Starting battle to loose 30 pounds at 50 years old.

Greetings Everyone! I am 50 years have had the the day of old of realizing I have to do something fast when getting out of tub and look in mirror I saw one pic not to bad, then I took a naked pic of my profile, OMG I have work to do its one thing to see it in a pic. I was HORRIFIED! I am going to increase my workout wit treadmill, hip hop abs and ab doer (I have a stomach bigger than when I was 9 months pregnant) If you see my pics I never had weight problem but the last 10 years has brought me to this situation. From Pleasant Hill, MO


  • Ha! I took pictures of myself on my 50th (in march) and OMG - I joined a new gym in the area. It's fantastic and really motivating me to get into shape. Let's be friends! I'll send you a request!
  • Stahmom2
    Stahmom2 Posts: 3 Member
    Thank you sweety would love to stay in touch ;-)
  • dufus12
    dufus12 Posts: 393 Member
    And here is me - another 50 year old with 30 lbs to lose! No one is allowed a camera near me at the moment that is for sure!
  • csteuter
    csteuter Posts: 87 Member
    Congrats on your motivation to get started. It's not as easy as when we were younger, and it may take more perseverance, but I'm ready to get back on the wagon after eating WAY too much Easter candy.
  • urloved33
    urloved33 Posts: 3,323 Member
  • suruda
    suruda Posts: 1,233 Member
    Hi, another 50 year old here with weight to much is a "we'll see", maybe 20, maybe 50! I have 10 more to get to my adult low...which is still in the "overweight category" so I'm saying 20 for now, then we'll see! Exercise is great, but I find that weighing and tracking your food is what really will help the weight loss happen!
  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member
    This is a great group for support from those of us who are more mature (age-wise anyway!)

    50 Plus Support Group
  • RaeBeeBaby
    RaeBeeBaby Posts: 4,246 Member
    You can do it! It's slower at 50+, but it can be done. I'm nearly 55. I started mid-January with 30 pounds to lose and I'm 10 pounds down. Still a ways to go, but am sticking with it! I sent you a friend request. Anyone else can send one to me, as well! I'm on MFP daily and appreciate giving and receiving support.
  • RaeBeeBaby
    RaeBeeBaby Posts: 4,246 Member
    dufus12 wrote: »
    And here is me - another 50 year old with 30 lbs to lose! No one is allowed a camera near me at the moment that is for sure!

    I realized I was avoiding the camera or trying to stand in the back for group photos. Terrible!
  • Annmopet
    Annmopet Posts: 7 Member
    50 is the new 30? I'm aiming to feel like it! I've got 30+ to lose and it's SLOW going. I'm relatively new to MFP and loving it.
  • You can do it! I am 51. I used to yo-yo diet. Loose some before we go on vacation and within a few months I'm back where I started. Last July I told myself that's it! I'm making a lifestyle change. I am not promoting any diet but I did see one on the local news that made sense. I cut out the sugar (limit to 20 grams), no white bread or pasta and that's it. And of course some cardio on the bike. I am now down a total of 45 lbs. 31 since last July. When I recently seen my doctor for a check up, he said I was in perfect health. If I loose 5 more lbs he said I would be at my correct BMI. My allergies don't even bother me anymore. I am down to a size I haven't seen since I got out of high school and got married. Only problem now is that I'm addicted to my scale, lol. I tend to check my weight at least a couple times a day. GOOD LUCK! You will feel great when you get there.
  • Annmopet
    Annmopet Posts: 7 Member
    Thanks for the encouragement JKLizard3 and congratulations. That weight loss is awesome. I read recently that it's not motivation that counts but determination. I track my weight every day which is a little disappointing sometimes, but I think that it might help reveal patterns when I go back and review my food and weight loss reports. I've cut way down on simple carbs as you've done and eat a pretty clean diet. I just finished my 3rd week on MFP and have only lost a little under 4 lbs. I think that I just need to get up and move more during the day in addition to the jogging that I do 4 to 5 times a week and be patient. Hoping to see more progress in the next few weeks.
  • Hi, so here I am at 51 with a body that looks like I'm about to drop triplets at any moment! The road to weight loss at this age is slow and agonizing. I joined this group because I need encouragement and definitely some friends that are in the same boat. It's one thing to drop weight in your twenties and thirties, but once you hit mid forties and fifties, it's next to impossible. Currently I am battling the menopause thing..that's big fun, let me tell you. I have the motivation, but without seeing results, it's hard to keep at it. Thanks for reading, Christine
  • remrks
    remrks Posts: 2 Member
    52 yo here and starting out today! Looking to drop 30 but have a long term goal of 50. This app is a great tool.
    Wishing all of us "experienced" people here the best of luck.
  • Annmopet
    Annmopet Posts: 7 Member
    remrks wrote: »
    52 yo here and starting out today! Looking to drop 30 but have a long term goal of 50. This app is a great tool.
    Wishing all of us "experienced" people here the best of luck.

    I'm right here rowing that boat with you. I'm trying so hard to listen to MY body. Everyone is so different so what works for someone else does not necessarily work for me. At least we're headed in the right direction. One day at a time.
  • RandJ6280
    RandJ6280 Posts: 1,161 Member
    I have been 50 for almost 3 years. Over the last 7 months I've packed on 20lbs.... NOT the desired direction I wanted to take. I sit behind a desk punching keys all day long for any where from 8-10 hours. I had a "moment" two weeks ago where I could barley get into my fat jeans (yes I'm a guy and I admit to having "fat" jeans lol). I mean I really was mad at myself for getting this way. So the next day I went and joined a "box". I started CrossFit last week. I am cutting back on my portion size (my main problem), and cutting back on sugar, which I've noticed I've become a sugar addict. So I'm getting up at 4:15 and hitting a 5am CrossFit class then going to work. I'm hoping for some inches being dropped here in the next couple of weeks. SO hopefully this will be a kick in the butt I need. Looking for some like minded (and age group) people.
  • LoveGray
    LoveGray Posts: 6 Member
    Ha another 50 yo trying to lose it once and for all. (Actually I turned 51 in May). Hate pictures of me. My profile pic is of me at 47. I had lost 40 pounds. Well it's back. It will be harder to lose it this time so I am determined it will be gone for good. Would love to be friends and motivators with you.
  • RandJ6280
    RandJ6280 Posts: 1,161 Member
    LoveGray wrote: »
    Ha another 50 yo trying to lose it once and for all. (Actually I turned 51 in May). Hate pictures of me. My profile pic is of me at 47. I had lost 40 pounds. Well it's back. It will be harder to lose it this time so I am determined it will be gone for good. Would love to be friends and motivators with you.

    @LoveGray you've got this girl. We're all here to help each other!

  • bdroller54
    bdroller54 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi everyone! I am an "over 50" (okay, I'm actually 60) struggling to lose over 50lbs and get healthy. I have some health challenges but nothing that will stop me this time! I woke up the other day and decided it was time to get serious and get busy. I am hoping to find support and encouragement here and give some back as well.