A little off topic...

It's not right, this feeling you have. You aren't sure when it came to this. Maybe weeks ago, maybe much longer. All you know is, this feeling is not right.

You call. The other person doesn't answer. You wait for a return call and eventually it comes, but it's hours later. Maybe even days later. You ask why the person hasn't called and are made to feel like a stalker. All you are trying to do is love.

But the other person is no longer receiving.

Love shouldn't feel like this. It hurts all the time. You long for something, anything. The slightest sign that the other person is still in love with you. There was a time when you never longed for anything. There was a time when you were never left wanting more.

Now you wait. You wait for that phone call that never comes. You wait for the sound in the other person's voice that lets you know nothing has changed. You hear yourself saying words you never thought you'd say. Is that you begging for attention? For just the slightest scrap of love? That can't be you. Where has your dignity gone?

You accept so much less than you should. You accept that the other person never wants to see you anymore. You accept that the person doesn't seem to even care that you exist. You accept so little, yet you deserve so much more.

One morning you will wake up and be done. You threaten this, but you've threatened so many times your threats fall on deaf ears. There's no other choice. You have to walk away.

Do it.

Find your dignity. Remember that? You had it once. You must leave, while you still can. You will never be any younger than you are today. In time you will heal. In time you will find someone who will love you the way you deserve to be loved. It will not be as hard as you think.

We've all been there. We all regretted later that we didn't walk away before we lost too much time. Before we lost too much dignity.

Just walk away. It's the only choice.

:brokenheart: :brokenheart: :brokenheart: :brokenheart:

*Sometimes the hardest thing and the right thing are the same.*

I know this is a food/exercise site, but this situation has a direct correlation to my new healthy lifestyle and I'm sure the posting above has hit home with many of us.

So yeah, I left my boyfriend and I fell off the wagon. I gained about 5 pounds in 2 weeks and I didn't exercise at all.
Food has become my escape again :frown:

I've been going out with the girls almost every night. Who doesn't like a few yummy martinis? But I'm over it, and I'm going to get back on track. I've learned that some people will never change and I will not be treated like crap for no reason. I'm happy to have finally let go of such an unhealthy relationship, I'm just a little bummed out. I hate starting over, whether it be on my own again or with a diet.



  • dakoda
    dakoda Posts: 38
    It's not right, this feeling you have. You aren't sure when it came to this. Maybe weeks ago, maybe much longer. All you know is, this feeling is not right.

    You call. The other person doesn't answer. You wait for a return call and eventually it comes, but it's hours later. Maybe even days later. You ask why the person hasn't called and are made to feel like a stalker. All you are trying to do is love.

    But the other person is no longer receiving.

    Love shouldn't feel like this. It hurts all the time. You long for something, anything. The slightest sign that the other person is still in love with you. There was a time when you never longed for anything. There was a time when you were never left wanting more.

    Now you wait. You wait for that phone call that never comes. You wait for the sound in the other person's voice that lets you know nothing has changed. You hear yourself saying words you never thought you'd say. Is that you begging for attention? For just the slightest scrap of love? That can't be you. Where has your dignity gone?

    You accept so much less than you should. You accept that the other person never wants to see you anymore. You accept that the person doesn't seem to even care that you exist. You accept so little, yet you deserve so much more.

    One morning you will wake up and be done. You threaten this, but you've threatened so many times your threats fall on deaf ears. There's no other choice. You have to walk away.

    Do it.

    Find your dignity. Remember that? You had it once. You must leave, while you still can. You will never be any younger than you are today. In time you will heal. In time you will find someone who will love you the way you deserve to be loved. It will not be as hard as you think.

    We've all been there. We all regretted later that we didn't walk away before we lost too much time. Before we lost too much dignity.

    Just walk away. It's the only choice.

    :brokenheart: :brokenheart: :brokenheart: :brokenheart:

    *Sometimes the hardest thing and the right thing are the same.*

    I know this is a food/exercise site, but this situation has a direct correlation to my new healthy lifestyle and I'm sure the posting above has hit home with many of us.

    So yeah, I left my boyfriend and I fell off the wagon. I gained about 5 pounds in 2 weeks and I didn't exercise at all.
    Food has become my escape again :frown:

    I've been going out with the girls almost every night. Who doesn't like a few yummy martinis? But I'm over it, and I'm going to get back on track. I've learned that some people will never change and I will not be treated like crap for no reason. I'm happy to have finally let go of such an unhealthy relationship, I'm just a little bummed out. I hate starting over, whether it be on my own again or with a diet.

  • ConnieLynn
    ConnieLynn Posts: 242 Member

    Hang in there. It will get easier.

    Keep your thoughts focused on what you do want and not on the past.

    Love will find it's way to you. Work on yourself and keep your mind on the positive.

    We wish you the best and take it easy until you are feeling stronger. That does not mean eat the bad stuff, but just try to maintain your current weight until you are ready for the challenge of taking off those last pounds. It requires a lot of focus and you may need to concentrate on healing from the break up first. You know if you are ready.

    Blessings to you,

    Connie Lynn
  • kimford28
    kimford28 Posts: 320
    Hi Dakoda-

    I'm sorry to hear that you are going through this. hopefully your girls are there to give you a great big hug! 5 lbs is nothing... you will be able to lose them in no time. Exercising again might be good to get your mind of things. we are all here for you if you need to talk!

    Hang in there!
  • SoupNazi
    SoupNazi Posts: 4,229 Member
    That was beautiful, yet sad. Did you write that? Keep your chin up! The good thing is that your facing your challenges head on..with weight and other aspects of life. I wish you the best!:smile:
  • pam0206
    pam0206 Posts: 700 Member
    You are so right. It's hard now, but you shouldn't settle for him just because he's on the scene at the moment. I've seen too many friends and loved ones settle. Fight for yourself, because no one else will. GL.
  • NJBeachgirl
    :brokenheart: omg, I just read your post, and thought I must have wrote it in my sleep, lol. I'm sorry for what ur going thru, but if misery loves company, I'm ur company. My husband and I just separated just before christmas. And that has definetly affected this whole weight lose, fitness thing. It was actually the catalyst for it, hello wake up call to self. Even though it was not the direct cause of the break up, there were alot of other issues, if I were to go on about that, I would fill up this post. If you need to talk, feel free to email me, I'm sure I am a lot older then u, but feelings are feelings and that doesn't change with age. Even though we would like to think we get so much smarter with age, not always true. Good luck with ur program and stick to it, u can do it.:heart: