MelanieP_TX Posts: 159 Member
edited September 27 in Motivation and Support
SO to all that have lost all their weight and are on to maintenance and exercise- HOW LONG B4 you really started to see a difference in your flabby areas- I am really starting to believe it's just never going to go away- I mean don't get me wrong I have seen major changes, but there are certain areas that haven't seemed to change at all and it is driving me crazy! I do tons of cardio and strength train (body pump) 2-3 times per week, I think I just need to learn the Cybex machines at my gym and use them rather then these classes.. Any insight would be great!



  • jmgj27
    jmgj27 Posts: 531 Member
    I know what you mean- my *kitten* keeps looking at me and saying 'what? No I'm just fine this size thanks!' It's reall annoying. That said, my legs- including my inner thighs, look pretty decent now through running. I've got runner's legs and really toned up the wobbly bit at the top. I do still have bat wings though- bugger!
  • Shutterpillar
    Shutterpillar Posts: 208
    I am noticing a change my my body... definitely around my waist. but it seems like the cellulite on my thighs will never go away. :frown:
  • What I do is to just keep going, look for new ways to make it all interesting, think positive, focus on a vision of what you want your body to look like, and trust the process. All the advertising and instant gratification society seeks is an illusion. You are on the right track, just keep going and let go of results.
  • mjemerson
    mjemerson Posts: 141
    I was told by my doctor that I am one of the fortunate people that will never be able to get rid of the saggy skin in those two areas. It is genetic, some people have better elasticity in their skin, I however do not. :( the only cure for me is plastic surgery and they just aren't bad enough for me to go to those extremes although I will eventually get my stomach done at some point for medical reasons.
  • anubis609
    anubis609 Posts: 3,966 Member
    At first I thought it was a thread for new kinds of low protein..

    Anyway, true enough that cardio burns fat. It also can eat away at muscle, especially if you do "tons" as you've stated. For strength training, I don't know how heavy you lift, but even as a female, you should be lifting heavy to maximize muscle strength. Also, you're gonna need an adequate amount of protein to help repair and build lean muscle.
  • realme56
    realme56 Posts: 1,093 Member
    I am definitely doing my batwings when I get to goal! Not just about going sleeveless but just having blouses fit right. Not sure about the other areas though.
  • erika2508
    erika2508 Posts: 4
    my trainer at the gym told me that spinning makes the thights smaller you should try :)
  • newsarahd
    newsarahd Posts: 15
    I am noticing a change my my body... definitely around my waist. but it seems like the cellulite on my thighs will never go away. :frown:

    Me too!!!!!! Does cellulite ever go away? I sure hope so.
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    I feel ya!! everything depends on if it is fat or skin!!

    If it is fat...cardio is the ONLY way to burn fat...and you can't do "target"cardio!! so you take it where you can get it!

    If it is skin....sorry, but there is NOTHING that you can do to fix it (apart from surgery)! skin MAY tighten over time...but with extreme amounts of weight loss (I am at about 100lbs total) the skin will probably never go back to matter what you do!

    If you don't have a lot of skin...then I would recommend "filling in" the areas with muscle. strength to those areas.

    Good luck and remember...even with a lil " flaw" here and are still very far from where you have come!
  • MelanieP_TX
    MelanieP_TX Posts: 159 Member
    I feel ya!! everything depends on if it is fat or skin!!

    If it is fat...cardio is the ONLY way to burn fat...and you can't do "target"cardio!! so you take it where you can get it!

    If it is skin....sorry, but there is NOTHING that you can do to fix it (apart from surgery)! skin MAY tighten over time...but with extreme amounts of weight loss (I am at about 100lbs total) the skin will probably never go back to matter what you do!

    If you don't have a lot of skin...then I would recommend "filling in" the areas with muscle. strength to those areas.

    Good luck and remember...even with a lil " flaw" here and are still very far from where you have come!

    Thanks- I definitely think it is a combo of both- skin/fat. I was extremely out of shape when I started this and I hadn't really incorporated exercise aside from walking until January. It wasn't until April that I really made it a priority at least 5-6 days a week.
  • MelanieP_TX
    MelanieP_TX Posts: 159 Member
    my trainer at the gym told me that spinning makes the thights smaller you should try :)

    I was actually planning on trying a class tomorrow morning. :)
  • MelanieP_TX
    MelanieP_TX Posts: 159 Member

    I have been adding more and more weight eat time to see how far I can take it.. Right now when I do that Les Mills Body Pump class-For the clean and press, squats, and what ever else I do for the lower half I lift about 40 pounds and for biceps/triceps/shoulders I think I do about 15-20 pounds..

    So you've lost a lot of weight, (congrats) Do you still have a lot of skin to contend with?
  • anubis609
    anubis609 Posts: 3,966 Member

    I have been adding more and more weight eat time to see how far I can take it.. Right now when I do that Les Mills Body Pump class-For the clean and press, squats, and what ever else I do for the lower half I lift about 40 pounds and for biceps/triceps/shoulders I think I do about 15-20 pounds..

    So you've lost a lot of weight, (congrats) Do you still have a lot of skin to contend with?

    I have a little bit around the core area. When I was doing straight cardio, it was significantly noticeable. I made the decision to bulk and cut, and so far the results are good, the skin tightened up a bit and the core muscles are a bit more visually prominent. I cut back on the cardio and minimized it down to 30 minute HIIT routines and/or doing Insanity along with using heavy weighted [50 - 100 lb] resistance bands for strength training. Also currently doing an Insanity/P90X hybrid, so pull-up/chin-up routines are also incorporated into my workouts.
  • MelanieP_TX
    MelanieP_TX Posts: 159 Member
    Thanks for the advice!
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