Problems.. Need advice and help

kkuehn6 Posts: 3 Member
Hi my name is karen. I have been on this sight for a couple of weeks now. I have gained tons of weight more than when i was preganant. I am struggling to eat better foods with my son. He is a teenager and will just not eat when i make things healthier. I feel that lately when i get upset all i do is eat also.. I have not picked the best choices lately and crave all the bad stuff.. I need to lose at least 100 pounds. BUt i also get the i dont care attitude at times. WHich i am trying to stop right now. SO i guess i could go for some kid friendly recipies and some support on good desserts to buy but taste good and less calories besides skinny cow.


  • debubbie
    debubbie Posts: 767 Member
    I started earnestly to lose weight about 18 months ago with some breaks here and there. (Counting calories and watching what I eat all the time gets to be a chore and I take a rest from the calorie counting) I have lost 70 pounds so far by trying to eat at or slightly above my MFP calorie goal and increasing my amount of exercise from a couch potato to being able to run a mile in 12:30 minutes without a problem. Currently, I eat about 1700-1900 calories a day and have a piece of dark chocolate everyday with lunch or dinner, sometimes both. I have found that by cutting out pop, decreasing my huge portion sizes of my favorite foods, and making some switches here and there food wise has helped me to lose the weight. I still have more to lose, but I feel confident that I can do it by making small, sustainable changes and taking it one day at a time.

    I say all of that in the hopes of giving you confidence that you can reach your goal by making easier changes at first and once they become ingrained habits work on other habits that will help you lose weight. For example, drinking more water and less juice or pop, thin crust pizza with veggies versus a deep dish meat pizza, or trying to get more steps in each day by walking for a few minutes every hours. As for your son, he can either eat what you cook or cook for himself and clean up his mess. Sounds harsh maybe, but you need to put your health first! You may want to check out the recipes on the Clean Eating magazine website or the SkinnyTaste website to find healthy recipes that both you and your son will enjoy.

    Good luck!
  • editorgrrl
    editorgrrl Posts: 7,060 Member
    You can eat anything in moderation and still lose weight. Eat what you're eating now—just learn portion control.

    As for your son, ask him to choose some recipes online—and offer to teach him how to cook.
  • kkuehn6
    kkuehn6 Posts: 3 Member
    Thank you for your insight and help. I know you are right and i need to take things a little slower and make smaller changes, than expecting for everything to change at once. I guess I am just a little eager.. Yes i need to change the eating habits and stop with the emotional eating.. just turns into a circle if you ask me. And for my son you are correct. I think it is going to be hard for him but he should be eating better also.. His grandma is a health nut so you would think he would be used to it. BUt thank you for responding and giving me advice i really do appreicate it.

  • Japessebas
    Japessebas Posts: 23 Member
    Go back to the basics. Only purchase low or no fat options, no soda, just water or no sugar ice tea. Cut out salt/sodium and sugar. If you can buy organic meats, if cost is a problem at least pick the leanest meat.
    Add more fresh veggies to your meals.
    I'd be happy to share some recipes your son won't even know are healthy.
    Absolutely Keep up with the exercise.
    Remember if the chips and ice cream are not in the house you can't eat them.
  • editorgrrl
    editorgrrl Posts: 7,060 Member
    kkuehn6 wrote: »
    I need to change the eating habits and stop with the emotional eating.. just turns into a circle if you ask me.

    Yes, you need to break the feel bad > binge > feel bad > binge cycle, and the way to do that is by learning to log everything you eat & drink accurately & honestly.

    Logging is simple, but it ain't easy. Logging works.