Wedding day!

lcoudon Posts: 6
edited September 27 in Motivation and Support
My wedding day is coming up and I have a good 20pds that I want to lose to look awesome not only on the day of, but for our honeymoon. Any good suggestions to help get a jump start? I feel like if I could lose several pds quickly, I'd get the motivation to keep going


  • cgs08
    cgs08 Posts: 3 Member
    You could try a body cleanse. There are several different options but they are all kind of intense. Here are some links: The Lemon Cleanse

    Good luck!
  • melizerd
    melizerd Posts: 870 Member
    First when is your wedding? 20lbs may or may not be a realistic goal depending on how far you are from it.

    Start with drinking tons of water to flush excess sodium out of your body, most people lose a pound or two in water weight pretty easy. Then you'll have to take in less calories than you burn, so up exercise and reduce food intake.

    There is no magic potion just hard work. Congrats on getting married!
  • Personally I think those cleanse things are just silly, just disguised fasting, but what about starting with 1hr of exercise a day plus eating loads of fruit and veg, no refined carbs and lean protein only? White fish and chicken, but only a little. If you want to be strict and kick start the weight loss, cut out alcohol and chocolate/biscuits completely.

    Congrats on your engagement :)
  • lcoudon
    lcoudon Posts: 6
    My wedding is next April - however my wedding dress search will probably start this summer. I've lost 40pds before, but can't seem to find my motivation to lose the last of the weight. If I saw the scale going towards the left, I think I'd get that extra boost to keep going!
  • ACF2
    ACF2 Posts: 51
    post a huge fat pic of yourself on the fridge and on the bathroom mirror - THAT should be some motivation!
    if not youre screwed! good luck :^)
  • Clonekuh
    Clonekuh Posts: 92 Member
    I've been told 6 months out is a good time to get the dress (according to dress ladies at bridal fairs), so I would set your MFP settings to hit that goal 6 months before your wedding and then try to maintain once you get the dress. So, maybe 1 pound a week? And then just track calories and work on doing an exercise you enjoy! Congrats on your upcoming wedding!
  • kajun_at_work
    kajun_at_work Posts: 60 Member
    Follow what the MFP daily nutrition guide tells you, log everything you eat, exercise 3 times a week and weigh yourself once a week and the pounds will steadily come off. Its hard at first logging everything in, but after about 2 weeks it will be a habit and you will see the scale moving and results in the mirror. You have almost a year to lose 20 pounds, that is an average of about a half a pound a week. You can do that easily, I have lost almost 40 since December 2010. Just do it, even when it seems like it is hard, it will get easier and the motivation will come after you start seeing real results instead of quick ones.
  • anacsitham5
    anacsitham5 Posts: 810 Member
    I wouldn't do the cleanse as a way to lose weight. It is good for you but you lose mostly water weight loss. If you walk 30 min at 4 mph every day, while you watch what you eat, you can lose those 20 pounds in 8-12 weeks. Do a 1.5 min slow - at a steady speed and then push it for 17 min at 4 mph - and then do a 1.5 min slow-steady speed as a cool down. If you can get in an hour every day, the faster it will come off. You really have to push it. I use the RunKeeper app on my iphone. It tells me how far I walked and my speed. It also keeps track of my walking schedule. Good Luck!
  • Going low carb will help you drop pounds crazy fast. You don't even need to go Atkins level low - I've found that by keeping my carb intake around 100 g per day I can lose those stubborn pounds that don't seem to go away otherwise.
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