Weight loss diet & going out (drinking) once a week



  • 911_911
    911_911 Posts: 15 Member
    I lost 4 stone by eating 1200 cals a day for four days a week, and I drank beer and had pizza three nights a week [so about 3000 cals a day] and worked off 1000 cals three times a week. I lost about 2lb per week. It really worked well and I didn't feel deprived at all.

    This worked because my weekly calorific average was ~1500 cals a day when you do the sums. I'm surprised more people don't do this, it worked really well.

    That's amazing and something to definitely take into account. Also congratulations on your weight loss!

  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    kshama2001 wrote: »
    slaite1 wrote: »
    Horrorfox wrote: »
    Well, I apologizing for taking that route, as I thought you were a guy. But regardless of the fact, my first sentence is true. You will make short gains, but stall because of it. It's just not healthy. Do what you want though. You have your advice. You won't hear different.

    She is going out one night a week. She didn't say she is binge drinking. I think being college age and leaving it to once a week is a pretty good mindset. If she is hitting her macro goals overall and wants to spend some free calories on alcohol (or chocolate or cake or chips) why is it such a big deal?

    Being college age and saying "drinking is a big part of my life" is not a good mindset. That's why I dropped the life advice comments. Having a drink once in a while is fine. Making it a habit by committing to drinking once a week is a bad idea.

    Yes, I was reacting to the OP's statement "drinking is a big part of my life" as well.

    My ex used to delude himself that he didn't have a problem because he only drank once per week. (Of course it wasn't actually only once per week.) I'd go on about negative consequences but I'm sure the OP is sure she will escape them.

    That is a ridiculous statement and very rude. You know nothing about the OP.
  • Lysander666
    Lysander666 Posts: 275 Member
    911_911 wrote: »
    I lost 4 stone by eating 1200 cals a day for four days a week, and I drank beer and had pizza three nights a week [so about 3000 cals a day] and worked off 1000 cals three times a week. I lost about 2lb per week. It really worked well and I didn't feel deprived at all.

    This worked because my weekly calorific average was ~1500 cals a day when you do the sums. I'm surprised more people don't do this, it worked really well.

    That's amazing and something to definitely take into account. Also congratulations on your weight loss!

    Try it. Or just do what Ricky Gervais did: he still wanted to drink loads of beer when losing weight so worked out twice as hard as everyone else!
  • 460mustang
    460mustang Posts: 196 Member
    I use to party on the weekend, but during the week I watched my diet and worked out. That worked well for me until I quit the gym.
  • funjen1972
    funjen1972 Posts: 949 Member
    I go out with friends several times a week. I make sensible food & drink choices & adjust my exercise the next day if I over indulge. For me, its a balance between maintaining the social life I enjoy and being fit.

    For instance, yesterday I hiked 11 miles with a friend. We stopped afterward for food & a beer. I joined friends later at a great bar with a band, but chose not to drink because I had already indulged earlier. Still had a great time!
  • Asher_Ethan
    Asher_Ethan Posts: 2,430 Member
    I bank my alcohol calories and I always make sure to workout the morning before I go out drinking I've been doing this art least once a week since February and I've lost 17 pounds. You will be fine.
  • 911_911
    911_911 Posts: 15 Member
    Thanks everyone for your answers :) i'll see how it goes!
  • lesliezimmer
    lesliezimmer Posts: 85 Member
    I love drinking! I drink 2-3 nights a week. In college, I never drank. I actually never drank until I was 21 and had graduated college.

    But, now it's definitely part of my life. Alcohol has NEVER caused weight gain for me, and it has NEVER inhibited weight loss for me.

    I've only been tracking on MFP for 20-something days and I'm steadily losing weight each week, and I drink and calculate every calorie of alcohol.

    Just make sure you fit it into your daily calories, and you'll be fine!

    And remember, DONT drink and drive! :)
  • fearnsey71
    fearnsey71 Posts: 65 Member
    This was an odd thread. When I was a student I'd go out every Thursday through Sunday. I'd get bladdered every night. Neither myself nor any of my friends have drinking problems. in fact I rarely drink at all now. Go out. Enjoy yourself. You're only young once.
  • OldAssDude
    OldAssDude Posts: 1,436 Member
    Sounds like you need a drinking plan...LOL
  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,145 Member
    Idk what you drink, but you can probably find a low calorie version of something you enjoy. Some won't like this next part, but you can have more for less. I've seen this recommended on here many times - Get Drunk, Not Fat.
  • daaaaaanielle
    daaaaaanielle Posts: 114 Member
    Horrorfox wrote: »
    You'll initially have progress, but you'll hit a brick wall eventually. @galgenstrick has his heart in the right place. Getting blasted isn't as fun as making big gains in the gym, and then taking it out on some poor girl's back. My advice? Drink water, get in the best shape of your life, and proceed to destroy all the *kitten* you could dream of, without fearing for DUI's, drunken brawls, or alcohol poisoning.

    This post is pretty vile. "taking it out on some poor girl's back". nah. into the bin you go.

    anyway, at the OP. The absolute easiest way is to try and cut back what you do drink when go out. If you're already limiting yourself to 2-3 drinks on your night out, you should be fine. If you're not, try that first. alcohol, particularly the nicer tasting stuff (or the mixers) can add up really quickly. You can definitely still lose weight but the more you drink, the stricter you have to be with your calories. You don't need to necessarily eat less the same day as you drink though. I only really go out once or twice a month maximum and in the week prior to the night out, I "bank" a whole bunch of calories by eating under my net calorie goal - my goal is 1500 net a day so I have enough room that I can cut 300 from there without too much pain. If you're already close to the minimum of 1200 for women, there's not too much room to save calories so you can perhaps try exercising. But that won't be sustainable if you have a night out each week because it would require you to be at a Net calorie figure of >1200 which isn't a terrible thing when it's occasional, but it's not good to do for any substantial length of time. In this case, you'll have to accept that your weight loss is going to be slower than your calorie goal settings would imply because you'll need to be over on your night out and your daily average will be pushed up a bit.

    As for maintaining accurate logging, I always drink the same things when I go out (and they come in cans/bottles and don't require mixers so no guesstimating how much coke and how much vodka is actually in my drink). If it's going to be a particularly long night, I keep the ringpulls/caps in my purse to save me from having to keep count and to remind me to log when I get up the next morning.

    Alcohol, for what it is, is not a weight-loss friendly thing to consume purely because you get little to no nutrients from it and I've never felt satiated from drinking it alone. You might find that as you progress a bit more, you'll start to question whether the alcohol is worth it? There's a lot of foods and drinks I've naturally fallen away from in the past while because I don't feel like they're worth the calories and alcohol has become one of them. I'd rather eat a pizza than have a cider the vast majority of the time.
  • lucky078
    lucky078 Posts: 22 Member
    Hi there....you are a student! Of course some of your socialising involves drinking! I am nearly forty and I still enjoy a good night out including alcohol....as you already know alcohol does contain a lot if calories so my helpful advise would be not to reduce your calories too much but add in some extra excersise to compensate for the extra calories, and try to choose drinks such as vodka and slimline tonic or soda water instead of coctails, beers etc, you may have a slower weight loss but you will still loose weight, if you are eating and drinking sensibly the rest of the week...enjoy your nights out!!
  • lucky078
    lucky078 Posts: 22 Member
    P.s. everything in moderation etc
  • kimny72
    kimny72 Posts: 16,013 Member
    OP, I think this has already been covered, but "bank" calories during the week, just don't cut back on food calories on the day you are going out. Drinking on a growling stomach is a great way to feel like crap and make bad choices. Also try to not go overboard. It's real easy to get caught up in a few rounds someone else is buying and end up drinking 700 calories, plus "accidentally" wolfing down three plates of apps and screwing up the whole week's effort. If you can, pair up with a friend who is also trying to watch their diet and help each other stay on plan. Then just log it, and if it turns out you end up with more calories spent than you wanted, you can use your log to figure out how to do better next time.

    In general, vodka and plain seltzer water, club soda, or diet soda are lo-cal. If you are just going to have a couple, two bottles of beer should come in under 300 calories. Or you could go the light beer route if you are so inclined. I often order a plain diet soda along with my drink so I have a lot of "beverage" to get through before I get something else. Also if I'm working on my plain diet soda, others are less likely to ask if I need another drink and tempt me into more calories.
  • 29_adjacent
    29_adjacent Posts: 104 Member
    Horrorfox wrote: »
    You'll initially have progress, but you'll hit a brick wall eventually. @galgenstrick has his heart in the right place. Getting blasted isn't as fun as making big gains in the gym, and then taking it out on some poor girl's back. My advice? Drink water, get in the best shape of your life, and proceed to destroy all the *kitten* you could dream of, without fearing for DUI's, drunken brawls, or alcohol poisoning.

    This post is pretty vile. "taking it out on some poor girl's back". nah. into the bin you go.

    mte! see also: "destroy all the *kitten* you could dream of".

  • annerylance
    annerylance Posts: 2 Member
    just add it into your daily calories.......hard work to deprive yourself completely so just add it into your daily calories and don't fret.....