Ive been trying for years & i just cant do it



  • EmmaFitzwilliam
    EmmaFitzwilliam Posts: 482 Member
    You can do this. Knowledge is power. You do have to figure out what works for you. What worked for me was finding out how much I actually ate, and how many calories were in what I ate. Food logging and informed choices have helped me lose 75 pounds in the past year.

    How much control do you have in terms of your food choices? Do you feel you have to eat whatever someone else fixes, or can you choose the foods and the preparation?

    The greater the extent to which you can make healthy choices in terms of what you eat and how it is prepared, the easier this will be.

    Find the power you do have, embrace it, and maximize it. Don't worry about the gym. How much can you build in walking? Is it practicable to adopt strategies like parking farther away, getting off the bus at a more distant stop, etc.? You might be surprised at how fast little things add up.

    And - sadly - the maxim that you cannot out-exercise your "fork lift" is (in my experience) pretty much true. You don't need to make artificially low-fat or non-fat choices to make healthy choices, but content and volume do matter. Weight loss pretty much does start with what is on your plate.
  • joeybarua
    joeybarua Posts: 5 Member
    Try to imagine those people that tries to make fun of u in the gym don't exist when i first started i was extremely skinny and people made fun of me but i just sticked to it and did not care what anyone thought of me. Use the bullies as a motivation for success and read about proper nutrition and exercise it can change you physically and mentally. Good Luck! :)
  • TracyV125
    TracyV125 Posts: 100 Member
    A determined mind can do anything! Believe in yourself! You look beautiful in your profile pic. Start by going for walks. I found walking with my music playing was therapeutic and very relaxing. I'm so sorry for the bullying.
  • phillipdean299
    phillipdean299 Posts: 113 Member
    While your situation sounds horrible, you must still take charge of your own health. The only people I would listen to are your doctors. If they are concerned about your weight, I would suggest addressing it at once. The great thing is that bullies can only control our lives if we allow them to do so. The best revenge against them would be to ignore their childish antics while getting into the best shape of your life. Let them spew whatever hateful crap they want while showing them you are a determined person to change your life.
  • christabelle66
    christabelle66 Posts: 83 Member
    There is lots of good advice here-- remember, the haters and bullies are telling a truth about themselves when they bully you or criticize you, not about YOU. It is easy to get overwhelmed when you first start out-- I spent two weeks tracking my food regularly before I even tried to lose weight. It was completely eye opening! I was mostly eating healthy stuff, but way, way too much of it. Just being accountable to myself to really look at what I was eating led to better choices. Although it can seem boring and time consuming to weigh and measure your food and to only eat a single portion size, even those changes can make a huge difference. I highly recommend Judith Beck's "The Beck Diet Solution" and "The Diet Trap Solution". Not a diet, but ways to change your thinking process so that it easier to stay motivated.
  • DuneSeaNomad
    DuneSeaNomad Posts: 68 Member
    Haters gonna hate. I look at the title of you topic and see positives! You HAVE been TRYING for YEARS! It means you are working it at, and have been for some time. So what if the results aren't there. They will come. Believe in YOURSELF and tell the rest of the work to shove off. Find what you like about yourself and use that as your motivation. I have 195 pounds I want to lose, so will be here for the long haul, so would love to connect with anyone. Keep your head up. You're in a great community that will be gentle yet educational is criticism. WE got this!