Protein shakes

Mdamra Posts: 26 Member
i have muscle milk chocolate protein powder, I've tried it with almond milk and could not finish it due to the taste. I don't really like chocolate but I don't want to waste the money I spent, so then I tried it with iced black coffee which wasn't that bad but I don't want to consume that much caffeine. I also don't want decaff. Any ideas for a chocolate protein shake (low carbs and sugar) ?


  • mathandcats
    mathandcats Posts: 786 Member
    You could consider adding banana, peanut butter, etc. A protein shake doesn't have to be just powder and liquid. It might also be yummier with dairy milk, if that's an option. Another idea is to add it to foods. I often use my (vanilla) protein powder as a sweetener in my oatmeal or stir it into greek yogurt when making a parfait. Experiment!
  • monbon211
    monbon211 Posts: 1 Member
    I like chocolate. I added unsweetened coconut milk with mine and loved it. It tasted like chocolate milk or a milkshake.
  • 999tigger
    999tigger Posts: 5,235 Member
    edited July 2015
    Lol@ the abuse flagging. Some of you flaggers are really crazy. Therea a problem with being told to eat food as a source of protein?

    OP if you dont like chocolate then why did you buy a chocolate flavour? If you go for protein again then realise you cna often get samples so you can ry before you buy. You cna get flavourless or you cna get milder flabouras like vanilla. If you really dont like it and theres a decent amount left then sell it on ebay, as ive seen partial containers sell.

    Just water it down to lessen the flavour or use milk.
  • hutchin88
    hutchin88 Posts: 83 Member
    Try adding to oatmeal with or without peanut butter.
    Try adding frozen cherries or strawberries to a smoothie. Try baby spinach and frozen mango in a smoothie with cinnamon. Just loosen up these two smoothies in the blender with a little water or orange juice without the almond milk.

    Or get some cocoa powder and make it really chocolately.
  • GrammaTree
    GrammaTree Posts: 22 Member
    I do put mine in my morning coffee, but I've also used it quite successfully in sugar-free, fat-free pudding. Muscle Milk's web page might have a recipe section, otherwise I use Unjury and they have great recipes. You might have to adapt the Muscle Milk a bit for the recipes, but at least they'd get you started and you can always look for me if you need help.
  • GrammaTree
    GrammaTree Posts: 22 Member
    By the way, you can always try using the sugar-free coffee flavorings in your protein shakes. Sure, they were made for coffee, but they're also awesome in protein shakes and have no sugar or fat.
  • d08t
    d08t Posts: 43 Member
    arditarose wrote: » water. Drink it and move on. Or eat food.

  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    I'm not sure why I was flagged. Anyway, OP...some people feel they need this elaborate shake that tastes amazing and ends up being 600 calories. What you like might not be what others like. You can put peanut butter, whatever kind of milk, bananas...or do berries. Everything needs to be weighed first to get an accurate calorie count.

    Or you could blend it in water and ice, it doesn't taste THAT bad...I mean, it's sole purpose is to give you that extra protein you need. It's just a tool in meeting your macros. I think it taste fine personally. Anyway, you'd have more room for yummy food/dessert this way.

    Or, like I said-you could just eat food if you're not struggling that hard to get the protein. Or a yummy protein bar.
  • steffi_crow
    steffi_crow Posts: 10 Member
    Mdamra, Hello.
    I use ice, and water, along with 2 Tbsp of PB2 powder. That powder has protein, fiber, and soooo much peanut butter flavor. It is dehydrated peanuts. Best thing, ONLY 45 CAL/serving of 2Tbsp. If you like peanut butter, its a great combo without hundreds if extra calories!
  • McMomma02
    McMomma02 Posts: 43 Member
    You need a coffee mug!
    1 egg
    1 scoop of protein powder
    2 tablespoons of your favorite nut butter (almond/peanut)
    A splash of 1% milk (or favorite substitute, almond milk/water)
    Mix to an even consistency
    Microwave for 50 seconds
    Voila, low carb cupcake!
    Use extra crunchy PB, chocolate milk and throw in a few carob chips, voila brownie!
    You don't have to drink it! I know your pain in finding the protein powder that agrees with your taste buds and tummy!
  • stlboytommy08
    stlboytommy08 Posts: 1 Member
    My favorite protein shake recipe

    Bulking: 1 Banana
    2 Scoops Gold Standard Chocolate Protein
    1 TBS All Natural Peanut Butter
    1-2 Cups of water/milk/Soy Milk(w.e you prefer)
    Blend well.

    Cutting: 1 Banana
    1 Scoop Gold Standard Whey Protein
    1 tbs All natural Peanut Butter
    1-2 Cups of Water/Milk/Soy Milk (W.e you Prefer)
  • BronxBStanfield
    BronxBStanfield Posts: 34 Member
    Like someone else hinted at, protein powder is meant to help you meet your protein quota for the day. However, I really like Dymatize ISO-100 fudge brownie flavor. It's *almost* like drinking brownie batter, if you're into that kinda thing. You should also do some research. Not all protein powders are created equally. :)
  • williamwj2014
    williamwj2014 Posts: 750 Member
    Protein powder isn't something you drink for taste, you just drink that sht! There are some that do taste good and can actually help in a diet with cravings for sweets but honestly, I would only recommend them if you aren't getting enough protein through your diet. I've had the walmart brands such as Bodyfortress and Sixstar (Both are meh) and Total Protein by Cutler Nutrition and the Cutler protein was by far the best I've had and was higher quality than what you could find at walmart.
  • parmoute
    parmoute Posts: 99 Member
    On the same lines as the coffee creamer idea, you can add pudding mix to change up the flavor a little bit. It's really good with vanilla protein powder, a handful of strawberries, milk, and cheesecake flavored pudding! I haven't tried it with chocolate, but I don't see why you couldn't get some caramel pudding and throw in a handful of walnuts and coconut flakes (and maybe a packet of sweetener if you find the chocolate flavor a little bitter) and make a German-chocolate flavored smoothie.

    I like adding ice cream to my smoothies. It's obviously not as healthy as other options, but when it's an ice cream flavored protein smoothie versus a bowl of ice cream, I think it's worth it. One example: chocolate base + mint chocolate chip ice cream + cucumber + spinach + (a drop of) peppermint extract.

    If you don't like the ice cream idea, you could also try mixing your powder with chocolate milk/chocolate soy milk instead. The chocolate flavor in the milk might help mask what you don't like about the powder. I'm also a big fan of chocolate + peanut butter, but another way to mask the taste might be to blend in some frozen mixed berries. I find that the chocolate helps takes some of the bite out of the raspberry/blackberry flavor, but in your case the opposite effect might be just what you need.

    Worst case scenario, you find a friend who's willing to buy the remaining powder off of you for a few bucks. Good luck!
  • klmnumbers
    klmnumbers Posts: 213 Member
    if you hate it, you might consider using it to make protein cookies since the chocolate seems appropriate for that. I've been doing that a lot with my protein powder -

    protein powder, peanut butter, 1 egg, cane sugar, and chocolate chips. Very quick to make and a nice little bite of protein and satisfying a sweet tooth. (I used this recipe and kinda messed about with the measurements -

    Other than that, you just need to find things to mix it with. I hate the taste of protein powder by itself, but when it's mixed up with yogurt/milk/fruit and a dash of truvia or vanilla extract, all I taste is fruit.
  • Hornsby
    Hornsby Posts: 10,322 Member
    arditarose wrote: » water. Drink it and move on. Or eat food.
    Why would this get flagged?
  • McMomma02
    McMomma02 Posts: 43 Member
    hutchin88 wrote: »
    Try adding to oatmeal with or without peanut butter.
    Try adding frozen cherries or strawberries to a smoothie. Try baby spinach and frozen mango in a smoothie with cinnamon. Just loosen up these two smoothies in the blender with a little water or orange juice without the almond milk.

    Or get some cocoa powder and make it really chocolately.

    I've tried the idea with the oatmeal too! Not so hot the first time I made it. REALLY delish once you play around to find your favorite texture love! <3
  • McMomma02
    McMomma02 Posts: 43 Member
    GrammaTree wrote: »
    By the way, you can always try using the sugar-free coffee flavorings in your protein shakes. Sure, they were made for coffee, but they're also awesome in protein shakes and have no sugar or fat.

    OMG Fabulous idea!! I'm so trying this as I LOVE coffee any way I can get it! Love it!!
  • McMomma02
    McMomma02 Posts: 43 Member
    Hehehe ;) Just reread my post...I know it's the creamers and not the coffee GrammaTree was referring to!
  • CharlieBeansmomTracey
    CharlieBeansmomTracey Posts: 7,682 Member
    you can always try another brand. my sister bought muscle milk for my nephew.(he had to have his mouth wired shut due to a broken jaw). she bought that for him and he couldnt deal with the taste of muscle milk either. I would find another brand. can you take it back to the store and get a refund?