights, slow down the machines and alter my workouts they become more effective.... Just my $.02....

    I'm walking of the treadmill for 30 minutes I use my kettlebell to do squats and using my stair climber.
  • pattyserenity
    pattyserenity Posts: 21 Member
    Thanks I really better :)