Couch 2 5K Question

HailDawgs Posts: 30 Member
edited July 2015 in Fitness and Exercise
Hey MFPals,

This is for those that have done Couch 2 5K. I am doing this program to burn fat, and I have some questions.

Most importantly, it says Day 1, 2, and 3. Does this mean consecutively? For instance, do it Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday, and then you are off for the week? That cannot be right.

I take it that it may mean Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. But, in that case, what do I do in between? I want to burn fat and not be idle, so when I tried a similar program, it said do it M, W, F, and the days in between, I just did a nightly brisk walk and little run. Is that a good idea? That would have me doing it 7 days a week. Since I am heavy, I think that will help burn fat quicker, then again - what do you think?

I have researched a lot of running programs and everything, and if you do not like Couch 2 5K or do not believe in just jogging/walking/running, please do not post that here; it will discourage me. :)

With that being said, has anyone done Couch 2 5K and had some type of okay result such as weight loss and/or being able to run farther?

Thanks, guys!


  • maggiekat7
    maggiekat7 Posts: 122 Member
    i've recently graduated from a c25k program and i was happy with a run-rest-run-rest-run-rest-rest program. having said that, i didn't "rest" on the rest days, i either went speed walking or did some circuit training. i had great results with the c25k program and *highly* recommend it. there is an active c25k group here - pop in and say hi!
  • HailDawgs
    HailDawgs Posts: 30 Member
    maggiekat7 wrote: »
    i've recently graduated from a c25k program and i was happy with a run-rest-run-rest-run-rest-rest program. having said that, i didn't "rest" on the rest days, i either went speed walking or did some circuit training. i had great results with the c25k program and *highly* recommend it. there is an active c25k group here - pop in and say hi!

    Fantastic! When you say circuit training, may I ask what you did specifically as I may be interested in plugging that in my rest days. I joined the group; thank you!
  • tony1307
    tony1307 Posts: 127 Member
    day 1-2-3 is normally every other day. I do it on Mon-Wed-Fri.
  • maggiekat7
    maggiekat7 Posts: 122 Member
    i used an exercise video. :)
  • 1stplace4health
    1stplace4health Posts: 523 Member
    I graduated from C25K. I ran any 3 dayz a week. I wasn't able to run a 5k without stopping in the end. ;)
  • HailDawgs
    HailDawgs Posts: 30 Member
    maggiekat7 wrote: »
    i used an exercise video. :)

    Ah! I will need to find a good one. ;)
    I graduated from C25K. I ran any 3 dayz a week. I wasn't able to run a 5k without stopping in the end. ;)
    Congratulations on your graduation! I am trying to decipher your last sentence (lol)! I'll take it that you could run a 5K at the end :)
  • wabmester
    wabmester Posts: 2,748 Member
    Walking is great for "active rest" between running days. When I started, I was sore for a couple days after a good run, and walking helped a bunch.
  • HailDawgs
    HailDawgs Posts: 30 Member
    wabmester wrote: »
    Walking is great for "active rest" between running days. When I started, I was sore for a couple days after a good run, and walking helped a bunch.

    Great, thanks a billion!

    I have also incorporated 10 minutes of straight jumping jacks; one set in the morning and one in the evening. So, on top of C25K and walking during rest days, maybe I will be able to burn some fat!