what to drink, and not exceed calories.

so this weekend there will be bbq's and parties etc.......

what is my safest bet alcohol wise, I love beer, IPA's mostly and I cant have that because the calories will destroy me.

what do you drink while staying on track?

let me know!


  • jaga13
    jaga13 Posts: 1,149 Member
    I drink either a light beer or wine, and limit it to 1-2 drinks a day. But I'm also busy looking after young kids, so I don't really have the freedom to drink a lot.
  • Hoho607
    Hoho607 Posts: 8 Member
    Straight vodka. 70 cal/shot
  • MrsGreco
    MrsGreco Posts: 134 Member
    This is really bad but I'm giving myself a free day on the 4th haha I'm gonna do a hard workout in the morning and do some yard work. I rarely let myself have alcohol so I'm gonna just relax and not think about how many vodka/sodas I'm going to have. I'll make up for it by working extra hard next week. :smiley:
  • KCastilleja88
    KCastilleja88 Posts: 4 Member
    I agree with the people above light beer (michelob ultra) only 95 cals. Of course wine or straight vodka. But yes limit your drinks!
  • 970Mikaela1
    970Mikaela1 Posts: 2,013 Member
    I drink my favorite beer. If I'm going to drink I'm going to enjoy it immensely. Ska Mexican logger. Green can in my pic try one.
  • JohnBarth
    JohnBarth Posts: 672 Member
    Here's a thread from a few days back that has some great suggestions:
  • coryrood
    coryrood Posts: 100 Member
    I'll be drinking water. I'd rather have more brats or burgers or ribs.
  • Asher_Ethan
    Asher_Ethan Posts: 2,430 Member
  • foursirius
    foursirius Posts: 321 Member
    Vodka soda with a lime.
  • peachyfuzzle
    peachyfuzzle Posts: 1,122 Member
    Diet Soda, and your choice of liquor.
  • Jruzer
    Jruzer Posts: 3,501 Member
    Drink good beer and cut elsewhere.

    Or if IPAs are too calorific, consider some of the "session IPAs" being made recently. Alternately look for some of the interesting summer beer styles. Gose is especially popular this year and I've had several good ones.
  • KCEngr
    KCEngr Posts: 30 Member
    You sound like a girl of my own heart. I love imperials and double IPAs. If you like fruity drinks, put fresh fruit, ice, and vodka in a blender (everclear if you want to get after it). The premixed stuff has a LOT of sugar so stay away from that. Otherwise, just drink ice water and add strawberries, lime slices, and a little mint. Looks like a girly mohito for social drinking without drinking. Lite beer is a backup plan.

    If you are like me, the more I drink, the more I drink so be careful with calories.
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    Wine, vodka soda with lime, or vodka with watermelon and lime in the blender for summer...whiskey on the rocks.
  • michellemundi
    michellemundi Posts: 1,223 Member
    so this weekend there will be bbq's and parties etc.......

    what is my safest bet alcohol wise, I love beer, IPA's mostly and I cant have that because the calories will destroy me.

    what do you drink while staying on track?

    let me know!

    Green tea is a good one, and it's helps to burn belly fat. In the heat I cool it down and add ice, & mint leaves
  • Bacchants
    Bacchants Posts: 92 Member
    For me it's Gin and a Slim line tonic with some lime slices in it!
  • BitterSweetWinter
    BitterSweetWinter Posts: 22 Member
    Make up some strong iced tea, Davids has some amazing fruit infusions and herbal teas. Muddle up some fresh fruit and mint. Add some vodka or rum.
  • Justthisgirl1994
    Justthisgirl1994 Posts: 226 Member
    On Canada Day I got super drunk, but stayed under my calorie limit. I ran 5k in the morning to help me out though haha.
    I had a mickey of vodka (880 calories) with a 0 calorie lemonade mix. I also had a couple of sangrias. I didn't eat much that day, my carbs were at like 50g, but I had 100g of protein. I think you just need to decide what you want to do, get wasted, go all out with the bbq or just do both moderately. I obviously picked the first option.

    The best drink options are shots of hard alcohol. If you want to actually enjoy your drink, have a diet 0 calorie mix. They aren't healthy obviously, but they'll save you a lot of calories!

  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    so this weekend there will be bbq's and parties etc.......

    what is my safest bet alcohol wise, I love beer, IPA's mostly and I cant have that because the calories will destroy me.

    what do you drink while staying on track?

    let me know!

    Green tea is a good one, and it's helps to burn belly fat. In the heat I cool it down and add ice, & mint leaves

    Oh rrrrrreally
  • Mr_Knight
    Mr_Knight Posts: 9,532 Member
  • stephxo1
    stephxo1 Posts: 191 Member
    Log each drink into your food diary as you go along, seeing them add up soon stops me from over indulging. Food over alcohol everytime though.