I don't know what I'm doing wrong?



  • ashleebear23
    ashleebear23 Posts: 11 Member
    cvehon wrote: »
    Meal prepping is the way to go if you don't feel you have time in a day. I meal prep on sundays, and takes me up to a couple hours to cook everything. I weigh everything in my containers, and then prelog the meals I prepped. It has worked for me so far. :)

    Great I'll have to try this! What sort of meals would you recommend?
  • ashleebear23
    ashleebear23 Posts: 11 Member
    awolf2011 wrote: »
    I also suggest getting yourself a heart rate monitor. I find that it is more accurate than what MFP and the machines calculate what you have burned. I find that MFP and the machines can either be way under or way over. This gives me more peace of mind when I use my heart rate monitor. I wear mine like a watch, it's with me all day, every day.

    I was looking into getting a Fitbit!
  • DisneyDude85
    DisneyDude85 Posts: 428 Member
    cvehon wrote: »
    Meal prepping is the way to go if you don't feel you have time in a day. I meal prep on sundays, and takes me up to a couple hours to cook everything. I weigh everything in my containers, and then prelog the meals I prepped. It has worked for me so far. :)

    Great I'll have to try this! What sort of meals would you recommend?

    last week for lunch was rotisserie chicken (i was lazy and bought it at the store) brown rice with yellow bell pepper and onion, steamed spinach and brocolli, and cherries. For me it totaled 450 cal (my portions, you can adjust to fit your plan). This week is grilled pork, cauliflower mash, and steamed broccoli (again) haha. Peaches are on sale this week, so I'll eat that too! Snack is usually some sort of veggie with hummus.

    For breakfast I have been eating oatmeal with coconut, sliced almonds, and blueberries. I prep all the dry ingredients, add the berries in the morning, and then just add hot water at work and throw it in the microwave!

    Its really whatever you want to make. You can mix it up throughout the week too. I know a lot of people may not be able to eat the same thing for a week like that.
  • 40ishloser12
    40ishloser12 Posts: 16 Member
    I started out with 1200 calories however weight wouldn't budge. When I upped my calories to 1500 the weight started coming off. But I'm aiming for slow and steady weight loss. About .5 lb a week.
  • sarahrosheen
    sarahrosheen Posts: 82 Member
    edited July 2015
    i think the number of calories on treadmills, etc. grossly miscalculate the calories you burn. I think it's a lot less than it says. also make sure you are weight training too!
  • micheledarley2012
    micheledarley2012 Posts: 24 Member
    You also might want to see your dr. If your thyroid is sluggish, it can effect your weight loss too. Or certain meds or supplements. Everyone works different but you might do better eating 6 meals rather than 3. I was in the same place as you. Losing nothing. I'm under a Drs care now. Having tons of bloodwork done although I already know i have hypothyroidism. The meds seem to help a little. I'm waiting for more recipes.
    All the best!
  • jkal1979
    jkal1979 Posts: 1,896 Member
    Along with using a food scale, you need to make sure that you are using accurate entries from the database. If you use entries marked homemade, generic, and has small/medium/large as a measurement (usually found with fruits) then your diary may be inaccurate without you knowing it. Add that with not using a food scale and it can easily wipe out your deficit.

    This is why people asked to see your diary. These are the things that they are looking for.

    This link is a great step by step guide on how to find the accurate entries in the database:

  • Kexessa
    Kexessa Posts: 346 Member
    I'm 5"11 and started at 12st7. Three months later and I'm....wait for it... 12st6 :(
    I've been eating well, putting in correct amounts, going to the gym 3 sometimes 4 times a week but just can't shift my weight at all!

    I'm curious if at 5'11' if 127lb isn't already a good weight for you? I'm 5'6 and around 130ish give or take is my supposed "healthy" weight.

  • paddyodaddyo
    paddyodaddyo Posts: 1 Member
    I also have a very hectic work schedule. I always meal prep and use a digital scale it's the only way to ensure I get the correct caloric intake
  • flamingblades
    flamingblades Posts: 311 Member
    weigh once a month at your local doctors office, or fire station.
  • SergeantSausage
    SergeantSausage Posts: 1,673 Member
    edited July 2015
    I hate this conversation, starvation mode may not be a thing but metabolic damage certainly is and I think that is what most people refer to when they use the term starvation mode. If you are not eating enough your metabolism will slow and burn fewer calories. Your body is a complex machine and needs to be treated properly.

    Go away.

    Your misinformation is not needed here.

    Just for clarification, you don't think metabolic damage is real?

    It is real.

    Just not in the way you want it to be - and most certainly not as stated above, right?

    [Edited by MFP Staff]
  • cwilso37
    cwilso37 Posts: 79 Member
    Few things of note. Barring some form of medical condition, if you aren't losing weight you are eating at your maintenance amount. At your height and weight your maintenance amount is around 2k or so for sedimentary (for reference).

    now if I am doing the st to lb conversion right, you are already on the healthy side of the bmi. Given that you should be trying to lose only .5 lb a week (you need to eat more).

    Takeaways- You are eating more than you think, you have the losing set too aggressively, and Given the too low calories it makes you unable to do MFP for weeks.

  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    weigh once a month at your local doctors office, or fire station.

    Fire station?
  • LoraF83
    LoraF83 Posts: 15,694 Member
    weigh once a month at your local doctors office, or fire station.

    Fire station?

    What? You don't go to your local fire station and ask them to weigh you once a month??
  • glassyo
    glassyo Posts: 7,627 Member
    LoraF83 wrote: »
    weigh once a month at your local doctors office, or fire station.

    Fire station?

    What? You don't go to your local fire station and ask them to weigh you once a month??

    Maybe you're supposed to ask the hot firemen to bench press you and tell you what you weigh.

  • ihad
    ihad Posts: 7,463 Member
    edited July 2015
    The most important things are going to be patience, consistent practice of whatever approach you take, and a willingness to experiment and adjust.

    You're in the upper half of a healthy BMI range, and looking to get into the lower half. That will be slower going generally.

    You have stopped several times, and recently gone weeks without logging seriously. All within a period of a few months. You haven't given it enough time or effort to figure things out and find a groove.

    You've been loose with how you are logging, so you don't really know how many calories you are eating.

    You were targeting eating a low amount of calories, particularly when you were trying for 1,000. Low calorie diets are generally harder to stick with. It's tough to stay disciplined when you're really hungry. You can't know if you were actually eating that little, but being too aggressive is often a quick route to discouragement and failure.

    When you went on the low carb diet and lost 5 pounds, that was probably mostly water weight, not fat, which is what happens when on a low carb diet. When you stopped low carbing, the water came back. No real fat lost or gained.

    Find a calorie deficit you you can stick with, log consistently and accurately for several months, look at what happens, seek more feedback, and adjust. Be patient and don't give up on yourself.
  • LoraF83
    LoraF83 Posts: 15,694 Member
    glassyo wrote: »
    LoraF83 wrote: »
    weigh once a month at your local doctors office, or fire station.

    Fire station?

    What? You don't go to your local fire station and ask them to weigh you once a month??

    Maybe you're supposed to ask the hot firemen to bench press you and tell you what you weigh.

    This is a good plan.
  • ihad
    ihad Posts: 7,463 Member
    LoraF83 wrote: »
    glassyo wrote: »
    LoraF83 wrote: »
    weigh once a month at your local doctors office, or fire station.

    Fire station?

    What? You don't go to your local fire station and ask them to weigh you once a month??

    Maybe you're supposed to ask the hot firemen to bench press you and tell you what you weigh.

    This is a good plan.

    There are certain advantages to that plan...
  • blossomingbutterfly
    blossomingbutterfly Posts: 743 Member
    I meal prep on Sundays as well for the entire week. Weight it, log it, cook it, eat it. Saves me so much time in the week!
  • mwebster01
    mwebster01 Posts: 111 Member
    Hi all,

    This is my first post so please be kind!

    Around 3 months ago now I decided that enough was enough and I needed to lose some weight.

    I'm 5"11 and started at 12st7. Three months later and I'm....wait for it... 12st6 :(
    I've been eating well, putting in correct amounts, going to the gym 3 sometimes 4 times a week but just can't shift my weight at all!

    I've given up twice, for about a week then i start again. But nothing is working. I started at a 1300 calorie intake and have steadily made it down to 1000 calories to see if that made a difference. Alas, no!

    At the beginning of the year I went on a low carb diet and lost 5 pounds, but piled it straight back on when I came off of it, so that's a no go for me now.

    Any tips or motivation people can lend me? I just feel like giving up all together if I'm honest :(
    do you mean 127 lbs? bc your post says 12st7.