Need to get back on track.

Hi All
I was on my weight loss journey a few months back and all was going well. I then had some technical issues and couldn't log and lost heart with it.

Really need people to give me a kick up the bum. My weight is only increasing ATM and it's so upsetting.

Feel free to add! Need all the help I can get!!!



  • jake1967
    jake1967 Posts: 20 Member
    Today is the day to start.:)
    The best day to plant a tree was twenty years ago,the second best day is today.
    Good luck.
  • Contrary03
    Contrary03 Posts: 289 Member
    I feel ya!.. lol. Got off track myself. It happens. We can do this!!!
  • melissaf0405
    melissaf0405 Posts: 67 Member
    Forget about what happened and focus in today. Take it one day at a time you can do this let me know if I can help
  • tiffanylacourse
    tiffanylacourse Posts: 2,985 Member
    Best tips I've ever received:
    • Don't wait for a certain day to start. Do it NOW. :)
    • Don't expect to lose too much too fast. 1-2lbs per week is amazing progress. DON'T forget that! ;)
    • Don't beat yourself up after a bad meal (or day - or weekend - or even week!), just log it ALL, keep yourself accountable, and keep moving!