Looking for friends near 50 to encourage each other

Dad623 Posts: 14 Member
Well, the #50 popped up on me this year and it made me think alot more about being healthier and maybe doing something memorable starting this year. I've battled my whole life with weight and thinking I can't do things. Well, I've signed up for an 8K run in October and am determined to lose at least 40Lbs. Mid-life crisis? Who knows, but i think I can do this and would like to help others do cool things this year, too. Me putting runners on might sound like putting race tires on a school bus but, lets do this. Smile, laugh and get healthy with me.


  • alco1966
    alco1966 Posts: 56 Member
    Hi Al, best of luck with the race :) and for getting fitter, I would like to lose around 28lbs ... not that easy as you get older is it :( I still blame it on my children but as they point out they are 28 and 22 lol
  • PacificLotus
    PacificLotus Posts: 83 Member
    Hi Al! 50 is creeping up on me too. Lost a bit over 30 pounds recently, but am surprised by how quickly it comes back on when I'm not vigilant. That didn't used to happen!
  • geohunt
    geohunt Posts: 9 Member
    How great that you have signed up for a 8K! Go you. How about a little over 50 :) Would be nice to have friends closer to my age. I am getting closer to my goal but I wont stop with MFP when I get there. Starting over in a lot of areas of my life and want to make the 50's the best time of my life. I would love to have more friends to give and get support.
  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member
    There is a great group: Fifty Plus or so Support Group that has a lot of active members for added support. Come on over...
  • adelibera
    adelibera Posts: 1 Member
    Hello everyone,
    I'm 51 and planning bariatric surgery in August. However, I'm still game to make one last attempt to lose weight successfully without the extreme measure of surgical intervention. I have Multiple Sclerosis, severe asthma, type 2 diabetes, and I am dependent on corticosteroids steroids to treat my respiratory issues. Control of diet has always been an issue for me, but the challenge has gotten much greater in recent years because my MS has slowed me down and my asthma has gotten worse; the extra weight makes it even more difficult to move, and I feel as if I'm on a downward spiral. I'm hoping to turn things around soon. This site looks like a good place to begin.
  • salaita1968
    salaita1968 Posts: 165 Member
    i'm 47 friends are welcome
  • bm1409
    bm1409 Posts: 1,715 Member
    sounds like you have a good plan. I also have a Walking group (walk, swim, bike, run, anything that can add up to miles). Its just a bunch of us adding our miles together each week and virtually walking across the US. Heres the link to the group of you would like to check it out and join. (anyone can join). https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1wvuRWZkSM3r9Jli2DXub5kVJAraIQwuEg2Pu8WS6Wd0/edit#gid=0
  • leeejordan
    leeejordan Posts: 13 Member
    Well I have to start over.. 48 now and 5 years ago I lost 50lbs on ww.. But guess what? I've put 40 back on!! So my journey starts again and would love some buddies to share encouragement, motivation tips & experiences along the way. Feel free to add me