
So I have been contemplating doing IIFYM... but jeez it seems so much more complicated to me. Hitting/not exceeding your calories is one thing but to try and meet 3 other factors?? Opinions, thoughts on this??


  • IsaackGMOON
    IsaackGMOON Posts: 3,358 Member
    It's really not that hard.

    Your macro's correspond to your calories. If you go over on your macros as a whole, you go over your calories. If you hit your macros, you hit your calories.

    IIFYM is basically flexible dieting; eating foods high in micronutrients while enjoying the foods with lower amounts of micronutrients i.e. cookies or cake or ice cream etc.

    It's a good way of keeping your sanity.
  • diannethegeek
    diannethegeek Posts: 14,776 Member
    I try to think of my macros as guidelines, rather than hard and fast rules. I treat fats & protein as minimum numbers to try and hit and stay within my calories. At first, I was all over the place trying to get enough protein, but once you get into a basic routine the macros really aren't that hard to track.
  • gothchiq
    gothchiq Posts: 4,598 Member
    MFP keeps a running tally of those macros at the bottom. Protein, carbs, fat, sugar.... I think you can customize some of it such as keeping track of fiber instead of sodium or whatever. Just put in the foods you ate and the tally of the macros as well as the calories is there at the bottom of the MFP food diary for you to check. If you are, say, low on protein, then you can eat a high protein food such as eggs or meat, or you can have a protein shake, stuff like that. It's pretty easy because they do the math for you. :)
  • tdr82
    tdr82 Posts: 48 Member
    I've been trying to follow it for a while. You will probably not match that well for the first few days, but eventually you'll work out a few changes to tweak it and from then on its not that hard.
  • kwtilbury
    kwtilbury Posts: 1,234 Member
    It's not that difficult once you get's more of a guide. For example, let's say you're approaching your fat target for the day and still must eat dinner. Simply seek out dinner options that are lower in fat (chicken w/salad, etc.). If you go a little over, it's not the end of the world.
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    It's not that complicated. IMO, it's actually a good baby step toward focusing on a balanced diet.
  • rushfive
    rushfive Posts: 603 Member
    This is why many people say to just watch your calories to start. Then as you get used to logging and have many of your foods you eat already in your diary you can fine tune your diet. ex. need more protein, less fats, etc.
    It is easier when you get used to it. most track carbs, protein, fat and can add whatever you want/need to track to them. I also track my sodium due to hereditary high blood pressure.
    Just a few adjustment to your intake and you can get close to your macros... no need to hit them perfectly.
    Good Luck.
  • josiereside1
    josiereside1 Posts: 199 Member
    It's really not that hard.

    Your macro's correspond to your calories. If you go over on your macros as a whole, you go over your calories. If you hit your macros, you hit your calories.

    IIFYM is basically flexible dieting; eating foods high in micronutrients while enjoying the foods with lower amounts of micronutrients i.e. cookies or cake or ice cream etc.

    It's a good way of keeping your sanity.

    I actually don't go over my calories but find it hard to hit my macros with the exception of fats. Always low in protein and carbs... I don't eat any processed foods, cakes, etc... occasional ice cream but for the most part I eat healthy. I love to cook and my meals/recipes are complicated, thus that is why I find it hard to try and meet at the end of the day.
  • josiereside1
    josiereside1 Posts: 199 Member
    Again, I have to go back to I love to cook and don't like that thought of having to alter a meal I had planned to fit macros... It may just not be for me! Bottom line is calories in/calories out equals weight loss right??? I don't have to be so exact on the numbers. I am kind of over chicken at this point... I do eat eggs most days and utilize protein powder in either a shake or my greek yogurt... I am trying though...
  • mantium999
    mantium999 Posts: 1,490 Member
    Protein targets can be pretty broad. What is yours set at and why? One of the benefits of IIFYM is the Y part. Your macros are dependent on your goals. Maybe you aren't hitting your protein target, because your protein target is too high for what you are trying to achieve. If you are not hitting protein, and its a proper protein goal, than you need to focus on fixing that anyway, regardless of if you follow IIFYM.
  • josiereside1
    josiereside1 Posts: 199 Member
    mantium999 wrote: »
    Protein targets can be pretty broad. What is yours set at and why? One of the benefits of IIFYM is the Y part. Your macros are dependent on your goals. Maybe you aren't hitting your protein target, because your protein target is too high for what you are trying to achieve. If you are not hitting protein, and its a proper protein goal, than you need to focus on fixing that anyway, regardless of if you follow IIFYM.

    I went by the calculator on the IIFYM website. I followed the instructions on the FB page but since I cannot pay for a "coach" I am not 100% if my macros are correct, just went by the FB page instructions and what the calculator gave me. I am trying to lose about 10 more pounds (already lost 10 doing intermittent fasting which I am continuing).
  • josiereside1
    josiereside1 Posts: 199 Member
    mantium999 wrote: »
    Protein targets can be pretty broad. What is yours set at and why? One of the benefits of IIFYM is the Y part. Your macros are dependent on your goals. Maybe you aren't hitting your protein target, because your protein target is too high for what you are trying to achieve. If you are not hitting protein, and its a proper protein goal, than you need to focus on fixing that anyway, regardless of if you follow IIFYM.

    Protein is set at 120.8, carbs 139.6 and fat 60.4. I am trying to lose weight. Just went by what calculator gave me... you can see more info in above post.
  • mantium999
    mantium999 Posts: 1,490 Member
    What is your current height, weight, age, and exercise program?
  • Oi_Sunshine
    Oi_Sunshine Posts: 819 Member
    My advice would be to increase fats and protein goals and lower carbs. Limit extra bread, pasta, etc. Keeps you feeling fuller longer, is easier to keep to your calorie limit and is a healthier diet overall. It takes some planning but it's worth it.
  • mantium999
    mantium999 Posts: 1,490 Member
    My advice would be to increase fats and protein goals and lower carbs. Limit extra bread, pasta, etc. Keeps you feeling fuller longer, is easier to keep to your calorie limit and is a healthier diet overall. It takes some planning but it's worth it.

    She stated she is already below her carb target regularly, and over on fats. A blanket "lower carbs, limit white foods (pasta, breads)" is not appropriate advice for this OP. Also, she stated she isn't over on calories, and "healthier", well, not gonna go there.

  • josiereside1
    josiereside1 Posts: 199 Member
    I am 5 feet 5 inches weight 151 pounds, soon to be 50 :s Goal is around 139ish... I currently lift heavy weights 2 days per week, light weights 1 day, 1 yoga day and run every other day. At least one 3 mile bike ride per week, not to mentin my daily 1 mile dog walks. I do not eat processed foods so no pasta, breads for me as I am GF although on occasion I will have a highly processed GF product (like GF bread).
  • mantium999
    mantium999 Posts: 1,490 Member
    Your macro targets seem ok. What are you eating that is so heavy in fats? Substituting something there for a more protein heavy source could help.
  • josiereside1
    josiereside1 Posts: 199 Member
    eggs, olive oil, salmon, avocado. I do eat cheese but not necessarily daily and I always portion out, nuts. I know this week I had corn on cob so I had butter. Just seems to add up quicker than other things. I do also have dark chocolate a few times a week and I know there is fat in that... The calories I am to have according to the IIFYM calculator are 1577... Scooby workshop gave me over 1800 so I am unsure on that note too how much I am to be eating.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    lemurcat12 wrote: »
    It's not that complicated. IMO, it's actually a good baby step toward focusing on a balanced diet.

  • josiereside1
    josiereside1 Posts: 199 Member
    When your recipes have 5-10 ingredients, yes it can be complicated trying to "meet" numbers. I cook different meals, maybe not every day but a few times a week. I can see it would be easy if you eat the same thing day in and day out and that is something I cannot do. I am trying though and hoping I can at least get close. Today, although I was over in calories, I was closer to my macros than I have been thus far!