Any new mommy's out there?

Hi everyone! New to this...I had my son in January, and I've never been this heavy! I'm 5'6, 205 lbs and 27 years old. Looking for any new mommy's out there for some motivation and similar lifestyle! I work full time and its so hard to find enough time to exercise and spend time with my son. Right now my goal is 170 lbs, and when I get there probably more...please feel free to add me!


  • busyPK
    busyPK Posts: 3,788 Member
    I'm not a new mom, but I'm 29 and have 3 kids and work full-time too. I'll send an invite. :)
  • rosellabella87
    rosellabella87 Posts: 8 Member
    Great! :) much weight are you looking to lose? And if you have lost any already, how do you find time to exercise, work and be a mommy?!
  • mona268
    mona268 Posts: 6 Member
    im a new mom,well my son is 9 months also 5.6 but i weigh also looking for friends.
  • rosellabella87
    rosellabella87 Posts: 8 Member
    I'm glad you added me :) how much are you looking to lose?
  • mona268
    mona268 Posts: 6 Member
    60-80 pounds and you?
  • Camille_94
    Camille_94 Posts: 11 Member
    I'm a first time mom, had my son 8 months ago. I want to loose about 30lbs which is less than my pre-pregnancy weight.
  • brittni88ingram
    brittni88ingram Posts: 1 Member
    I had my 10.5lb daughter a year ago and would love tips on getting back in shape!
  • boogiewookie
    boogiewookie Posts: 206 Member
    I'm not a new mom, but I have a 7 year old and an 11month old. I just started trying to lose my extra weight I gained during my last pregnancy though. I thought it would magically melt off...feel free to add me :-)
  • jspeers1991
    jspeers1991 Posts: 5 Member
    I'm a new mom! I had my son 10 months ago and am looking to lose at least 20lbs. I'm 5'6 as well, 23 yrs old, and work full time. Unfortunately I don't have much time to exercise either so I'm focusing on more healthy eating right now. Feel free to add me ladies!
  • shantina01
    shantina01 Posts: 3 Member
    edited July 2015
    I just had my first son in January also, but I was already heavy prior to getting pregnant. I would really like to lose 150, but setting smaller realistic goals in increments of 20.
  • mrsrosetr954
    mrsrosetr954 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi! Not a new mom. I have a 3 1/2 yr old and a 7month old. I'm 5'3" and 197lbs. I work full time night shift. I'm trying to lose 40 to 50 lbs. Feel free to add me
  • busyPK
    busyPK Posts: 3,788 Member
    Great! :) much weight are you looking to lose? And if you have lost any already, how do you find time to exercise, work and be a mommy?!

    I've lost about 20lbs, but have over 30lbs left to drop. I make the time to exercise and plan ahead on meals. My kids are 5, 3 and 2 and very active so I make sure to play with them outside on a daily basis. They go to bed at 8:30pm and I have a treadmill I get on at least 4 days a week. For the 1-2 days they are away at their dad's house I get outside and walk/jog. I also have the 30DS video I do at least once a week for something different. I always found time to watch my favorite TV shows so I can find the time to exercise. Diet is also important so I weigh everything and log it. I want this to be a lifestyle change so I can keep the weight off so it has just become part of me. :)
  • kristinhull1
    kristinhull1 Posts: 294 Member
    Hi. My Names Kristin. I am 24 years old and have a 2 year old Son. I just started logging yesterday. I am not the healthiest eater and learned that it doesnt matter what you eat just how much. I am looking to lose 100lbs.
  • healthychops_gets_fit
    healthychops_gets_fit Posts: 35 Member
    Hey I am a new mum too have a 12 week old and need to start attacking this weight.
    Add me and we can motivate each other :-)
  • Prissilva
    Prissilva Posts: 7 Member
    Not new mommy but first time mom my LO is 2 looking for mommies that understand that #thestruggleisreal lol I sent an invite I think please request me I need the support
  • ischmelle
    ischmelle Posts: 203 Member
    Me! Me! My girl is 5 weeks old and I am the heaviest I've ever been! I'll send you an invite. :)
  • rosellabella87
    rosellabella87 Posts: 8 Member
    mona268 wrote: »
    60-80 pounds and you?

  • rosellabella87
    rosellabella87 Posts: 8 Member
    busyPK wrote: »
    Great! :) much weight are you looking to lose? And if you have lost any already, how do you find time to exercise, work and be a mommy?!

    I've lost about 20lbs, but have over 30lbs left to drop. I make the time to exercise and plan ahead on meals. My kids are 5, 3 and 2 and very active so I make sure to play with them outside on a daily basis. They go to bed at 8:30pm and I have a treadmill I get on at least 4 days a week. For the 1-2 days they are away at their dad's house I get outside and walk/jog. I also have the 30DS video I do at least once a week for something different. I always found time to watch my favorite TV shows so I can find the time to exercise. Diet is also important so I weigh everything and log it. I want this to be a lifestyle change so I can keep the weight off so it has just
    become part of me. :)

    Good for you! Keep it up! Good point about finding time to watch your favorite tv show. I can find time to exercise. Thank you! Yesterday was my first day of eating healthier, and cutting calories. Not going to lie, if was hard, but I did it!

  • kikilee1985
    kikilee1985 Posts: 7 Member
    I'm a new mum, had my son 25th of April... I'm determined to loose this weight, I'm a bridesmaid for my sisters wedding on the 21st of August so I need to loose something :'( xx

  • busyPK
    busyPK Posts: 3,788 Member
    busyPK wrote: »
    Great! :) much weight are you looking to lose? And if you have lost any already, how do you find time to exercise, work and be a mommy?!

    I've lost about 20lbs, but have over 30lbs left to drop. I make the time to exercise and plan ahead on meals. My kids are 5, 3 and 2 and very active so I make sure to play with them outside on a daily basis. They go to bed at 8:30pm and I have a treadmill I get on at least 4 days a week. For the 1-2 days they are away at their dad's house I get outside and walk/jog. I also have the 30DS video I do at least once a week for something different. I always found time to watch my favorite TV shows so I can find the time to exercise. Diet is also important so I weigh everything and log it. I want this to be a lifestyle change so I can keep the weight off so it has just
    become part of me. :)

    Good for you! Keep it up! Good point about finding time to watch your favorite tv show. I can find time to exercise. Thank you! Yesterday was my first day of eating healthier, and cutting calories. Not going to lie, if was hard, but I did it!

    The 1st day is the hardest! Once you get use to measuring food/logging it get easier. And when you add in exercise it will make you want to eat better (at least for me it does). :)