100+ to lose! Team yoga and clean eating!

Hello everyone! My name's Maggie, and like many of you, I'm starting this journey for what feels like the millionth time. I've always been a big girl, and I've been "dieting" since middle school. After my first year of college 9 years ago, I reached an all-time high for me: 280 pounds. Over the next 4 years, I lost most of the weight (30 pounds with low-carb and 50 with Weight Watchers) and achieved such a big victory for myself when I weighed in below 200 for the first time since early high school. I felt freer somehow and swore I'd never let myself get to that point again.

Y'all know how this story goes right? Flash forward to a month ago. After an injury, I had to weigh-in at an urgent care clinic. I knew I'd gained weight over the past few years, but nothing could prepare me for what I saw on that scale: 293 pounds. Almost 300 pounds. My heart skipped a beat. I was shocked. Mortified. Angry as hell with myself. How did this happen? Oh yeah, McDonald's double cheeseburgers, bottles of wine every other night, and butter- on everything.

After the weigh-in I did what any self-respecting person would do - I went to a Chinese all-you-can-eat buffet. Because, America. Then I signed my *kitten* up for a ten-day detox and six-week yoga boot camp. The detox was intense! No meat, dairy, sugar, salt, alcohol, gluten, fat, processed packaged foods... it took a ton of willpower, but I did it! And I felt amazing! Of course there's no way I could stick to a detox diet for good. I wouldn't even try, but I learned a new way of living that has become more natural to me. I truly *enjoy* fresh fruits and vegetables. I avoid packaged foods and anything with artificial ingredients (except Amy's frozen meals, because I do have a life... occasionally). I (maybe a little obsessively :neutral: ) log EVERYTHING! Even my cheat meals. I practice yoga - every damn day. And I practice compassion. For myself. For where I am, where I've been, and where I'm going. I live in the moment and nourish my body, because it's what makes me FEEL GOOD! I'm not starting over. I've been on this journey a long time. I've lost over a thousand pounds, and gained a thousand and one, but today, I feel better than I did yesterday, and that's all that matters.

Thanks for reading :)


  • Fast_Track
    Fast_Track Posts: 33 Member
    Thanks for sharing! It sounds like you have the will to do it! I always feel better when I cut out caffeine and alcohol. Best of luck to you in your journey!
  • gingermim
    gingermim Posts: 58 Member
    well done Frances, I am on that same journey trying to lose 100lbs for the umpteenth time...but I have been on lo carb for 1 month now and am feeling pretty good about myself. First time in 60 years I have long fingernails. imagine I gave up carbs and fingernails at the same time lol. I am drinking almost 2 gallons of water daily some with crystal light but am trying to cut that out also but taking it slow. Didn't post to talk about me tho so just just wanted to wish you well on your journey to good health.
  • francescabeaverhousen
    francescabeaverhousen Posts: 17 Member
    @Fast_Track thanks! :smiley:

    @gingermim I love hearing about other's journeys! 2 gallons of water a day is awesome! I feel so much better when I'm well hydrated!
  • aurora184
    aurora184 Posts: 54 Member
    Hi there.... I'm new to MFP so still trying to figure things out. I also need to lose over 100 lbs and I'm looking for friends to make a support circle. I like the fact that your focussing on yoga and clean eating. I feel to heavy for a gym membership (lol) right now so I'm thinking about yoga (at home) and working in my vegetable garden for exercise (very clean eating.... after I wash away the dirt and little bugs lol). I'll send you a friendship request, add me if you're interested.
  • jitjies
    jitjies Posts: 2 Member
    I really like your philosophy of compassion for yourself. I am working on that myself as I am certainly my absolute worst critic. If I can figure out how to friend you, I will! I have not quite learned my way around here yet. Lol. Best of luck on your journey and keep up the great work! Life is good!
  • Newbietiger13
    Newbietiger13 Posts: 4 Member
    Thanks for sharing your story! You rock girl!
  • francescabeaverhousen
    francescabeaverhousen Posts: 17 Member
    @aurora184 I'm glad you added me! Don't be afraid to get involved at a yoga studio no matter your size. Most are very nonjudgmental places that accept everyone just as you are. In fact, that's one great thing about yoga: it's foundations are based in principles that encourage people to be humble and not compare yourself to others. It teaches compassion and self-love and is truly a workout for your mind, body, and soul. I love that you're working in your vegetable garden for exercise. What a great way to get moving AND eat healthy! Good luck!

    @jitjies @Newbietiger13 Thanks!! <3