Night shifters who are making it work?!

So as someone who is on night shift (6pm-6am) I think the worst thing for me is motivation to either get up early or stay up after work and work out(hardest thing ever, lol). And let's be honest, off days are just as bad. Do we ever REALLY get on a normal schedule?? Cause I don't...
Really would love to find other night shifters for motivation!!


  • BuckFurpees07
    BuckFurpees07 Posts: 11 Member
  • missh1967
    missh1967 Posts: 661 Member
    Yes. I've lost over 60 pounds while working the night shift. I work 8- and 12-hour shifts. I never work out after a night shift. I will work out before an 8 hour shift and only rarely before a 12 hour shift. My sleep is too important. And even more important while working nights is keeping a handle on your food intake.

    How many nights a week do you work?
  • BuckFurpees07
    BuckFurpees07 Posts: 11 Member
    One week I am 3 days, opposite week I am 4 days. I work in a jail and most of the night we are just sitting. Boredum catches up and snacking begins. I have done good to stop the snacking. I quit drinking all soda and energy drinks and just rely on water but I am still having issues losing the weight.

    Do you meal plan for the whole week or cook before shift??
  • mamadon
    mamadon Posts: 1,422 Member
    edited July 2015
    I lost 123 pounds. I work night shift 7-7. Here's the thing, exercise is great for your health, but weight loss is all about the calorie deficit. I did not do a ton of exercise especially at first, but figured out my TDEE and ate the right amount of calories. It doesn't matter what time of day you eat either. Work days, I ate at night ( my breakfast is at 5 pm) and I switch on my days off.
  • missh1967
    missh1967 Posts: 661 Member
    One week I am 3 days, opposite week I am 4 days. I work in a jail and most of the night we are just sitting. Boredum catches up and snacking begins. I have done good to stop the snacking. I quit drinking all soda and energy drinks and just rely on water but I am still having issues losing the weight.

    Do you meal plan for the whole week or cook before shift??

    I do not really plan ahead, but I bring generally the same things to work. On an 8 hour shift, I bring two snacks and one meal. For a 12 hour shift, two meals and two snacks. I consume a majority of my calories at night when I work.