Posting again since only one person responded.

On my profile I have made a few weight loss goals and resolutions for myself. I know that to set yourself up to succeed your goals need to be exact and something that you can follow. In other words, they can't be vague. So I was wondering if any of you would look at my profile and edit (for lack of a better word) my goals (most concern weight loss, some don't).

I'm just not really good at creating goals that are exact. I tried hard but just to make sure I'm setting myself up for success I'd rather others read them.

End of Original Message

EDIT: I don't even feel like I belong here at MFP. Anything I post, a couple of people might respond and then it just gets ignored. I can't do this alone and if no one at MFP will even respond to my posts than I feel as if I'm going to have to find another form of support.


  • HealthyKt78
    On my profile I have made a few weight loss goals and resolutions for myself. I know that to set yourself up to succeed your goals need to be exact and something that you can follow. In other words, they can't be vague. So I was wondering if any of you would look at my profile and edit (for lack of a better word) my goals (most concern weight loss, some don't).

    I'm just not really good at creating goals that are exact. I tried hard but just to make sure I'm setting myself up for success I'd rather others read them.

    End of Original Message

    EDIT: I don't even feel like I belong here at MFP. Anything I post, a couple of people might respond and then it just gets ignored. I can't do this alone and if no one at MFP will even respond to my posts than I feel as if I'm going to have to find another form of support.
  • Girlmom282109
    Girlmom282109 Posts: 2,643 Member
    I think all your goals look realistic.

    I have felt like you do a couple of times but there is a group of people who IMO only like to talk to there GROUP and I usually just say whatever to them. Stay here it really works. I have lost 24 pounds since the begining of october and it is soo worth it!
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    We all have posts like that, even Tami. I think your issue could be time zone. I am east coast US and it is 6 pm.

    What time is it there now??

    If you dont get a response, a good idea is to bump it just before you go to bed.

    PPL really do want to help you, help yourself.
  • réalta
    réalta Posts: 895 Member
    i think those are great goals, not sure what else to suggest, think you are ready to kick 2009's butt! :flowerforyou:
  • Mary200
    Hey, I am not much on the Inet. but Just want to wish you well. I know it is hard but one day at a time. Do your best and keep moving. that is my best advice.
  • HealthyKt78
    Im eastern time too.
  • connieq288
    connieq288 Posts: 1,102 Member
    I read your profile and your goals sound good to me. I wouldnt do alot to begin with until you get the hang of it. The only thing that I might add is to just make sure that you get your water in. I wouldnt leave MFP though just because not many people respond to you. There are times taht I write stuff and not many people respond back. Just keep at it and you will start to see results. I hope that you stay on here and can find the support that you want. There are many people on here that will help you on your way. Good luck

  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    I remember responding to you and giving you the advise to be the best person you can be. Be the girl who eats an might be surprised how ppl will follow YOU!!

    I had lunch with a friend today. She eats TERRIBLE foods!!! I decided to indulge in something fattening after she had ordered her salad, no dressing, rare tuna on top. She said she felt she needed to order something healthy cuz she was with me!!

    Ok your plans are good. Excellent actually!!

    Weight loss plans:
    1. Start working out at least 3 times a week starting monday. (Jan 5th)
    2. After keeping up with that for at least a month add in 30 min cardio sessions on those "off days"
    3. Starting today (Jan 1st) log everything I eat and stay within my calorie budget.
    4. After doing that for about 2 weeks start planning everything I eat.
    5. See how much I've lost in 2 months (march 1st) and plan more goals at that point in time.

    New Year's Resolutions:
    1. Keep up with the plan above.
    2. Do all of my homework.
    3. Sleep!!!!!!!!!!!
    4. Start planning my days so I have time to do number 2 and 3.
    5. Get a new job to have money in college.
    6. Don't wait until the day before to study.
    7. Start looking at law schools in the northeast other than those in Boston. (I want to live there, Boston mostly but I need to give myself more options.)
    8. After that, look at good law schools all over the US.

    Anymore suggestions?
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    And can always PM some friends! I respond pretty quickly to mail. If I dont know the answer, I will find someone who does!!:glasses:
  • Tri_Dad
    Tri_Dad Posts: 1,465

    In case nobody has welcomed you to MFP let me do that now. If you are unhappy about your weight and are seriously ready for a change than you DO belong here. If anybody understand how you feel it is the other people on this message board. I looked at your profile and the most important goal you have there is to log everything you eat. This is SOOOOO important and you will learn alot about your eating habits. The only tips I can give you are

    1: Drink lots of water. Water is your friend. do not forget that.
    2: Remember that diets do not work. You have to make sure you look at this as a lifestyle change that will never go away. Once you make some progress in your journey you may reach a point where you truley feel like nothing can stop you.
    3:Understand that there is no such thing as failure within a days time. The only failure is abandoning the lifestyle all together. It is important to still enjoy special events and occasions just don't eat yourself silly. Completley denying yourself the things you like will only make it harder.
    4: Look for ways to be more active in general. We have all heard that the little things work and it is true. It's important to hit the Gym or have an excercise program but do whatever you can to be more active. Little things like parking a little father from the store ect...

    When I read your profile I noticed that one big concern is what everyone is going to think of you when you get to school. I can relate to how you feel but make sure you do this for yourself. Learn to care about yourself and don't focus so much on what everyone else thinks. I know it's hard at your age but it will help. I really hope you stick with us. We all know you can do this. And you know you can too.
  • janiebeth
    janiebeth Posts: 2,509 Member
    I agree with what others have said, especially to include water in your goals. I don't completely understand it, but it really does work>>

    Also, your goals to me sound very detailed and deliberate. This is fine, but you need to be prepared for a down day. If, by chance, you do not follow all your goals for a day (or more), you must be ready to pick it back up and try again.

    Sometimes for me, if I set my goals to rigid and then fall short, I have a hard time getting back on track. Just remember that every day is a new opportunity to change, and all the good things you can do will outweigh the occasional bad day..

    good luck..

  • Lib1927
    Lib1927 Posts: 44 Member
    I have found MFP priceless, I should interact more, but I am back on the wagon, we can do it, we can do it for us.

    Water is your friend!
  • renae77
    renae77 Posts: 3,394 Member
    I think your goals sound great. You have more listed than I do and I should go back and reassess mine. Just believe in yourself!! You can do this and WE are ALL here to help you in any way we can. Don't ever give up. I talk to a couple of people on IM here just to keep us motivated. You can never have too many friends. I have found everyone on here is so nice and helpful and keep it up hun! You can do this so don't ever think you can't. Don't let anyone step in the way of your dreams and goals!!! 2009 is the year for us all!!!
  • TamTastic
    TamTastic Posts: 19,224 Member
    Hey, I didn't see your previous post. Sorry! :)

    Anyway, your goals look great to me! And they are very similar to how I started out with things. I am always telling everyone to take it a week at a time. Make one small change after another until you are living a new lifestyle.

    I started by just counting calories. Then I added exercise, like 2 days a week, 25 min or so of cardio and weights. I slowly worked my way up in both time and levels. I now do well over an hour of cardio on the elliptical at level 19 with the "random" setting, which is like an interval workout.

    And as far as food goes, just do what you said you are going to do. Get used to tracking everything you eat, get used to that. Then start to see where you can limit and what you can eat INSTEAD. Meaning, certain foods will make you feel better and keep you satisfied much longer than other foods.

    Sometimes, all it takes for me is 1/2 an apple or banana to "tide me over" until dinner or something. But when you are eating things like that, a little goes a long way! The fiber, potassium and natural sugars will sustain you. However, if you eat a cookie, it is empty calories and does nothing.

    You can do this! Just get started. You will be surprised at how fast the weeks add up!

    Good luck to you! :flowerforyou:
  • songbyrdsweet
    songbyrdsweet Posts: 5,691 Member
    While it does help to have support, you also need to be okay with finding motivation, strength, and self discipline within yourself. :flowerforyou: Don't take it personally if you don't get a big response. A lot of people are busy this time of year, or they may not have an answer for you. It's not an insult, it's just disappointing sometimes. But when no one is there to push us along or support us, that's when we keep ourselves going. :smile:
  • nwfamilygal
    hi, Sorry I didn't see your first post. I get on when I can. Just remember to take one day at a time. Drink your water and be good to yourself. Taking weight off isn't easy so having all these people to give you support is awsome. When I get on I read as many as I can and respond. I'm not on the net until evening and my evening is later then yours as I live on the west coast. So just know we are here for you. Take care and :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :flowerforyou:
  • melissa91971
    Sorry I missed your first post :cry:

    Just so you know EVERYONE FITS IN AND BELONGS HERE!.....INCLUDING YOU!!!!:flowerforyou:

    Your goal are good and more specific than most.

    It sounds like you are like most of us overweight people (including myself) a little insecure.

    You need to learn to love yourself! Walk with your head held high and show the world the good person you are. They will see it too.

    :heart: ~Mel
  • ivykivy
    ivykivy Posts: 2,970 Member
    Your goals are great!. The only goal I had when I went to college was to avoid all 8 & 9 am classes!:happy:
    The site is great and you can lose weight using it.
    You are going to do great!

    I know it can make you anxious going away to school. But believe me once you get there and get in your routine you will be fine.

    Hopefully you get free access to weight rooms, walking tracks, tennis courts, etc. to help you with your exercise goals. I used to try to go early and take the stairs (to avoid the embarrasment of people seeing me huffing and puffing up the stairs).
  • Fitness_Chick
    Fitness_Chick Posts: 6,648 Member
    On my profile I have made a few weight loss goals and resolutions for myself. I know that to set yourself up to succeed your goals need to be exact and something that you can follow. In other words, they can't be vague. So I was wondering if any of you would look at my profile and edit (for lack of a better word) my goals (most concern weight loss, some don't).

    I'm just not really good at creating goals that are exact. I tried hard but just to make sure I'm setting myself up for success I'd rather others read them.

    End of Original Message

    EDIT: I don't even feel like I belong here at MFP. Anything I post, a couple of people might respond and then it just gets ignored. I can't do this alone and if no one at MFP will even respond to my posts than I feel as if I'm going to have to find another form of support.
    Hey F-78 I gotta apologize as I didn't see the post's been a lil on the rough end for me so wasn't online much like normally am. :flowerforyou: :heart: :flowerforyou:

    I is hard when you post and feel nonone is listening:cry: ...someone suggested some folks read but aren't sure what to say or are simply readers and don't chat much on the message board.

    But there are many that do see a thread and respond:bigsmile: often it's the time of day, if it's a Holiday etc.. Sunday nights folks are getting ready to head back to work, not as many folks around chatting after awhile.. during the week work time folks are arriving at work and chatting up a storm which then drops the threads down that much faster as new ones are addd.:wink:

    Always hang in there and bump your own thread if you have to, nothing at all wrong with that:wink: ....when I see not much activitely on a thread I try and 'bump' it (meaning the thread will get pushed back up to the top ..there are I believe 25 spots that show up a time(?)...after that it needs to be bumped or a search needs to be done for the particular thread...just a lil fyi for ya:flowerforyou: )

    I just left you a comment:flowerforyou: Glad you did the edit (not glad you felt that way though!:cry::flowerforyou: ) because that got you more responses as it bumped your thread to the top more of us could see it!!:drinker:

    Hang in there with's so WORTH IT Hon!!:bigsmile: :flowerforyou:

  • jackeh
    jackeh Posts: 1,515 Member
    welcome!!! and we are so happy to have you here!!!
    Sorry i didnt see your post before but i am off and on here sometimes i dont come for a couple of days to the boards i only come to log my calories:blushing:
    but you are welcome here and we are all here to listen and help if we can :)
    I think your goals set out for the new year sound great!
