Help i need some motivation!!!!

LP4life Posts: 11 Member
Hello everyone, i haven't been on here in a long while. I feel as if i have gained a ton of weight and i just need some motivation and i really don't have it!!! Please help if you can


  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    edited July 2015
    The problem is the motivation has to come from within you. If you've done this before you know what it takes. You just need to be ready to make the small sacrifices. Perhaps if you sit down and make a list of all of the reasons you want to lose weight and all of the reasons you'd rather not it will help to crystallize your resolve. I'm not sure what you were doing when you were using MFP before but keep in mind is that losing weight doesn't need to be some terrible ordeal where you're eating only rabbit food and plain chicken breasts and spending hours and hours at the gym. You don't need to throw out all of the food in your house and then spend a fortune on organic. Losing weight is simply about eating less calories than you burn each day. Exercise isn't even required. You can keep eating the things that you like, you just eat less of them. You can start slow (in fact, I recommend that) and simply add new "good" habits little by little.
  • BRobertson23
    BRobertson23 Posts: 150 Member
    I have been overweight my whole life, so when I got serious about losing weight, the important piece to me was that whatever I did, that it was sustainable. So, for me that means I get to eat things that always seemed off limits (ice cream, carbs, alcohol), but I aim to do it in moderation or plan my day so I can enjoy those things (ex: get in a solid workout and/or eat low calorie meals/food prior to the special treat). When I started losing weight it was simply writing down what I ate and walking at least 30 minutes every day. In writing down what I ate, I would total up my calories to see how much I was eating. Sometimes it was more of an estimate, but it gave me an idea of what was going in. My walks were usually after dinner after we cleaned up the kitchen. Thankfully, my husband was my partner in this journey, so on days when I didn't want to walk he'd push me to do it anyway and vice versa. Having a partner is REALLY helpful! Eventually we discovered MFP and logged food and activities that way (much easier!). My best advice is to start simple....if you're not an active person, start with incorporating activity into your day - walking, do 25 squats every day (your butt will thank you!!), or do a daily house cleaning chore when you normally would sit in front of the TV or computer. If you struggle with food, start finding a great breakfast or lunch meal that is easy to fix and has what you need for "go to" breakfast is 1 cup of blueberries, 1/2 cup granola and either add greek yogurt or milk. If I need to keep calories even lower, I make it oatmeal with 1 tbsp brown sugar and 1 cup blueberries. It's filling and gets me going in the mornings. For lunches and dinners you can find 3-4 different meals you like and rotate those around. Most people eat the same 3-4 meals anyway, so while it may sound BORING, it's really not. And it will help keep your calories consistent. Hope this helps! Feel free to add me as a friend.
  • LP4life
    LP4life Posts: 11 Member
    Thank you so much for that advice. I was working out to the rocking body DVD by Shaun T and planning and keeping track of what i was eating. Now because of all the weight I've packed on i just feel so lazy and out of breath all the time. It's just horrible i know.
  • corriebenedict
    corriebenedict Posts: 25 Member
    YOU CAN DO IT. Don't discourage yourself. Tell that inner voice inside you that's saying you can't that YOU CAN. You have to, your health is important. Now get up and go!!
  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    LP4life wrote: »
    Thank you so much for that advice. I was working out to the rocking body DVD by Shaun T and planning and keeping track of what i was eating. Now because of all the weight I've packed on i just feel so lazy and out of breath all the time. It's just horrible i know.

    Just keep at it. I know it sucks at the start but it will get easier over time. Exercise is such a small component of weight loss that if that is what is holding you back then simply don't do it. Focus instead on logging your food and staying under your calorie goal each day. Instead of Shaun T take a walk. As you shed some of the weight, Shaun T will get easier (if that's really what you want to do) and you can pick it up then.

    Honestly, if my only method of exercise was DVDs in front of the TV, I'd be a couch potato. I'd rather shoot myself. I started out by simply walking for 10 minutes during my breaks at work because I got a pedometer and realized just how little I was moving every day. I then added more walking on my lunch hour and using the downstairs bathroom instead of the one near my desk. I have a stationary bike at home and I'd sit and pedal while watching a movie. A few months later I decided to try C25K. That led to running a 10K race and then a half marathon. A couple of dozen races later I decided I really needed to start strength training so I can stay strong into my later years. It was a natural progression. There's no way I would ever have started lifting and running so far at the beginning, I simply wasn't capable and it would have overwhelmed me.
  • LP4life
    LP4life Posts: 11 Member
    Thanks everyone, sitting here reading all of you all post have me really tickled and very much encouraged. I would have responded to everyone's post individually but i am just learning MFP. Lol I will figure it out and i will be responding. Thanks again.
  • ChellD4945
    ChellD4945 Posts: 8 Member
    You got this girl. We are all here to help you along the way. I was in a similar situation and then was diagnosed with breast cancer. I just finished treatments and am determined to get back into good health. With the help of my friends on here, I am slowly making progress. I know you will too. :smile:
  • CoocooKat
    CoocooKat Posts: 2 Member
    Ron Swanson is my source of inspiration: So in the words of the greatest man in history....
    "I'd wish you the best of luck but I believe luck is a concept created by the weak to explain their failures."
  • Dustinsteven22
    Dustinsteven22 Posts: 280 Member
    I'm glad you decided to start your fitness journey! There are 3 keys to fitness: Nutrition, Exercise, and Support. Having all three and pushing yourself will lead to success. Take one day at a time and have fun! Feel free to add me.
  • LP4life
    LP4life Posts: 11 Member
    Thank you so much dustin for the encouragement, and yes now i have all 3 key components
  • hutchin88
    hutchin88 Posts: 83 Member
    I was recently in the same position as you. Low motivation and very low energy. I recently started walking again, and thankfully my energy has started to come back, little by little. That helps tremendously with my attitude and motivation.

    Being on MFP helps so very much!! Also watch the Rocky movie (cue motivational music :wink: )
  • hutchin88
    hutchin88 Posts: 83 Member
    edited July 2015
    p.s. I've lost 14 lbs in the last 2 months! Prayer also helps :smile: