Healthy Breakfast Ideas????

Katiebug0925 Posts: 13 Member
edited July 2015 in Food and Nutrition
I'm looking for some healthy breakfast ideas!!! If you have any favorites please share! I'm kind of struggling in this department!


  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,902 Member
    Steak and eggs. Although as of now I don't eat breakfast, but that would be my first choice.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,603 Member
    My go-to is fruit and granola. I have it almost daily.

    Breakfast cereals, like Raisin Bran. It may not be the healthiest thing, but is high in fiber and they say we should eat high-fiber breakfasts to help lose weight, so it works for that.

    Eggs and some whole wheat bread/toast.

    That's about all I have unless breakfast is leftovers. :)
  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    My favorites are: Crispbread and milk, porridge, eggs, fruit, raw vegetables.
  • 6luckylady8
    6luckylady8 Posts: 2 Member
    porridge & fruit which i change every day so i don't get fed up with it.
  • runningforthetrain
    runningforthetrain Posts: 1,037 Member
    Hard boiled egg, string cheese, and whole grain toast- fast and easy.
  • draco706
    draco706 Posts: 174 Member
    Jones chicken sausage links and Greek yoghourt with berries. or Hummus with veggies and apple slices.
  • marie5282
    marie5282 Posts: 61 Member
    Today I tried half an avocado mashed up on two slices of multigrain toast and then a couple slices of tomato on each. I sprinkled some black pepper on as well. Surprisingly it was really good and three hours later I'm still pretty full (though nearing my time for my almond snack at 10:30.)
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    How many calories do you want?

    I like a bigger breakfast (around or just under 400 calories) and to get in a good amount of protein at breakfast, as well as some veggies, so I tend to mostly have a 2-egg vegetable omelet with some extra protein on the side (usually cottage cheese or smoked salmon, also greek yogurt with some fruit). My alternate breakfast is steel cut oats with berries and protein powder and usually some veggies and cottage cheese/greek yogurt/smoked salmon on the side.
  • 7luckyforme
    7luckyforme Posts: 6 Member
    Haha! I skip breakfast and call it 'intermittent fasting'. It helps me stay under calories. It totally depends on what diet you're on.
    1) If you drop chia seeds in water for ten minutes it makes a delicious pudding. I would add sugar or honey. That gives good sustained energy with low calories.
    2) You could also saute some mushrooms, spinach, arugula, garlic, etc and throw in an egg or two at the last minute to make a mostly veggie omelette. With a nonstick pan, you could either add fat or not.
    3) White quinoa is a delicious starch, I would probably have that with eggs. To make PERFECT boiled eggs, just toss them in an electric kettle, wait for it to click off, leave them ten minutes in the kettle, then pull them out, crack them, and peal them immediately under cold running water. Of course, you could scramble, poach, baste, etc.
    4) LOL if you're on a keto diet, just smash in some bacon!! :-)
    5) Oh, if its winter time and you can get your hands on some sweet parsnips, you can use a salad shooter to shred the parsnips in just a few seconds. I microwave them a few minutes then toss them in a pan with some fat. In no time they are delicious hash browns! Obviously you'd want to eat those with eggs.

    Maybe one of those fits with your diet!
  • mericose
    mericose Posts: 70 Member
    Protein Pancake is a good one.... 3 egg whites / 1 whole egg (you can choose the breakdown), 1/4 cup of oats.. mix it all together.. cook it like a pancake.. top with sugar free syrup
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    My favorites...

    - 2 eggs over easy w/ 2 slices of thick center cut bacon and hash browns
    - Curried red lentils topped with poached egg and sour cream and garnished with cilantro...side of sauteed greens and sliced vine ripened tomatoes
    - Oats with about a tsp of soy sauce topped with a poached egg and sliced avocado and bacon crumbles; dressed with Sriracha and garnished with green onions.

    My usual during the week is pretty boring though...just a couple eggs scrambled and some Coach's Oats with a handful of blueberries.
  • NualaTW
    NualaTW Posts: 205 Member
    Breakfast tacos with scrambled (1 whole egg & 1/4 cup egg whites), corn tortillas, wholy guacamole, salsa verde and fresh fruit cup (blueberries/strawberries)

    Also, like to eat a cup of brown rice with salsa verde and 2 fried eggs on top. I know, sounds weird, but is actually very tasty all mashed up together. :)
  • arethaholly
    arethaholly Posts: 9 Member
    You can do an oatmeal in two ways:
    1) Prepare it overnight so the oats soak in the milk/yogurt & you have a yummy cool summer breakfast
    2) Heat it in the morning for that great stick-to-your-ribs feeling.

    Here's what I do almost every day:
    1/3 cup oatmeal
    1/3 cup almond milk
    sprinkle of cinnamon or other spices
    If using frozen fruit, toss that in now, too.
    Microwave together in the microwave for 1-2 min

    Add 2 tbs pb (or almond butter!)
    Add 1/3-1/2 cup greek yogurt
    Add in fresh fruit (1/4-1/3 cup)
    Stir & enjoy!

    If you're going to soak it overnight, toss it all in a jar or something & the oats will soak up the milk overnight so you get a creamier cold breakfast. The frozen fruit will thaw, too, of course. This keeps me full for a long time & it has everything you need -- protein, fiber, fat -- to keep you full & balanced for the start of your day.

    Also -- please don't skip breakfast! Your body needs something to get it going in the morning!
  • sabrinacrandall
    sabrinacrandall Posts: 74 Member
    My go-to's are: a banana with peanut butter or hazelnut butter and sometimes a whole wheat english muffin. I find that it's very filling, and approximately 350 calories. Or, a serving of granola with slivered almonds and a low fat greek yogurt, or 1/4 cup milk. Also filling and delicious. :)
  • sadiebrawl
    sadiebrawl Posts: 863 Member
    My go-to's when I'm on the go with I mostly am. When home I like making a giant egg white omelet with whatever I have in fridge for leftovers.

    chia pudding with fruit
    Hard boiled eggs with piece fruit
    Mostly veggie smoothie with coconut water, chia or almond butter
    Frittata premade and sliced into servings with fruit
  • mitzi1122
    mitzi1122 Posts: 1 Member
    My two favorites are
    Smoothie using frozen fruit, water, and powder protein blended in my magic bullet (prefer 1/2 frozen banana for texture). This also allows you to cut into pieces and freeze any fruit you have that is getting too ripe. So my bag of frozen fruit has just about anything in it including pieces of avocado and spinach leaves.

    Or 1/4 avocado, half cup cottage cheese and drizzle of honey. Sounds odd but so good.
  • ldalvarado
    ldalvarado Posts: 16 Member
    I eat oatmeal almost every day. 1/3 c oats, 1/3 c water, 1/3 cup 2% milk plus 1 tsp honey. Mix in a pan and heat on medium over the stove, stirring until it is the consistency and thickness you like. I add in 1 Tbs raisin and 10 g pecan pieces
  • EmmaFitzwilliam
    EmmaFitzwilliam Posts: 482 Member
    My "go to" at the moment is 3/4 cup fat free plain Greek yogurt with 1/4 cup Bob's Red Mill muesli and 1 cup of fresh blueberries stirred in. I stir in the muesli the night before. My winter breakfast was 1/4 cup Bob's Red Mill 10 grain cereal with 1 cup of fresh blueberries.

    Some other options:

    Wasa cracker with cream cheese and smoked salmon (or roast beef, or roast turkey, or ham, or grilled chicken, or sliced hard boiled egg, or Canadian bacon, or . . .).

    Soft boiled egg and oyster crackers.

    English muffin (or tortilla) with peanut butter and banana.

    Tortilla with hummus and grilled vegetables (or roast beef, or . . . etc.)

    English muffin with egg and cheese.

    Scrambled egg(s).


  • syndeo
    syndeo Posts: 68 Member
    ninerbuff wrote: »
    Steak and eggs. Although as of now I don't eat breakfast, but that would be my first choice.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition


    How is that considered healthy at all? High in animal fat, high in saturated fight, no whole grains, fruit, or vegetables. That would be ok every now again again, but not everyday.

    The new USDA recommendations removed the limit on plant based fights, and removed cholesterol, but they still recommend limiting saturated fight, and red meat.