Six podcasts/audiobooks for motivation. Any other suggestions??

Pbrookf Posts: 13 Member
edited July 2015 in Motivation and Support
Hi there! I am a huge fan of podcasts and audiobooks and credit them with helping me keep taking care of myself a priority and learn some stuff about health/nutrition/fitness, etc. I'd love to hear some recommendations for new ones. Below are a few I like or have listened to recently.

I may not always agree with everything said but still think they are worthwhile. I listen to podcasts on Stitcher and for audiobooks use Hoopla (via library), Overdrive (via library) and Audible (subscription).

I would love to have time for physically reading a book but don't.

In random order:
(1) Nutrition Diva (podcast--love her)
(2) The Get Fit Guy (also part of Quick and Dirty tips series as in #1; he's waaaaaay more athletic than I ever hope to be but still worth a listen)
(3) Fat 2 Fit Radio (they stopped making new episodes a long time ago but the original two guys have the best strategy (imho) of a healthy way to lose weight and maintain and are super engaging).
(4) Eat Move Sleep by Tom Rath (pretty inspiring)
(5) The Science of Skinny by Dee McCaffrey (not sure I agree with everything said but still inspired me to eat different kinds of veggies)
(6) Whole by T. Colin Campbell (am on board with the whole plant based eat but just am not sure about the milk and oil info)

Looking forward to hear your suggestions!!


  • britzen
    britzen Posts: 143 Member
    I like The Gabriel Method by Jon Gabriel, I really wish Hungry for Change was available in audiobook, but its only indigital pront form.
  • zoe894
    zoe894 Posts: 17 Member
    I just discovered The Chalene Show and I am hooked. Motivational and informational about all areas of life.
  • Pbrookf
    Pbrookf Posts: 13 Member
    Thanks! Will check those both out!