Doing something wrong.

I have lost 27 lbs so far. I account for every calorie I eat and I work out but for some reason, all of a sudden, I can't lose any more weight and I've gained a little back. I don't know if I'm eating to many calories or not enough calories or if I'm working out to much or not enough. I am confused on if I should eat my workout calories and how many of them.

I just don't know what I'm doing wrong or how I can fix it. I need help. Please.


  • amfaery
    amfaery Posts: 267 Member
    are you eating the calories they tell you to? what is your exercise like?
  • jrich1
    jrich1 Posts: 2,408 Member
    you should open your diary and give us more info on how much you exercise and what you are burning and we might be able to give some pointers
  • natskedat
    natskedat Posts: 570 Member
    I posted this a few days ago. You might have reached a plateau. I put together some ideas to get past this nasty sticking point.

    Best of luck!
  • lizbeth436
    lizbeth436 Posts: 40 Member
    you should open your diary and give us more info on how much you exercise and what you are burning and we might be able to give some pointers

    How do I open my diary?
  • erisfreenici
    erisfreenici Posts: 277 Member
    Are you:

    * Drinking enough water?
    * Eating the right amount of calories (healthy calories?)
    * Eating the right percentage of protein? carbs?
    * Are you exercising regularly?
    * Is it your TOM (time of month)? Sometimes I gain 2-5 lbs during that time but it all comes back down after TOM is over.

    It might be time to change up your workouts or up the intensity of the workouts if you are exercising at all. It also might be time to make your diet more healthy. You may need to adjust your carb % down and protein % up or vice versa.
  • sweetiebelle
    sweetiebelle Posts: 332 Member
    Put me on your friends list, so I can look into your food diary mybe I can help. I could use a friend.
  • sovokit
    sovokit Posts: 9
    Are your calories "empty" calories? Are you getting the nutrition you need? Remember a balanced diet is soooo important!
    I hope it's just a plateau as your body comes to terms with the amount of calories you are giving it. Persevere - don't give up!
  • lizbeth436
    lizbeth436 Posts: 40 Member
    are you eating the calories they tell you to? what is your exercise like?
    I eat a little under the calories it tells me too. I have a hard time some day eatting the full calories without eating junk food and I'm trying really hard not to eat junk. I walk about 30 mins 3 days a week and use an elliptical machine for about 10 mins 5 days a week.
  • sclosson
    sclosson Posts: 120
    To open your food diary go to the food tab and then to settings.
  • ymcahutch
    ymcahutch Posts: 8
    are you eating the calories they tell you to? what is your exercise like?
    I eat a little under the calories it tells me too. I have a hard time some day eatting the full calories without eating junk food and I'm trying really hard not to eat junk. I walk about 30 mins 3 days a week and use an elliptical machine for about 10 mins 5 days a week.
    You should always eat all the calories that are given, too few can be as bad as too many. Also I would try upping your cardio, your body has gotten use to what you are doing so you need to up your game. Good luck, you will do great, just don't give up on yourself.
  • lizbeth436
    lizbeth436 Posts: 40 Member
    Are you:

    * Drinking enough water?
    * Eating the right amount of calories (healthy calories?)
    * Eating the right percentage of protein? carbs?
    * Are you exercising regularly?
    * Is it your TOM (time of month)? Sometimes I gain 2-5 lbs during that time but it all comes back down after TOM is over.

    It might be time to change up your workouts or up the intensity of the workouts if you are exercising at all. It also might be time to make your diet more healthy. You may need to adjust your carb % down and protein % up or vice versa.
    I drink between 6-9 cups of water a day. I stopped drinking soda. For the most part I have stopped eating a large amount of dairy. I know this week I haven't eaten the best. I been busy helping at my daughters school since it's her last week of preschool. It is my TOM but I didn't think I could gain that much bc of that.
  • lizbeth436
    lizbeth436 Posts: 40 Member
    Are you:

    * Drinking enough water?
    * Eating the right amount of calories (healthy calories?)
    * Eating the right percentage of protein? carbs?
    * Are you exercising regularly?
    * Is it your TOM (time of month)? Sometimes I gain 2-5 lbs during that time but it all comes back down after TOM is over.

    It might be time to change up your workouts or up the intensity of the workouts if you are exercising at all. It also might be time to make your diet more healthy. You may need to adjust your carb % down and protein % up or vice versa.
    I drink between 6-9 cups of water a day. I stopped drinking soda. For the most part I have stopped eating a large amount of dairy. I know this week I haven't eaten the best. I been busy helping at my daughters school since it's her last week of preschool. It is my TOM but I didn't think I could gain that much bc of that.
  • Buddhaboy
    Buddhaboy Posts: 60 Member
    You'll find that you'll have to make small adjustments to both your calorie intake and your exercise plans as you lose weight

    Personally I started at around 1800 calories a day, but now that I've lost 40lbs my intake is around 1500 calories.
    It makes you lose weigh...there is less of you to feed
    As I lost weight and I punched in my new weight into my trendmill I noticed I was burning less calories for the same workout
    So the same is true for exercise as you lose weight there is less of you to move around,
    so you're using less calories for the same amount of energy

    Don't give up,
    I still have another 60lbs to lose, and today I weighted in and I didn't lose a pound
    But the good news is that I didn't gain a pound either, and I kind of cheated a bit this week
    So re-look at your exercise and intake, with your new weight
    See where that takes you
    Good luck
  • srp2011
    srp2011 Posts: 1,829 Member
    I just looked at your diary for the past week, and I see so much junk food it's not surprising you're not losing. Mexican food, pizza, easter candy, girl scout cookies, etc... This isn't a plateau and nothing is wrong with your body. Yes, you are technically under your calorie goal, but it does actually matter what you eat, not just how much.

    You need to focus on eating a healthier balance of foods - cut out the processed junk for the most part (the occasional treat can be worked in, but 3 or 4 high sugar junk snacks a day, on top of eating out can't be) - and start eating wholesome foods - more lean proteins (chicken, turkey, fish, broiled, baked, steamed), more fresh veggies and fruits, whole grains and complex carbs, nuts, seds, etc..., things that nourish your body. Plus, drink your water. You'll start losing consistently.
  • srp2011
    srp2011 Posts: 1,829 Member
    Also - you need to spread you food evenly throughout the day - you seem to save all your calories for a huge dinner, and many days have nothing for lunch, or something very small. One day I even saw a doughnut for lunch. After doughnuts for breakfast, I think. I can't imagine what your diet is doing to your blood sugar level throughout the day - they've got to be going crazy. That will also mess with weight loss. The idea is to keep it steady.
  • lizbeth436
    lizbeth436 Posts: 40 Member
    This past week has been my TOM and when it is I crave junk food with high sugar. Is there a way to feed those cravings, bc if I don't I'm not a very nice person, without over doing it. Or should I just accept the weight gain once a month. I have a hormone imbalance that makes me crave high fat and sugar during my TOM and I've been working with my doctors trying to fix it but they said there's not much they can do about the craving.
  • MellowYellowGem
    MellowYellowGem Posts: 120 Member
    Keep an eye on the fat section on your diary, it's over the limit almost every day - that may be why. :smile:
  • srp2011
    srp2011 Posts: 1,829 Member
    This past week has been my TOM and when it is I crave junk food with high sugar. Is there a way to feed those cravings, bc if I don't I'm not a very nice person, without over doing it. Or should I just accept the weight gain once a month. I have a hormone imbalance that makes me crave high fat and sugar during my TOM and I've been working with my doctors trying to fix it but they said there's not much they can do about the craving.

    Cravings are most often caused by blood sugar fluctuations, so yes, they can be managed - eat healthy foods spread throughout the day - 5-6 mini-meals (more if needed) - cut out the processed starches and sugars, they only exacerbate the cravings by amplifying the blood sugar fluctations - increase the amount of lean proteins you are eating. You can snack all day long on healthy foods (think grazing - a very healthy way to eat) - fruits, veggies (hummus makes a great dip, high in protein without sugar), protein - which will keep you feeling full and will take the edge off the cravings. Every time you put sugar in your mouth you are feeding the negative cycle, so you really need to just cut it off. Also, for me, B vitamins can help during that time. And get out and go for a walk, or hit the gym, or pop in an exercise DVD when you feel a craving come along - exercise boosts the levels of feel-good hormones and neurotransmitters, which will also help you to feel better, not to mention the confidence boost from staying in control.
  • mosneakers
    mosneakers Posts: 343 Member
    Go to "Food" - "Settings" - "Make public" to share your diary - that might give us a better idea of how to respond about what's going on.
    Plus, I've been reading in many articles that you should drink about 1/2 your weight in water. If you way 200 pounds, you should be drinking 100 ounces of water a day - 13 cups of water?!?!?! WOW! Seems like a lot, but it's doable with lemon, flavored water, etc!
  • gingerfoxxx
    gingerfoxxx Posts: 267 Member
    I think srp2011 is right. Try having a really big lunch for a week, and having a smaller dinner, and see if maybe that jumpstarts the weightloss again? also whole grains! they are your best friend! trust me, it will make a difference :D little changes will add up!