Baby weight

Hi everyone! My husband and I were just blessed with our first child, our daughter Madelyn. Adjusting to life with a newborn is amazing but challenging, especially when I have 20 lbs of baby weight to get rid of, and an additional 20 that I would love to use. I only gave birth 3.5 weeks ago, so I can't exercise yet other than walking, but I'm looking forward to getting back to working out. I'm wondering if there are any other moms out there who are or have been in the same boat? Need motivation to stop eating like I'm still pregnant!


  • Katieloolaa1
    Katieloolaa1 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi, my baby is now 9 weeks old! Lost 21lbs in the first few weeks from breastfeeding and baby etc but got 14lbs that I'm now ready to shift! I've just been eating chocolate non stop since being pregnant lol. I'm going to start to do lots of walking and pelvic floor exercises to get my body ready for exercise again!
  • SammyAnnie
    SammyAnnie Posts: 2 Member
    Lots of walking. Great for you and baby. I started a walking group with friends and we met 3 times a week in a different community park. Discovered some great spots and it was fun. My little one is 16 months now and I am running!
  • Ninkyou
    Ninkyou Posts: 6,666 Member
    Wait until your post-partum check before cutting calories. Now is not the time to be doing it. Your body is still healing, and if you are breastfeeding you need to wait until your milk supply is well established.

    Walking when you can will be great for you, but wait until your pp check and getting your OB's ok to do anything more intense.

    I had my baby January 15th. I gained a bit under 25 lbs (logged religiously on MFP) and lost it all by 17 weeks post-partum. I'm now 6 additional pounds under my pre-pregnancy weight and still going strong.
  • MrsNatashaHowe
    MrsNatashaHowe Posts: 3 Member
    Hey, I had my baby 3weeks ago and already counting down the days until I can get back into the gym! I was doing very well with my weightloss before I found out I was expecting. For now I've just been eating healthily and having the odd treat if I have fancied it. Been doing alot of walking with the pushchair too

    Luckily I'm already down 11kg of my pregnancy weight so just another 5 to go until I'm back to my pre pregnancy weight. But then I still have alot more to loose to get to my goal!