I would appreciate some advice

Medication I am taking (prescribed, not for weight loss, and required) eliminates my appetite entirely. While I do need to continue to lose weight I actually started here is because a couple of close friends are concerned about me not eating, and this is a good way to let them see exactly what I do eat/drink. Right now I like how I feel, I'm beginning to like how I look, I have no incentive to eat (zero hunger, zero appetite, stomach has shrunk quite a lot) and a disincentive to eat (do not want to stop losing weight, don't want to get fat(ter), etc)...

How can I motivate myself to do this more healthily? My first thought was if I started an exercise regimen, I would feel more comfortable eating, but my second thought was "If I exercise and continue to really not eat, it'll go faster).

I know this isn't good. I need some advice. My journal is public, since that was kind of the point.


  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    Here's the thing. Eating far too little on a regular basis will cause you to lose weight and that seems like it's a good thing. However, when we lose weight too quickly, our bodies don't know if it's because we're willfully withholding food or if there's none available. So, it would rather take from muscle than fat because you don't need the muscle to survive and it's easier to convert. I'm sure I'm oversimplifying and there's someone who can explain it a lot better but the end result is going to be you with a higher body fat percentage and a lower metabolism. That means it'll be harder to maintain your goal weight and if you regain some of that weight it's going to be all fat and it'll be harder to lose it next time.
  • beemerphile1
    beemerphile1 Posts: 1,710 Member
    edited July 2015
    Tell this to your doctor and ask for help.

    Consuming only Coke and coffee will kill you due to malnutrition. You must eat.

    Maximize the benefit when you do eat by consuming highly nutritious foods.

    If you really can't eat, your doctor will probably suggest Boost or some other nutritional supplement.
  • dawnna76
    dawnna76 Posts: 987 Member
    my son hass ADHD and takes a medication that makes him have no appitite. we have him eat something small every couple of hours like clockwork in order to keep him eating something. He is underweight for his age so its really important for him to have proper nutrition.

    coke and coffee doesnt even come close to good nutrition. you need to eat. set a schedule eat something small (hungry or not) and if your able to drink coffe drinks and coke you can drink a nutritional shake.

    you very much need to talk to your doctor. often times there are multiple different medications for any issues you may have and not all may have the same side effects. if you continue what your doing you risk your health at a cost that taking a pill wont help
  • Leonassan
    Leonassan Posts: 6 Member
    Dawnna: It's ADHD medication. Good guess.

    I'll talk to my doctor, I have an appointment for tomorrow.
  • dawnna76
    dawnna76 Posts: 987 Member
    Leonassan wrote: »
    Dawnna: It's ADHD medication. Good guess.

    I'll talk to my doctor, I have an appointment for tomorrow.

    In that case then yes there are so many different options and combonations of meds you can try. i have found with ADHD it took us 5 different meds to find the right combo that has the least effect on his appitite. he currently takes 20mg focalin xr in the morning and a booster of 5mg ritilin in the afternoon. now he has a hunger in the morning before breakfast and the ritilin wears off in time for dinner. lunch and midday snacks is where i have the most trouble getting him to eat. and being 8 hes picky already so i just set a schedule and have him take even small bites of things every couple hours.
  • Chief_Rocka
    Chief_Rocka Posts: 4,710 Member
    Pretend it's Thanksgiving everyday
  • Leonassan
    Leonassan Posts: 6 Member
    Pretend it's Thanksgiving everyday

    Turkey.. now that's an idea.
  • ohmscheeks
    ohmscheeks Posts: 840 Member
    Leonassan wrote: »
    Dawnna: It's ADHD medication. Good guess.

    I'll talk to my doctor, I have an appointment for tomorrow.

    Good to see you are consulting a doctor about this. Although, it would seem the amount of caffeine you consume daily is contributing to the lack of hunger/appetite...
  • Leonassan
    Leonassan Posts: 6 Member
    As is the vyvanse..
  • RodaRose
    RodaRose Posts: 9,562 Member
    edited July 2015
    Prepare easy to eat snacks and have them ready.
    Even if you are not hungry you might think to eat them: cheese sticks, single servings of peanut butter, peanut M & Ms, fruit and nut bars (Lara Bar is a good brand), soy nuts, banana chips, pudding, breakfast cereal with milk, pumpkin seeds.