I keep gaining weight even with healthy food & exercise :(



  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    There's a funny thing I've learned about weight loss. We can't starve our bodies to get them to lose weight AND keep it off.

    Gotta feed the body or the body won't lose the weight.
  • kajun_at_work
    kajun_at_work Posts: 60 Member
    What the above poster said plus if you starve yourself like that too long, your metabolism will slow down to conserve energy and when you reach your goal and go off of your "diet," the weight will come right back on and most likely faster too. I don't call this a diet, I call it eating like a normal person is supposed to eat. That way, I can never go off of the "plan."
  • MyaPapaya75
    MyaPapaya75 Posts: 3,143 Member
    You really should start tracking your sodium and eat 1200 calories ...include more green vegetables
  • melinda6569
    melinda6569 Posts: 124
    waaaay too under the 1200 you cant make a fire without wood, up them and add some more protein and see if that helps

    Perfect way to word that!!

    I agree..more protien and eat your calories..
  • sexylily
    sexylily Posts: 68
    How tall are you? From your profile it sounds like you are currently at a healthy weight, but (like me) want to lose those last 'vanity pound' :) Your cals seem low way too low so your body is holding on to everything you intake and you run the risk of eating away at muscle mass. Up your cals to 1200 a day, make sure you are strength training 2-3 days a week and take your measurements. You may end up losing some inches but stay at the same weight. So figure out what you really want...a low number on the scale...or a low number on your jeans. :)

    I went to the weight loss clinic & DR said I was 38 pounds of fat over! Im suppose to be at 115 to 120
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    Do you know that according to charts I am overweight? That's right. According to some stupid chart I am "overweight". I am 5'4" and I am usually between 146-147lbs. That is overweight? I highly doubt it.

    All of our bodies are different. We carry weight differently. Smaller framed people should weigh less than people who have a larger frame. The body weight charts are just that.. a chart. I refuse to allow it to control my life. I am, in my opinion, a good weight for my height. Would a doctor tell me I should lose more? Perhaps. But, quite honestly.. there comes a point where our bodies are comfortable at a certain weight (usually a weight that is within the "chart" guidelines) and once we get to that weight -- we have to make serious and drastic changes to get our bodies to lose more weight. And they will often fight us on it.

    You've cut your calories WAY too low and your body is fighting you. Perhaps you should see how YOU feel about yourself vs what a doctor or chart tells you is right.
  • M_lifts
    M_lifts Posts: 2,224 Member
    i agree with everyone. you are not eating enough! up your calories to 1200 and you will start to see a difference.
  • sexylily
    sexylily Posts: 68
    Thanks everybody :flowerforyou: I will up my calories intake to 1200 & eat more I promisse I just hope thats not gona make me gain more. I really appreciate all ur advices It helped me realize I was sturving myself :cry: