weight not moving

Oh im so disappointed for the third week running im weighing in with no change i have been doing so well haven't faulted once this week done 3 workouts instead of two had some spare time this week (makes a change) i begining to think i am one of these naturaly fat people and maybe i should just give up and stay this way.


  • Msaip
    Msaip Posts: 482 Member
    Im right there with ya! BUT we need to push through this! I have to keep telling myself Im doing all this for a reason!
  • pbolton16
    pbolton16 Posts: 87
    Don't say that! Are you eating enough calories? I'm sure if you reach out to enough people you can figure it out. We can figure it out
  • posbey
    posbey Posts: 200 Member
    Don't give it. Take a look at not just the workouts but what you are eating... previous to join MFP i was at a plateau, however with slight changes and more healthier options, lots of water, I was able to push myself. But i did have to stop eating some things and of course, balance it all out.

    Don't GIVE UP!!!! (((((hugs)))) you will get through this.
  • Lazr1430
    Lazr1430 Posts: 12 Member
    I know the feeling! But my past experience has been... that either I was working on losing weight... or the weight was going up. So if you aren't gaining weight, that is still a good thing. If you give up... you won't stay where you are at now, in two weeks, you will weigh more! Keep working!
  • LikeNoOneElse84
    LikeNoOneElse84 Posts: 475 Member
    Are you measuring? We sometimes lose inches and not weight.
  • liquidjem
    liquidjem Posts: 138 Member
    Maybe you should not focus on the scale so much and start focusing on your health more...Your body is going to be much happier when you are eating better and working out. Just because the scale isn't moving doesn't mean you should give up. Taking care of yourself is always a good thing whether or not your losing weight or not. Your body will eventually adjust to this routine as well and then eventually you will start seeing loss again, so keep pushing through and your body will adjust. Good Luck!
  • joan41
    joan41 Posts: 170 Member
    hey, it happens to all of us! I had been stuck since April 27th! This past week I have lost 4 lbs. The difference has been that I actually increased my calories. didn't change anything on mfp but just started eatting closer to 1400 calories instead of 1200. One of my friends suggested zig zagging! Have you tried that. I was just nervous to try it, but it has worked for me! I haven't lost 4 in 1 week since I 1st atarted. I've lost 3, but not 4! And the weeks not over yet! Just try increasing your intake! I increased my breakfast calories. Don't give up! You haven't come this far to give up now! Your under 200 don't give up!
  • ChelseaRW
    ChelseaRW Posts: 366 Member
    Don't give up...there are too many factors involved, water retention, muscle building, etc. It will come off if you are eating right and expending more calories than you are eating! You can do this! Meanwhile, get a measuring tape and start checking if you are losing inches instead! I bet your thighs and backside are trimming up from the running! Celebrate those type of things to keep yourself motivated when the scale doesn't move!--You are doing great things for yourself!
  • flabfighter31
    flabfighter31 Posts: 41 Member
    Im using the Diet chef program so the only thing i have to measure is the veg so im getting the correct amount of cals i use both scales and mesure tape and no change their ethier. Its not eating unhealthy stuff that my problem is its eating too much. I have looked through some of the post on here and saw people that havent move in six weeks so i shouldnt really complain im going to keep on trying as i really want to lose this weight.:smile: thanks to everyone for there support