Anyone use the Wii for exercise?

What "games" do you use? I have Wii Fit, Wii Active and Just Dance. The Just Dance is a great workout. Just wanted to see what everyone else uses :)


    AmBeRLyNnGETTINThIN Posts: 56 Member
    Zumba! BEST work out u will get! One hour burns around 1000 calories! I love it! Especially for the wii!
  • Alex_is_Hawks
    Alex_is_Hawks Posts: 3,499 Member
    Zumba, just Dance 1, Just Dance two, Wii Sports resort (the one with tennis, golfing etc.) Wii Fit plus, my fitness coach and We Cheer

    We also have Kinect and we have Dance Central for that one, soon to acquire Dance paradise.......annnnnnd....

    we have PS3 Move with Sports Championship.

    so lots of's just a matter of getting it away from the kidlets....and with the kids growing up the Wii is often the one most abandoned.
  • AmesLee78
    AmesLee78 Posts: 111
    Stupid question....what is Zumba?
  • azlady7
    azlady7 Posts: 471 Member
    I use wii just dance and just 2 a lot. I also use a few aerobic dvd's. I love it all! I feel like I burn more cals doing aerobics though. My sister has zumba for xbox, and its ok, but a bit boring to me.
  • lotty1987
    lotty1987 Posts: 176 Member
    With zumba I burn about 800 cals a hour - it's a great Latin dance work
    Out x
  • chillijam1
    chillijam1 Posts: 62 Member
    hi i use wii fit plus my fitness coach because you can set it to what you want to exercise plus length of time you want to do it :smile:
  • bethy73
    bethy73 Posts: 39
    I'm in a wheelchair, so the Wii is my primary source for exercise. I use Wii Sport, Wii Sport Resort [my favorite!!], EA Active [I do the upper body workout and, believe me, you get a great workout with that as well just doing even the upper body stuff] AND [and you will probably laugh at this] Cooking Mama. :laugh: The reason I say Cooking Mama is because when you are in a race to get things chopped and stirred and kneaded, etc., your heart rate gets going and you get really out of breath! I'm asthmatic and have actually had to take breaks when doing some of the stuff because I was so out of breath that I couldn't breathe!! LOL [You get even more of a workout if you play 2-player because then you are trying to beat someone else's time and not just the clock ... =o) ] I just ordered a new application a few days ago as well ~ Your Shape. I'm really hoping that it's something that I will be able to customize to do with an upper body workout because it's supposed to have a "motion sensing camera" that hooks into the Wii so that you don't have to use the controllers. It was on sale for $14.99 instead of $45.99, and it shipped out today, so I'm really excited for it to get here! :bigsmile:

    Anyway, I wish you the best of luck. As for me, I spent a lot of time cycling on the Wii this morning and I'm really sore right now, so I'm needing to find some Biofreeze so I can crash for the night. Good luck!

  • AmesLee78
    AmesLee78 Posts: 111
    Bethy, no one will laugh at you about Cooking Mama. I love that game and I know you have to move alot to do the recipes and stuff :)
  • strawberry1969
    strawberry1969 Posts: 1,476 Member
    I love zumba on the wii and also wii fit jogging and hula hoop
  • msmindyf
    msmindyf Posts: 133 Member
    I love Just Dance 2 :-) Occasionally, I use EA Active 2.
  • kcleslie2113
    kcleslie2113 Posts: 8 Member
    I used all of those games, as well as Yourshape. They helped me lose my first 40lbs I lost!