Protein Diets: Whose on 'em

Tash_Bgosh Posts: 46 Member
edited September 27 in Health and Weight Loss
Anyone on a high protein diet? I'd love to hear what you do to add protein to your diet and what types of protein you are taking. I've been eating a lot of chicken and Boathouse vanilla chai protein plus drinks (with dinner). I like to swtich up what I eat every week so any recomendations would be lovely.

xoxo Tash


  • EDesq
    EDesq Posts: 1,527 Member
    What are you trying to accomplish on your eating plan? Protein is pretty rampant out here. I do a type of South Beach (Low Glycemic.)
  • babyblues4
    babyblues4 Posts: 241 Member
    I'm doing a modified Ideal protein diet. I don't use their packages but use alternative products purchased from Nashua nutrition. Feel free to browse my food diary.

    I've been doing it for 8 days now and have lost 6.5lbs!
  • robertf57
    robertf57 Posts: 560 Member
    Well, we are all on a protein diet of sorts (or we would all be starving!) Protein sources include
    Meats, fish, eggs, nuts, beans, legumes, dairy. Take your pick and mix it up. I currently am in a yogurt chicken, fish and nuts phase; but, I change it up every week or two when I get bored. ( I tend to purchase the value pack of meats at the grocery and work through it until I have eaten it all).
  • parvati
    parvati Posts: 432 Member
    I'm not on a protein diet or anything but i do eat alot of protein! Probabkly double what MFP has set out for me.
    I have a post workout protein shake daily, i eat lots of chicken & lean pork & usually 1 steak a week.
    Peanut butter is my weekness, i eat a TBSP or 2 almost every day. And even tho i have alway hated every kind of bean out there, i do force myself to eat them at least once a week & i have to admit they are growing on me! :)

    Cheese, yogurt & milk are also good protein sources, i do consume all of them in a low fat form.

    Hope this helps... :)
  • lizzil0
    lizzil0 Posts: 181 Member
    I changed up my macros on Sunday- now only eating 20% carbs, look at my diary if you'd like (I'm still feeling my way around low carb).
  • elliecolorado
    elliecolorado Posts: 1,040
    I'm not doing a specific diet, but I try to eat about 150g of protein a day (I don't always succeed) But I eat Greek yogurt with 1/4 cup of grape nuts (28g protein) obviously lots of chicken, hard boiled eggs as snacks or on salads, Kashi Go Lean cereal (13g/cup), Tuna sandwiches, I have a protein shake most days after I work out and also sometimes a protein bar (Pure Protein Bars are the best brand I have found that don't have a lot of sugar). I don't eat nut's but they are a good source of protein. MFP only has the default setting for 15% protein which is pretty low, I customized mine to 35% and usually go over that.
    JDRBT Posts: 264 Member
    I did Medifast for a while, and DID lose the weight, but didn't follow the Matience plan to the letter and put on 50 of the 70 I lost over time. While I still keep protien as a mainstay, I aim for source that DON'T come with a lot of sugar. I have protein at every meal - breakfast is usually scrambled eggs (2) or a Chobani yogurt (vanilla preferably) with some form of fiber (high protein diets can make you constipated) and 1 serving of fruit. I actually form my lunch and dinners around the veggies, with some protein thrown in (chicken or fish usually). I snack on one protein source during the day (usually a chobani yogurt, luna, or nugo bar) and find that I get a fair amount every day. If I'm working out really hard, I might follow up the work out with a low sugar whey protien shake.

    I generally stay away from cow products. My milk is unsweetened vanilla almond milk. I try to limit my soy intake as well - I didn't realize the estrogen spikes it can cause until I had an ovary removed last year (due to other issues, but the high soy in the extended use of Medifast contributed).

    If you're not losing, and you're eating some form of protien with dinner, I'd ditch the shake, or ensure you're only having 1 serving. It seems like those are great pick me up snacks from time to time, but they are kinda high in sugar.
    Good luck!
  • kentlass
    kentlass Posts: 325 Member
    i was doing high protein for a while(doing p90x and phase 1 requires it)

    i had alot of protein shakes, egg whites and quorn products...quorn stuff is absolutely full of protein...not fab for sodium though so i have had to all but cut them out
  • Tash_Bgosh
    Tash_Bgosh Posts: 46 Member
    Thanks everyone!
  • mummybelle
    mummybelle Posts: 1
    Just started P90X so changed my protein goals to higher but really struggling to meet them even with protein shakes any high protein tasty snacks out there would be apreciated :)
    JDRBT Posts: 264 Member
    Just started P90X so changed my protein goals to higher but really struggling to meet them even with protein shakes any high protein tasty snacks out there would be apreciated :)
    Have you tried greek yogurt and Luna (or some other) protein bars? I found that chocolate Whey Protien shakes made with unsweetened almond milk taste almost sinful!
  • Still in Phase I, transitioning to Phase II soon. I purchase my protein bars from the local Sam's Club (e.g. Pure Protein, EAS AdvantEdge Carb Control shakes).

    I picked up a 5 lb bag of MuscleTech Whey Protein at Sam's, and two scoops provide 40g of protein.
  • kellyscomeback
    kellyscomeback Posts: 1,369 Member
    Feel free to look over my diary. I do a combo of meat and protein shakes to help me stay around .7 gm of protein per lb a day.
  • jg627
    jg627 Posts: 1,221 Member
    On an 1800 calorie diet, I usually get about 120 - 150 grams of protein per day, but that's just because I like meat. I'm not doing any kind of special diet. Right now I'm doing a fish world tour and trying to eat a different species of fish every day for a month. I don't bother with protein bars or protein shakes. I try to stay away from processed foods, but I'm also a wannabe hipster and protein shakes are just way too mainstream.
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