Healthy breakfast and lunch meal ideas?

LucinaWinters Posts: 3 Member
edited June 2015 in Recipes
I'm noticing as a trend that I seem to eat the worst for breakfast. I know I've been eating the wrong kind of yogurts, so that doesn't help. Besides egg whites, what are some other good breakfast meals? Are there good yogurts that aren't Chobani (can't stand the stuff)? I think it would help tremendously if I got some better ideas instead of just cereals for breakfast.

I'm also open to hearing some lunch ideas, since I tend to have a hard time making items that aren't something you can just throw in the oven. I've been cutting through some old food network magazines from my boyfriend's mother, but a lot of them I'm unsure how "healthy" they actually are.

This will help with my meal planning and in turn will help me reach my goal faster.

Thank you to anyone who helps!


  • NualaTW
    NualaTW Posts: 205 Member
    One thing I just did was invested in a mini-crockpot (2 servings). I found some really good recipes for crockpots and shrunk them down to 2 serving sizes for the mini pot. Now on Sundays I let something cook all day for Monday-Tuesday lunches and then on Tuesday while at work, let something cook for Wed-Thursday lunches. Most of them clock in under 350-500 cals.

    For breakfast I like to eat burritos made with corn tortillas, egg whites, guacamole and green salsa. Two of these are pretty filling and easy to make.

    If you like yogurt for breakfast, I like to mix plain low-fat Fage yogurt with fresh fruit and chopped nuts with a drizzle of agave or honey. Way better than the pre-flavored yogurts.
  • jessibabi07
    jessibabi07 Posts: 1 Member
    edited July 2015
    For breakfast I usually eat oatmeal, granola bars, protein bars, or 100% whole wheat mini bagels with low fat cream cheese. I usually alternate..just whatever I'm in the mood for. Also, Greek yogurt is the best and most healthy.
  • JustME1611
    JustME1611 Posts: 112 Member
    Nutrigrain waffles with peanut butter is one of my favorites for breakfast.
  • Annie_01
    Annie_01 Posts: 3,096 Member
    I have peanut butter and banana sandwiches for breakfast...a lot. Sometimes a bacon and egg sandwich.

    For lunch I just eat leftovers from dinner the night before.

    I bought these little plastic divided containers that is just big enough to hold a protein and 2 servings of vegetables. I try to keep a few of these made up in the refrigerator.
  • Patttience
    Patttience Posts: 975 Member
    Firstly i just need to point out that throwing out half your egg is not smart and not especially healthy. Basically its misguided.

    Secondly, breakfast, try the best wholegrain bread you can find, spread with cottage cheese into which you've put in chopped tomato. This is yummy. Black pepper on top.

    I love fried tomato and in fact any combination of fried vegies and an egg on toast.

    For lunch, i've just stated making vegetarian style rissoles. You can cook these ahead of time and eat them cold for lunch. These brown lentil rissoles/burgers were fantastic and easy to make and might i add super healthy!

    posted on my facebook page and on my feed here.
    My delicious not-quite-vegan lentils rissoles/burgers. I'm sure these would work without the egg too. I'm eating as I write because I'm so excited about them. smile emoticon
    1 cup cooked brown lentils
    1 medium onion, chopped
    1 clove garlic, chopped
    2 or more tbsp of pumpkin/sunflower seeds or nuts
    1 egg
    salt a good dash and ground black pepper
    dried oregano or other herbs/spices to suit
    wholemeal flour or breadcrumbs - about 2/3 cup
    oil for frying
    Put lentils, onion, garlic and seeds into the food process and blitz till pretty well mushed. Tip into a mixing bowl. Add the lightly beaten egg, salt, pepper, oregano and mix thoroughly. Add in flour and mix through. Mix shouldn't be too wet or dry. A bet wet is fine. Drop spoon sized dollops into a bowl of flour, coat and roll into a ball. Heat oil in a heavy based pan. Drop in the rissoles, flatten with an egg flip and fry each side till its dark brown. If the amount of salt is right, you can enjoy these without sauce. Serve with salad or in place of felafel in a wrap. Garlic yoghurt should make a yummy dipping sauce.

  • barbarafeeheley
    barbarafeeheley Posts: 1 Member
    edited July 2015
    A lunch I love is;
    a tomato, cut up
    watermelon,1 cup
    1 avocado,cut up
    2 tbls. feta cheese
    mix it altogether. It is great fresh then or later after it sits in the frig.
    along with 12 rice crackers.
  • yarisbeth1
    yarisbeth1 Posts: 7 Member
    Try substituting meat with Morning Star products, which are vegetarian. For breakfast, I'll have two pieces of "bacon" and some toast. The calorie count is always lower with these products than if you ate meat.
  • Nuke_64
    Nuke_64 Posts: 406 Member
    Fage yogurt tastes a lot better than Chobani.

    For me

    Breakfast-Cottage cheese and piece of fruit
    Lunch-Big salad with olives, turkey pepperoni, chicken or turkey, and Bolthouse yogurt dressing
  • 3AAnn3
    3AAnn3 Posts: 3,054 Member
    For breakfast, my go-tos are :
    Protein pancakes with some no cal syrup
    Cottege cheese with some type of fruit diced up and mixed in
    Greek Yogurt with honey or syrup and frozen berries
    Omelet - with lots of diced up vegetables - I like peppers, zucchini, mushrooms and turkey bacon if you like
    Smoothie with protein powder and maybe some berries or other fruit you like and whatever type milk you like
    French toast with some lower cal/carb bread
    Coconut muffins - high in protein and fiber

    Protein helps me feel full much longer and be more satisfied.
  • michaelafoor916
    michaelafoor916 Posts: 710 Member
    look up oatmeal jars... you can basically tailor them to whatever you like and they are around 300 calories and VERY filling. I rarely finish all of mine when I get to work at 8am and I'm not hungry at all until lunchtime
  • 3AAnn3
    3AAnn3 Posts: 3,054 Member
    For lunch, I think stir-fry is great. You can cook a bunch of rice in the beginning of the week and stir-fry up a ton of vegetables - fresh or frozen - with chicken or beef or eggs. You can even prepare that in advance if you only want to do it once. You could prepare it all the same, or mix it up by getting different flavored sauces and putting those on in the end before you're ready to eat. They're really easy to take on the go.
  • majigurl
    majigurl Posts: 660 Member
    Tuna mix on Cucumbers for lunch! get some tuna, some mayo with some paprika and other spices you might like and put on cucumber slices! I also add some almonds on the side and a baby bell cheese! It's prob. my fav. EASY lunch
    Breakfast I always have greek yogurt. Usually iogo fruit on the bottom. I like it. I will also have a fruit with it. I'm really into yellow kiwi right now! I don't like regular kiwi lol

    my other lunches I often take to work is a boiled egg, some cheese, a fruit and or veggies cut up. It might sound boring, but I try and eat as clean and raw as possible. I HATED it first. But now I can't get enough.

    Always make sure to get protein in if you work out a lot. I have protein for almost all my meals/snacks! :)

  • MyFullName
    MyFullName Posts: 5 Member
    I buy frozen packages of steel-cut oatmeal from Trader Joe's-- steel-cut is the heartiest, with least amount of added sugars and other crap that will make you crash 45 minutes later. It gets microwaved for 4 minutes, and then I add 2-3 tablespoon of flax seeds and 2oz raisins. The raisins sweeten up the oatmeal a bit, and I can't taste the flax seed at all. Tons of protein for sustained energy and carbs for a morning pick-me-up. If I'm still hungry, I'll eat 1/4cup of trail mix or nuts. Total calories between 350-450.
  • peaceout_aly
    peaceout_aly Posts: 2,018 Member
    Breakfast: my go-to is a banana and Dannon Light N Fit Greek Yogurt (it doesn't have the funky sour taste that Chobani does)

    Lunch: Protein bar is my staple every day - I switch up my additional treats as I please (salami/cream cheese/pickle roll-up, carrots and hummus, broccoli and balsamic vinegraitte or tomatoes in cottage cheese)
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    I eat actual the whole egg, not just the whites. I usually have a couple of eggs scrambled and some oats and blueberries most mornings. I do different things on the weekends when I have more time...Sunday I usually do the whole eggs, bacon, hash brown thing. I also like curried lentils topped with a poached egg and sour cream and garnished with cilantro...usually a side of sauteed greens with that one.
    I buy frozen packages of steel-cut oatmeal from Trader Joe's-- steel-cut is the heartiest, with least amount of added sugars and other crap that will make you crash 45 minutes later. It gets microwaved for 4 minutes, and then I add 2-3 tablespoon of flax seeds and 2oz raisins. The raisins sweeten up the oatmeal a bit, and I can't taste the flax seed at all. Tons of protein for sustained energy and carbs for a morning pick-me-up. If I'm still hungry, I'll eat 1/4cup of trail mix or nuts. Total calories between 350-450.

    regular rolled oats don't have added sugar either. I personally use Coach's Oats as they have a similar texture to steel cut, but I can cook them in the microwave in 5 minutes...not a single added sugar.
  • pumpkinpocalypse
    pumpkinpocalypse Posts: 104 Member
    edited July 2015
    I usually loathe eating the same thing two days in a row or whatever, as i'm a pretty decent cook i like to try out new stuff/recipes etc all the time, but lately i've been eating the same lunch or so everyday and I never can get enough of it haha.
    It's basically just an egg (cooked in butter yup, but 1 tsp is way enough!) sunny side up, with a side of spinach (there's usually enough leftover butter to cook it in the same pan afterwards), 1/4 cup of 4% cottage cheese with a handful of pitted cherries cut in halves (both taste SO GREAT together, trust me!), baby carrots and 1/2 or 1/4 of an avocado, either in slices or in guacamole, and a homemade all-bran raisin muffin (great for digestion/fiber etc and it satisfies my sweet tooth. both my mom and i love those). Sometimes I also add a baked falafel patty, tofu, a quarter of orange, watermelon etc.
    The whole thing usually rounds up to 400-500 calories and keeps me full til dinner. I even forget/don't need my 4pm snack these days, even though i usually get ravenous at that time!

    This is overall pretty damn healthy, and full of protein and healthy fats. Trust me, 4% cottage is your best bet. 65 cals for a super creamy,satisfying 1/4 cup serving. (on a side note, I seriously don't understand why you would go for low-fat versions of such delicious, good for you foods especially if you eat well the rest of the time? y'all please stop being scared of fat...)

  • martim3
    martim3 Posts: 18 Member
    Looks relish!

  • clairempfit
    clairempfit Posts: 17 Member
    I usually eat egg whites for breakfast, but my all time favorite Greek yogurt is Oikos Triple Zero in Vanilla! It doesn't even taste like Greek yogurt! (which I'm so happy about because I hate that stuff lol) I usually add 1 packet of stevia, 1 cup of berries, and 1/2 cup of lowfat natural/organic granola! AMAZING!!!