To Avocado or Not to Avocado ???

dpaden25 Posts: 99 Member
Okay, so with all the great health benefits of Avocado, I really want to 'like' it. So one day, in Subway, I asked for a side of the guac to try. (which is the same thing right?). I found it to be extremely bland, and couldn't imagine using it any way. So my question is, is there anything you can do to help with the taste? Does subway just have not so great guac? Does the taste get better if I just purchased the entire avocado in the store?

Thoughts, suggestions, recipes, etc. I'm open!


  • steffi_crow
    steffi_crow Posts: 10 Member
    Hello. In response to your ? I find it bland as well. But on some eggs with salsa...oh wow! Avocado needs seasoning. It adds creaminess and volume to your dishes. Try adding lemon, or lime juice to mashed avacado. Use it on a sandwich, seasoned with salt, pepper in place of mayo or hummus. Cut some chunks of it in a nice big salad, its very filling, and so healthy. These are just the way I like to use avacado. There are soooo many good ways to use them. Just remember SEASON well. Happy eating, and Gappy Independence day!
  • debubbie
    debubbie Posts: 767 Member
    I love the Wholly Guacamole snack packs (100 calories) in the spicy flavor and they are yummy! I enjoy them on cheeseburgers, with crackers, or veggies to dip in, sometimes on my salad mixed with some salsa, and with any type of taco like meals. Also, yesterday at a restaurant I had an avocado brownie and it was utterly amazing! They used the avocado to replace the oil that is typically used in brownies to make them moist and I definitely need to find that recipe!
  • dpaden25
    dpaden25 Posts: 99 Member
    Thanks! Both awesome suggestions. I will certainly try them again, this time seasoning. Especially in place of mayo!!
  • debubbie
    debubbie Posts: 767 Member
    I found it took me a few times of trying it before I decided that I liked it! I probably eat a snack pack of it every day now! A friend of mine tried the medium flavored Wholly Guac and now loves it too, even though she isn't a spicy fan. lol
  • TheLittleGingerDoesWeightLoss
    edited July 2015
    I love guacamole! I even love avocado by itself with a pinch of salt. But I have tried the Subway guac and it is gross. If you don't like it on its own, seasoning goes a long way.
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,574 Member
    I can't imagine subway having good guacamole. Have you had it at a traditional mexican restaurant where it is made fresh? I would never get it from subway...nope nope nope.
  • Degucat
    Degucat Posts: 12 Member
    Try grilled avocado and cheese sandwich, I find onion based seasoning works really well, or avocado sauce with pasta (just blitz avocado, garlic, onion, salt and pepper and chilli or jalapeno if you like it spicy) and pour over wholewheat pasta, it's AMAZING. Some people use it in smoothies, it makes it very thick and filling, I myself prefer avocado in savoury dishes. TBH make your own guacamole, it's so easy and will taste about a million times better
  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    arditarose wrote: »
    I can't imagine subway having good guacamole. Have you had it at a traditional mexican restaurant where it is made fresh? I would never get it from subway...nope nope nope.

    This exactly! Everything at Subway is pretty meh, in my opinion. Try some fresh made guac for sure! And there are lots of ways to use just diced avocado.

  • californiagirl2012
    californiagirl2012 Posts: 2,625 Member
    MB_Positif wrote: »
    arditarose wrote: »
    I can't imagine subway having good guacamole. Have you had it at a traditional mexican restaurant where it is made fresh? I would never get it from subway...nope nope nope.

    This exactly! Everything at Subway is pretty meh, in my opinion. Try some fresh made guac for sure! And there are lots of ways to use just diced avocado.

    I agree ^^^ lol

    I take avocado at home and mix with zesty salsa and put on a toasted tortilla (either corn or flour) and just a little melted cheese. YUM!

    My other favorite is any seafood, mixed with zesty mustard, horseradish, raw sauerkraut, and the mashed avocado. Sauerkraut is an acquired taste but once you get used to it there are amazing health benefits (probiotic).


  • allaboutthecake
    allaboutthecake Posts: 1,531 Member
    I personally can't stand avocados no matter how they are prepared or doctored up. To me, they are just plain nasty. ;)
  • Sarah0003
    Sarah0003 Posts: 41 Member
    Subway doesn't set the bar high for delicious anything. Get a fresh one at the grocery store and smash it up and eat it with tortillas or on a piece of toast, or get real guac at a real Mexican restaurant. Avocados are amazing - don't let subway put you off of them!
  • skinnymeenae
    skinnymeenae Posts: 16 Member
    I doubt Subway would offer real guacamole. You can try avocados in smoothies, and you won't taste the avocado.
  • flamingblades
    flamingblades Posts: 311 Member
    I use them to thicken my smoothies. It makes my smoothie rich and decadent. My mom ate them right out of the peel. To me, that was like eating green lard, and it made me gag (a texture thing).
  • kitkatkarr
    kitkatkarr Posts: 97 Member
    but isnt subway's guacamole packaged? I've seen them scoop it out of a sealed plastic container. bleh, not fresh at all and taste different from a regular avocado

    I've been eating avocado with egg, salsa and soon with lettuce too. yum!
  • scastor27
    scastor27 Posts: 204 Member
    I personally can't stand avocados no matter how they are prepared or doctored up. To me, they are just plain nasty. ;)

    Glad to hear I'm not the only one!
  • Renebry
    Renebry Posts: 22 Member
    I can just eat a plain avacado with salt and pepper. So you can imagine how happy I was to see that Subway has guacamole... It's terrible. I just don't understand how they could make something so great taste like that. But yes, always avacado. But do it fresh.
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,150 Member
    Absolutely avocado!
  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    One thing I decided at the very beginning of this process was that I won't eat foods I don't like, and I won't give up foods I do. I don't really like avocado, so I don't eat it.
    Having said that, it won't hurt to try it a few different ways, just to give it a fair shot.
  • livingleanlivingclean
    livingleanlivingclean Posts: 11,751 Member
    Salt.... Add salt!

    You could make your own guacamole or add spices/herbs, but just adding salt will make it taste a million times better!
  • cabwj
    cabwj Posts: 843 Member
    I mix it with plain Greek yogurt, Mrs. Dash, pepper and whatever seasonings I'm in the mood for and use it as a dip for veggies or in place of mayo on sandwiches and wraps. I even made a delicious potato salad using half potatoes and half roasted cauliflower with the yogurt/avocado for the dressing.