Ripped in 30 July Challenge..

Starting the Ripped in 30 day challenge in July as a good way to not get carried away with all those summer cook outs.
Be successful and accountable with this group. We will do weekly checkins and track both weight and inches lost.


  • 5000thAngel
    5000thAngel Posts: 60 Member
    Ooh! I'd love to join! I started up my RI30 dvd this week because I have 2 weeks before I have to start teaching summer school and wanted to get a jump on it, so I'd love to participate but I'm starting a little early. Which will be good because on one of those weeks I'm teaching we are spending a 9 hours a day, 5 days a week, in the forest doing forestry education and I'm almost positive I won't be up to RI30 when I get back.
  • TurquoiseTen
    TurquoiseTen Posts: 14 Member
    Glad to hear you want to join in 5000thangel! :smiley: Lets do this!!!!
    I am starting this week as well but will be taking one or two days off at that time of the month.
    We can post our weight and measurements here. Feel free to use the long version or short version...

    the long version
    Week 1
    Weight: 142.75lbs - 139.325 = 3.45lbs lost ?
    Upper Thigh: 21.75in - 21.5 = 0.25in lost
    Lower Thigh: 16.5in - 16 = 0.5in lost
    Hips: 37.5in - 37.5 = 0in lost
    Waist: 29in - 27.75 = 1.25in lost
    Fullest part of belly: 34.75in - 33 = 1.75in lost
    Chest: 36.75in - 36.5 = 0.25in lost
    Bicep: 10.5in - 11in = 0.5in gain!!
    Neck: 12.75in - 12.5 = 0.25in lost
    Total: 4.75in lost

    The Short version
    Weight: 142.75lbs - 139.325 = 3.45lbs lost
    bust 41/ 39
    waist 35 / 31
    hips 42 / 42
    legs 23 / 22
    arms 14/ 13
  • TurquoiseTen
    TurquoiseTen Posts: 14 Member
    Here are mine..
    Starting numbers..

    Weight: 184.6
    Bust: 43/34.5
    Waist: 37.5/34
    Hips: 45
    Thighs R/L: 27/27
    ArmsR/L: 14/14
    Calves R/L: 14/14
  • 5000thAngel
    5000thAngel Posts: 60 Member
    Here are my starting numbers (date 6-21-15)

    I have numbers in both inches and cm because I find that cm are more encouraging in that I can see what appears to be bigger results because the numbers change faster. Plus, no odd converting because of weird fractional inches. I didn't measure arms or calves - arms are just hard for me to measure and calves have never been a concern so I skip it. I added my stomach which I measure differently from my "natural waist" (smallest part of waist which is much higher on me than my stomach).

    Weight 166.6lbs
    Thigh R/L: 23/23 (58.5cm)
    Hips: 43 (109.3cm)
    Waist (at smallest part): 29.875 (75.9cm)
    Stomach (largest part of stomach): 40.375 (102.5cm)

  • TurquoiseTen
    TurquoiseTen Posts: 14 Member
    Nice... I like numbers changing faster as well :wink: Stay hydrated!
  • 5000thAngel
    5000thAngel Posts: 60 Member
    I am seeing definite changes already and I am only on Day4! I have already lost 2lbs!

    I have MFP set to a sedentary life of 1200 calories, and then have my FitBit set to add (or delete) calories from that based on my activity for the day. I found this was more realistic of my daily activity than having it set to moderate (1500 calories) all the time because there are days where I just do nothing and then days when I'm teaching and I'm all over the place. Sticking to 1200 calories (plus anything I burn from FitBit), I'm seeing significant changes already! I'm so excited! I do not eat back my calories from the workout because I'm already getting points from FitBit for movement plus I've found in the past that when I eat back my workout calories I do not see progress.

    My ultimate goal will be down to 155 by the time summer ends, but closer to 150 if I can!
  • mhaq90
    mhaq90 Posts: 13 Member
    Hi. I started ripped in 30 on 19th June. My beginning measurements were:

    Weight 140 lbs
    Shoulders 40
    Bust 37.5
    Arms 13
    Waist 32
    Chest 37.5
    Hips 40.5
    Leg 23.5

    I am done with level 1. Will be starting level two today. Also fasting these days. Noticed 4 lbs lost two days back. Will be taking measurements tonight before starting level 2. have heard its quite an *kitten* kicker.

    Wishing all of you ladies and myself all the best!

  • 5000thAngel
    5000thAngel Posts: 60 Member
    Hey everyone!

    So first things, on my last post I said I was on D4 but I meant D5. Yesterday would have been D6 but i just couldn't do it. I just could not push through no matter how hard I tried. So I listened to my body and took the day off. I think part of it was repetition/boredom. I'd already done level 1 several different times throughout the month trying to start up and having other things get in the way so by yesterday I'd probably done level 1 something like 10 times in total throughout the last month.

    Today I took measurements and decided to start level 2 because I needed something different.

    My new measurements show that THIS REALLY WORKS!!!

    I measure in CM because it's easier to see results (and easier to represent a partial cm than a partial inch).
    Weight: Down 1.6 lb

    Thigh L: down 1.4cm
    Thigh R: down 3.0cm

    Stomach (largest part of stomach): down 2.8cm

    Hips: down 1.3cm

    Waist (smallest part of torso, I have a definite "hourglass"): down 0.9cm

    Bra Band: (no change because I just measured it for the first time this time around).

    I was disappointed at first because my weight yesterday had been even lower, and today it was up by 0.8lb BUT when I took measurements I remembered exactly why we don't let the scale tell us what is going on! Woot! Keep it up people!!

    PS: Level 2 is B****. Lots of moves in plank - round 2 is especially hard if you are not a strong plank person (I am not!) but push through. I did not do all of level 2 without some breaks simply because I can't hold plank that long, but I was still POURING sweat. Hopefully I'll do better tomorrow!
  • mhaq90
    mhaq90 Posts: 13 Member
    Hello Ladies,

    I am doing level 2 these days. and boy it hurts. I have never hated planks so much in entire life. However, one surprising thing is that I can do level two without taking any breaks, switching between beginners and harder moves, but all in one go. without taking anyyyy water break. I consider that to be an accomplishment!! :D So after 10 days of working out, and Jillian literally kicking my butt, I am glad to report that my body has changed. My endurance has increased oh so much! (I can now do elliptical for an hour straight *super proud*) So I love this! I am loving loosing weight! I am so looking forward to reaching my goal weight! God! how I wish that day would come sooner!!

    Currently I am doing Day 3 of Level 2. But my measurements by the end of week/level 1 were(I did level 1 for 5 days, while carefully watching what I eat and counting each and every calorie):

    Weight 135 (Down 5 lbs, most of it water weight but yaaaayieeeee!!!)
    Shoulders 40 (no change)
    Bust 37.5 (no change)
    Arms 12.75 (change of .25 inches)
    Waist 30.5 (change of 1.5 inches)
    Chest 37 (change of 0.5 inches)
    Hips 39.5 (change of 1 inch)
    Leg 23 (change of 0.5 inches)

    So by end of level 1, I was down 3.5 inches whole, and 5 lbs.

    This was not however only because of Jillian, I had been coupling this up with half an hour of elliptical and some zumba too! While watching what I eat! Mostly vegetarian diet!

    Really hope to loose 25 lbs in the next few months.

    Wish me luck guys!

    Hoping to hear from you all!

  • mhaq90
    mhaq90 Posts: 13 Member
    I just did day 1 of level 3 and ouuuccchhhh!! not taking my measurements after the second level as I just got my periods and I am super bloated!! sucksss!! any recommendations to get rid of this stupid sucky bloating? Its killing my motivation! :(
  • demoiselle2014
    demoiselle2014 Posts: 474 Member
    I plan to start doing Ripped in 30 in a couple weeks (gotta allow time for the dvd to arrive, and I'll be rotating it with 30DS). Reading about all the plank moves makes me nervous--I hate plank! Perhaps I should start doing planks to prepare for doing this video. I'm already dedicating this month to ab/core work . . .
  • angelexperiment
    angelexperiment Posts: 1,917 Member
    Will you perhaps do another in 9 weeks? I have to finish this other program I started but id like to do this and start with others at the same time frame.
  • mhaq90
    mhaq90 Posts: 13 Member
    Okay this is truly amazing!! yes it is hard but its amazing! I am on Day 3 of Level 3 and I feel amazing. My endurance has increased so much! I have lost 7 lbs total and a total of 7 inches so far! So happy! :) And even these results I know could have been better if I had stuck by the diet. But will finish it off *fingers crossed*
  • mhaq90
    mhaq90 Posts: 13 Member
    I plan to start doing Ripped in 30 in a couple weeks (gotta allow time for the dvd to arrive, and I'll be rotating it with 30DS). Reading about all the plank moves makes me nervous--I hate plank! Perhaps I should start doing planks to prepare for doing this video. I'm already dedicating this month to ab/core work . . .

    yes working on your planks would be a good idea! and it is harder than 30 DS, so think twice before you aim on doing it together :) may be you can couple it off with Zumba or other less intensive cardio exercise. How are you working on your abs and core? I need upper body strength!!!
  • mhaq90
    mhaq90 Posts: 13 Member
    Will you perhaps do another in 9 weeks? I have to finish this other program I started but id like to do this and start with others at the same time frame.

    I aim on loosing 10 lbs by September healthy way. So yeah most probably will do it again, as I am loving it so far! so would love to join you!

    Where are the other ladies at??

  • demoiselle2014
    demoiselle2014 Posts: 474 Member
    mhaq90 wrote: »
    I plan to start doing Ripped in 30 in a couple weeks (gotta allow time for the dvd to arrive, and I'll be rotating it with 30DS). Reading about all the plank moves makes me nervous--I hate plank! Perhaps I should start doing planks to prepare for doing this video. I'm already dedicating this month to ab/core work . . .

    yes working on your planks would be a good idea! and it is harder than 30 DS, so think twice before you aim on doing it together :) may be you can couple it off with Zumba or other less intensive cardio exercise. How are you working on your abs and core? I need upper body strength!!!

    Last month, I did the Blogilates Beginner Calendar, which has a lot of ab work. This month, I am doing their ab challenge (but doing three sets of each exercise so it is hard enough for me). I am hula hooping 30 minutes every other day, and until I am run again I am doing it every day.

    And I just decided to add the my fitness pal 30 day plank challenge to my calendar this month.

    Today I felt my core truly isolate and engage for the first time. Awesome.
  • demoiselle2014
    demoiselle2014 Posts: 474 Member
    Yes, RI30 looks tough! I watched some yesterday. Well see if I can do it alongside 30DS. Level 1 has some similarities.
  • 5000thAngel
    5000thAngel Posts: 60 Member
    I took off a few days over the weekend of the 4th because I had a lot of friends/family in town and my house was PACKED. This week I went bakc and did 1 day of L1 and 1 day of L2 before starting level 3 because I wanted to build up after the break. Did Level3 today and HOLY COW, Round 1 = thigh killer!