what was your final straw?

When was the day you thought "I want (or need) to do this" ?

My story is kind of "cliché" but when I was pregnant last year, I didn't care much how much weight I gained because I knew my baby was healthy. So I must have been doing something right, right? Well, I retained a ton of water, and living in Arizona, that makes things much worse. By the time I delivered, I was up 50lbs; so my highest weight was 220lbs. After giving birth, I weighed 190lbs. About a month postpartum, I was back up to 200lbs.

I didn't think that was a big deal until I started seeing pictures of myself with family or just me taking "selfies". I didn't like my body; I don't like my body. So I've finally had enough. I want to feel pretty, confident, and healthy.

So this is me saying, I WILL do this! :)


  • Cahgetsfit
    Cahgetsfit Posts: 1,912 Member
    Yes you will!!!

    I have a similar story. I also packed on the chub with pregnancy - got up to something like 72 kg instead of what was my normal/decent 60kg. After baby was born I went down to 68 and just stayed there.

    My clothes don't fit, I had to buy stuff but didn't want to spend money on big new clothes because kept thinking it was only temporary and so ended up getting cheap stuff that makes you look even frumpier and more horrid.

    Photos were also a big killer - horrid to see big beefy me next to normal sized people.

    And lack of fitness also a factor. Before baby I did capoeira and was fit. Post baby was just a beached whale.

    Now am slowly getting to where I want to be. My top part is looking much better but still have the paunch hanging over my pants!!!
  • wochlikgm
    wochlikgm Posts: 131 Member
    Ever since I remember, I was always over weight. Growing up, and today, everyone did as they please at home. So exercise and healthy eating was never on the agenda. April 2015, out of pure geekness, I bought a Garmin Fenix 3 smart watch. That was my 'final straw'. It had fitness apps which I started to use. Their offered to connect to this site, and here I am. Now I am watching my weight closely, record everything I eat.
  • mjgrin
    mjgrin Posts: 883 Member
    One of the older family friends was telling a story and couldn't recall who was in it and said, "The heavier grandchild" (that was always me). I don't want people to remember me as the "heavier" one of my family so I am buckling down and realize it is time to change.
  • lorengetsfit
    lorengetsfit Posts: 84 Member
    For me, photos played a huge factor. The picture of me that I have in my head, and even what I see in the mirror, is completely different from how I appear in photos. I absolutely hate taking photos now. It was also discouraging to look at myself in old photos, which I'm trying to use as motivation now.
  • katiehood2010
    katiehood2010 Posts: 3 Member
    Looked at myself in the mirror today at work. I look awful. Not only weight, but skin and hair. I've GOT to start taking care of myself. One day at a time.
  • Sandhya6589
    Sandhya6589 Posts: 13 Member
    its true, i look at my selfies and photos, didnt like how i look, am here recording everything...
  • jtuell11
    jtuell11 Posts: 3 Member
    As soon as I get to where I am comfortable. I see a pic of myself and think damn I need to change. Its time to be back under 200 again
  • AVT78
    AVT78 Posts: 39 Member
    My husband recently took a video of me singing along to one of my favorite songs. When I saw it my heart hit the floor ( along with my jaw ) I said "omg, when did i get so FAT?"

    so that was the final straw for me.

    Oh and the fact that all the cute clothes I wanna wear and not in plus size. BOOOOOoooo
  • dizzieblondeuk
    dizzieblondeuk Posts: 286 Member
    At the end of May, I was just about to start a new job, and realised all my office-suitable clothing was in huge sizes and I looked terrible in them, but I had no other choices. Day 1 of my new job was also day 1 of my weight loss!

    I felt incredibly motivated about my job, I just transferred the same motivation to my food and exercise. My first pay-day, the things I bought were a new bathroom scale and work out clothes, and every day I bring my lunch - pre-prepared and logged into MFP. Due to my job's location, I'm not near any food shops during the day, so the only food I have is what I brought - so different from before.
  • hayroach
    hayroach Posts: 3 Member
    My last straw was threefold. My husband and I started to conceive..went to our PCP. She told me I had hyperinsulinemia and was morbidly obese (bmi 40.7) and I would have a hard time conceiving. Upset, I went home grabbed a jar of honey peanut butter and a spoon and dug in. Later on that day, I caught my 9 year old son earing peanut butter out of the jar with a spoon. At that moment, I realized I was setting him up for a lifetime of health and weight problems. THAT was the last straw! I decided that day, it was time for an overhaul of my eating habits and fitness level. So far, I've lost 6 lbs and 12 inches.
    You can do anything you set your mind to, trust and believe that!!
  • hayroach
    hayroach Posts: 3 Member
    mjgrin wrote: »
    One of the older family friends was telling a story and couldn't recall who was in it and said, "The heavier grandchild" (that was always me). I don't want people to remember me as the "heavier" one of my family so I am buckling down and realize it is time to change.

    Ugh.. I feel your pain. I was always introduced as my brother's "big" little sister. It hurts, truly.
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    The last straw? Which time!!
    I suppose it is photos that haunt me most, because they are out there, forever. And, I just saw a recent photo, taken last month.

    I had always been so active and did yard work to earn a living, so I could eat anything and work it off. Now, being retired, I am not working it off. Even though I eat healthy...time to check and recheck portion control. Get rid of these extra 30 pounds that have crept in over the last few years.
  • racheljonel
    racheljonel Posts: 400 Member
    I've been at this awhile, but I've been really lazy/unmotivated lately and I've gained a few pounds. I saw a snap chat video of myself on the 4th of July and I almost died. I didn't even recognize myself. I wish I could have saved that video to look at periodically when I'm feeling lazy again.
  • Jackie9950
    Jackie9950 Posts: 374 Member
    A picture. At the end of February me and my husband went to Cancun and a picture was taken of me and him in front of the CocoBongo Club and I was mortified when it showed up on Facebook. I knew I had gained weight, but oh my! I looked pregnant. Right then and there I decided I couldn't live with another picture taken like that. That was March and as of today I have lost 33lbs!
  • freqzinbigd
    freqzinbigd Posts: 56 Member
    Ever see that movie Tommy Boy with Chris Farley and David Spade.

    Remember when Farley put on Spade's coat and sang "fat guy in a little coat"?

    Yeah...at 260 I had an occasion where a sport coat was required and tried to put on my coat that was a little tight at 230. The next morning I started. That was almost 5 years ago.
  • ischmelle
    ischmelle Posts: 203 Member
    I have a really similar story! My girl is 5 weeks old and I didn't care how much I gained during her pregnancy. So, 60 pounds later, I had an 8 pound girl and am currently the heaviest I have ever been. And I've put on weight since I gave birth too, after the initial loss. I wanted to post cute family pictures over the 4th of July holiday, but when I saw the pictures I couldn't bring myself to post them. That is when I knew I HAD to get back on the wagon. We want to have more children and there is no way I want to be as heavy during the next pregnancy. The work HAS to begin now!
  • ashleybobek3
    ashleybobek3 Posts: 3 Member
    My final straw just hit me on Fourth of July. When I wanted to pretend I didn't feel good so I wouldn't have to go to the pool club! I knew it was time for a change because I did not feel comfortable at all. Seeing myself in pictures also hit me where I can't hide it anymore!
  • chismmegan
    chismmegan Posts: 45 Member
    My jeans stopped fitting. I already wore very tight jeans so I didn't have much room to grow. Gained 10lbs and felt AWFUL in them. Worked hard enough that I can now fit back into one pair but the rest I'm still working toward. Wearing yoga pants everywhere for the time being. (probably won't change that though because they are so comfy.)
  • Mesimiza
    Mesimiza Posts: 4 Member
    chismmegan wrote: »
    Wearing yoga pants everywhere for the time being. (probably won't change that though because they are so comfy.)
    I can relate :D
  • cbabnew
    cbabnew Posts: 4 Member
    photos of a 'special' birthday when I didn't recognise myself