Tips on First time bike purchase



  • beemerphile1
    beemerphile1 Posts: 1,710 Member
    girlinahat wrote: »
    Like you, I bought a hybrid. Hated it. Never rode it. Hated the way my hands sat on the flat bars, hated the suspension in the forks, hated how heavy it seemed.

    Just recently I bought a cyclocross bike (giant/Liv Invite). Love the weight, love the drop handlebars. Love how it fits me. Look forward to getting home and jumping on it.

    I see so many people commuting on hybrids with heavy front forks, too much suspension and knobbly tires. They just don't need it. Think about where you are going to cycle most, what the conditions are like, them go down to your local bike shop and tell them, keep open minded, and get them to find a bike that fits you, not get you to fit the bike.

    Your description sounds like a comfort bike or mountain bike. A hybrid uses a road bike frame (no suspension) with mountain bike gearing and bars. I do have a sprung seat post.
  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    +1 on visiting your local bike shop (rather than looking at a big box store) a good one will take the time to discuss what you see as your riding needs / goals and let you test drive a few different bikes to get a feel for what you like. Another reason to shop at your LBS is that they'll usually do (at the very least) a basic fitting and after sale adjustments.

    I'm a fan of Giant bikes (both my road & mtb are Giants) as they seem to offer the best bang for the buck (at least here in Canada) but you can't really go wrong with Trek or Specialized or Cannondale (each company will have minor differences in frame geometry so don't be surprised if you find one more comfortable than the other).

    When I started riding again a number of years ago I got modestly priced Marin hybrid and it's still in use by another family member .
  • omma_to_3
    omma_to_3 Posts: 3,265 Member
    I have a Specialized Vita (the entry level one so around $500) and love it. I call it a "road inspired hybrid".
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    I'd buy used first.

    You can get some really nice bikes off craigslist. My old roommate got a DUI- bought a purple huffy for 50 bucks- was stolen off the porch that night.

    So after a week of giving him a ride- he went and bought this really big heavy x purpose bike (he mostly commuted to work on asphalt) and he took it a grand total of 2 times off roading in the 3-4 months he was without his license. Huge. Giant waste of 600+ bucks.

    BF got a really expensive bike for 100-200 bucks on craigslist- he uses it maybe 1-2 times a week- but he has it- and it's perfect for his on road needs- no money wasted.
  • brianpperkins
    brianpperkins Posts: 6,124 Member
    omma_to_3 wrote: »
    I have a Specialized Vita (the entry level one so around $500) and love it. I call it a "road inspired hybrid".

    The men's version is the Specialized Sirrus and Crossroads ... or Trek's FX series ... Cannondale's Quick series
    The mountain inspired hybrids, or dual sports, would be the Specialized Crosstrail, the Trek DS series, Cannondales Quick CX.
  • Hornsby
    Hornsby Posts: 10,322 Member
    edited July 2015
    I started on a Trek FX 7.2 hybrid and loved it. Lasted me about 10 months before upgrading. They can be had for under 600 I think.
  • williamg63
    williamg63 Posts: 7 Member
    Your budget can get you a very good quality Trek hybrid at your local bike shop.

    I'll warn you though, bicycles can be addictive, it is hard to only have one. Many of us end up with a garage full.

    However, a hybrid is an excellent choice for your first bike.

    Yeah, I agree with all of this, particularly the addictive part. But it's a good addiction :)

    I do think hybrids make a great first bike. I rode one exclusively for 8 or 9 years before I decided to change it up and bought a cross bike. Honestly, if I'd started with the cross bike I don't know if I would have kept cycling, primarily because the gearing was pretty brutal for hill climbing and I've got lots of hills to climb. I think I would have found that quite discouraging early on.

    That's not to say that I think cross bikes are a bad choice: they can be a perfect bike and are more versatile than pure road bikes, and still I ride mine regularly though I have made some modifications to better suit my riding.
  • williamg63
    williamg63 Posts: 7 Member
    Hornsby wrote: »
    I started on a Trek FX 7.2 hybrid and loved it. Lasted me about 10 months before upgrading. They can be had for under 600 I think.

    My wife still rides her Trek 7.2, which she bought probably 8 years ago. She has no desire to change it to anything else. They are great, reliable bikes!
  • girlinahat
    girlinahat Posts: 2,956 Member
    edited July 2015
    girlinahat wrote: »
    Like you, I bought a hybrid. Hated it. Never rode it. Hated the way my hands sat on the flat bars, hated the suspension in the forks, hated how heavy it seemed.

    Your description sounds like a comfort bike or mountain bike. A hybrid uses a road bike frame (no suspension) with mountain bike gearing and bars. I do have a sprung seat post.

    It is a Trek 7200 FX. Described as a hybrid, with front fork suspension and sprung seat post. It is not what I would call a mountain bike. Most of the hybrids I see advertised have some form of suspension in the tyres which just isn't needed. The problem is that bike descriptions change all the time. I have never heard of a comfort bike. These days they have added 'adventure' and 'endurance' to the mix, so something that may have once been described as a cyclocross bike with slightly more upright body positioning, is now marketed to a different audience.
  • joolieb1
    joolieb1 Posts: 140 Member
    I just changed from a shopper to a hybrid and love it. It has the advantage of being lighter but with robust tyres I can cope with some rough roads and tracks. Luxury of so many gears too. Love it
  • bwogilvie
    bwogilvie Posts: 2,130 Member
    If by hybrid you mean a flat handlebar bike with no suspension and tires that are fatter than a typical road bike but skinnier than a mountain bike or cruiser, then I think that is an excellent choice for a first bike. Some bikes like that, such as the Jamis Allegro Sport and Coda Sport, aren't marketed as hybrids.

    I second the advice to avoid suspension; it's unnecessary for most riding, and at your price point, suspension will add a lot of weight. You're better off using wider tires and somewhat lower pressure to provide pneumatic suspension.

    And I second the advice to check out bike shops, and buy your bike from a shop you like and trust. The brand doesn't matter as much as the relationship you build with the shop that will tune up your bike in a month or so after you buy it, and then service it as needed (unless you learn the skills to do it).

    If you get seriously into cycling, your hybrid may be succeeded by another bike, but it's a good way to start. I don't ride my 1997 Trek Multitrack 730 much anymore, but I still keep it set up for visitors, as a spare bike when my other bikes need work that I haven't gotten around to doing, and for errands that are longer than I want to ride on my upright Dutch-style commuter. I also put studded tires on it in the winter for riding on snow and ice.
  • DuckiesorDie
    DuckiesorDie Posts: 23 Member
    Thank you everyone for the feedback! This has helped a ton, I think I'm going to go with a trek 7.2 or specialized Sirius, just not sure if I really need the disc brakes and the other upgrades or just get the basic stock model
  • Roza42
    Roza42 Posts: 246 Member
    I have a trek 7.3, and I commute 10 miles round trip. I also have a cargo bike and a tandem. I don't know that I would go with the trek again unless I upgraded as I have to adjust the front brakes every time the front tire is removed.
  • bwogilvie
    bwogilvie Posts: 2,130 Member
    For the average rider, disc brakes are a good way for bike shops to separate customers from their money. Ditto for carbon forks. There are cyclists who need those, but not beginners.
  • LauraRae2
    LauraRae2 Posts: 107 Member
    Definitely go to a bike shop and try a bunch of things. I have a comfort bike that I adore (Electra Townie). It's comfortable, fits me well, makes me happy, is easy to ride. Husband got a road bike and decided I should have a road bike too, since we were doing a ton of riding, generally going 30 miles or so round trip, and I couldn't keep up with him on my comfort bike.

    Let me tell ya, that was the biggest waste of money. I hate that thing. It's so uncomfortable that I dread getting on it, and when I do ride it, I complain the whole time. Technically it "fits" me in that it's the right size and shape for my body, but it doesn't fit ME. I am waaaaaay happier having work my butt off to stay up with him on my comfort bike than riding that thing.
  • brocantrs
    brocantrs Posts: 273 Member
    I had a hybrid for several years and spent a lot of time trying to make it perform like a road bike. So this year I went ahead and bought a road bike!
  • csman49
    csman49 Posts: 1,100 Member

    my roadie, taking in every type of surface imaginable on a single commute.
  • williamg63
    williamg63 Posts: 7 Member
    bwogilvie wrote: »
    For the average rider, disc brakes are a good way for bike shops to separate customers from their money. Ditto for carbon forks. There are cyclists who need those, but not beginners.

    Yeah, I would agree that disc brakes are unnecessary for this type of riding. They do have a few advantages, but given the proposed budget under discussion I'd rather put extra money into things like a helmet, lights & fenders instead.

    Disc brakes have their place, of course. I have discs on my heavy steel framed touring bike (Specialized AWOL Comp) and for sure, when I'm doing a steep descent with 25-30 pounds of camping gear on the bike I'm very happy to have discs. And I ride year round, so I like having discs when I'm riding in yucky weather in winter. But outside of those situations I'm quite happy with calliper brakes.
  • msf74
    msf74 Posts: 3,498 Member
    Thank you everyone for the feedback! This has helped a ton, I think I'm going to go with a trek 7.2 or specialized Sirius, just not sure if I really need the disc brakes and the other upgrades or just get the basic stock model

    There's only two real things you need to worry about 1) does the bike suit the kind of riding I want to do 2) do I feel comfortable / like riding it.

    You seem to have the first one sorted out. With regard to 2) while you have listed two great bikes you won't really know until you have tried them out. I would say go and test out 5 bikes in your budget without any preconceptions and you will pretty much know which one suits you best. Buy that one.

  • williamg63
    williamg63 Posts: 7 Member
    Thank you everyone for the feedback! This has helped a ton, I think I'm going to go with a trek 7.2 or specialized Sirius, just not sure if I really need the disc brakes and the other upgrades or just get the basic stock model

    Those are both excellent choices. The stock 7.2 FX and Sirrus have pretty similar specs, so it would really come down to how much you like the ride. If you can step up to the Sirrus Sport, it's got slightly better components, but it costs more and that difference may or may not be worth it to you. At your budget I personally wouldn't go for disc brakes.