Looking for new friends!

I am 33 and have 40 lbs to lose. I gained it all back over the past 3 years. Let's all motivate each other one pound at a time during our weight loss journey! Add me if you are on here to lose some weight, get in shape, and want an encouraging pal! Thanks!


  • denverbroncos716
    denverbroncos716 Posts: 8 Member
    I need encouragement too
  • lilypastel17
    lilypastel17 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi! I'm 24 with 30lbs to lose. I can always use motivation.
  • arv51862
    arv51862 Posts: 115 Member
    53M here, started with a 30 pound goal, half way there but seem to have hit a wall... (grrr)
    Mutually supportive friends welcome ! =o)
  • AddieOverhaul
    AddieOverhaul Posts: 734 Member
    Anyone can add me! I'm 35, down 31 pounds from my highest weight but have been plateaued due to slacking off. I would like to lose 15-20 more.
  • Golda5775
    Golda5775 Posts: 27 Member
    Hey girls, if anyone wants motivation buddy feel free to add me. I love making new friends here :)<3
  • xphoenixfirex
    xphoenixfirex Posts: 34 Member
    I'm just getting back in to the site and logging, I just got lazy a few months back and need to get back on track, so feel free to add me! I'm 38, looking to drop about 20 and bulk.
  • astreck123
    astreck123 Posts: 3 Member
    I'm looking to start this journey also. I'm from the appleton area. And u?
  • denverbroncos716
    denverbroncos716 Posts: 8 Member
    I like ate everything today