Reducing protein and salt

Hello, I recently had some tests done that detect problems with my kidney function. That was pretty alarming news. Luckily, this problem can be managed through diet. I also suffer from high blood pressure although it's been coming down since I started losing weight. Anyway, I've been advised to reduce my protein and salt. Protein is such an important part of my weight loss, I was just wondering if there are others in the same boat and what sort of tips you might have.


  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,626 Member
    Lord, if you don't eat a lot of meat, avoiding protein isn't hard. I almost never make the protein goals.

    Salt is HARD to cut. Get yourself some bottles Mrs. Dash (one of them should be the table blend with the dark green cap) and get used to cooking/making your own food. Processed food is loaded with salt. At first, the food won't taste as good as it did when it was all salty, but your tastes will change. And the more you get used to making your own food and blending different foods, using herbs and spices, et cetera, you will find a whole world of flavor that you didn't know existed...and it tastes good!!

    Keep working hard and be patient while waiting to like this new diet better and working on making yummy food. :)

    Lots of nice sodium info here:
  • lemonsnowdrop
    lemonsnowdrop Posts: 1,298 Member
    If you do get salt substitutes, make sure your potassium levels are okay, as they often substitute it in.
  • Tami_H
    Tami_H Posts: 67 Member
    So other than fruit and veggies, what are you eating? I am scared I will start carb loading
  • gmallan
    gmallan Posts: 2,099 Member
    Do you have a protein target that you need to stay under?

    Cooking food at home is definitely the key to cutting sodium
  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,626 Member
    edited July 2015
    Don't try NuSalt. It's vile. I ran to the sink and spit it out and had to get other stuff into my mouth to kill the horrific taste. I'm not even sure just who the heck is buying that stuff. It's like tin foil dipped in poo that was set on fire. So disgusting.

    I eat the fruits and veggies that I like. Keep trying new ones and you'll find some you like, too.

    Don't worry about carb-loading. You have your own directions to follow here. The stuff about how you need tons of protein to lose weight and have to keep away from fruits and veggies to keep carbs's fine for people who want to and can do that stuff, but there are many paths to weight loss!

    Cutting the protein won't stop you from losing,

    If you're really confused, get a referral to a dietitian and they'll be able to get your info and work with you to find a healthy plan that is tailored to you - your conditions, your preferences. :)
  • Merkavar
    Merkavar Posts: 3,082 Member
    How much protein is your max limit.

    The number of posts looking for help to get more protein on this site, io shine you shouldn't have any problems lowering your protein.

    Salt I think you need to avoid packaged meals, pre made meals and do more home cooking where you control how much salt you add.
  • RodaRose
    RodaRose Posts: 9,562 Member
    Check with the dietician. Perhaps you can have avocados, coconut, coconut milk, butter, full fat salad dressing, and other fats and oils,
  • Merkavar
    Merkavar Posts: 3,082 Member
    Kalikel wrote: »
    Don't try NuSalt. It's vile. I ran to the sink and spit it out and had to get other stuff into my mouth to kill the horrific taste. I'm not even sure just who the heck is buying that stuff. It's like tin foil dipped in poo that was set on fire. So disgusting.

    I know quite a few people who buy that stuff. I don't think it tastes too bad on popcorn, although it doesn't taste much like salt.

    Salt on popcorn? Is this normal? Do they put salt on popcorn at the movies?

    Haven't added salt or had popcorn in ages.
  • DebsPoore
    DebsPoore Posts: 3 Member
    I know how you feel Tami. I have high blood pressure and diabetic kidney disease and have to keep my sodium low. It's hard, but it can be done. You can use herbs and spices. Mrs. Dash makes many different blends with no sodium. I found an envelop of Sloppy Joe mix made by Mrs. Dash. I haven't used it yet. The frustrating thing is that there is sodium in so many things that you take for granted. Bread, ketchup, even some vegetables have a little bit. And it adds up fast. I am trying to keep mine under 2300 mg. per day. Check the nutrition guide on the product and you will be shocked at sodium levels. Frozen dinners (yes even diet ones) have sodium, deli meat is loaded with it. Boar's head makes "reduced sodium" deli meats, but they mean they have reduced it down from 800 milligrams to 400. I tried cooking my own turkey breast last week, only to find out that the Honeysuckle White Turkey breast has been injected with a "broth" that has, you guessed it, sodium. So you do have to be vigilant. If I go out to eat, it's always "cook with no salt" and my food really isn't worth what I am paying for it. One thing I did that was very helpful is use my local library to request low sodium cookbooks and there are a lot of them out there. Best wishes for success.
  • ForeverSunshine09
    ForeverSunshine09 Posts: 966 Member
    I have been on a low sodium diet for months because of my kidney disease but, have not been told to watch my protein levels. I am on medication for it though. I just move things around til is under 2000mg which is my goal. Besides today I usually do well. Eating out is almost impossible. I don't really eat deli meat or add salt or salt based seasonings. I personally never liked any of the mrs. Dash seasonings. I use garlic powder, onion powder, paprika and chili powder on most things. Good stuff especially on chicken. Whatever your protein limit is just adjust your goal to that and prelog. Prelogging has helped make this all super easy for me to follow my sodium limits.
  • azulvioleta6
    azulvioleta6 Posts: 4,195 Member
    What you need to limit is ANIMAL protein. You should be fine with things like beans, lentils and soy products. As for salt, cutting out as many processed foods as possible is the key.

    Just an anecdotal comment--my mother had fairly significant kidney disease since childhood. She is a physician and managed to control her diet so carefully that she got to age 69 before she needed dialysis/transplant.

    Diet can make a HUGE difference.
  • azulvioleta6
    azulvioleta6 Posts: 4,195 Member
    Merkavar wrote: »
    Kalikel wrote: »
    Don't try NuSalt. It's vile. I ran to the sink and spit it out and had to get other stuff into my mouth to kill the horrific taste. I'm not even sure just who the heck is buying that stuff. It's like tin foil dipped in poo that was set on fire. So disgusting.

    I know quite a few people who buy that stuff. I don't think it tastes too bad on popcorn, although it doesn't taste much like salt.

    Salt on popcorn? Is this normal? Do they put salt on popcorn at the movies?

    Haven't added salt or had popcorn in ages.

    You are kidding, right?
  • mccindy72
    mccindy72 Posts: 7,001 Member
    Merkavar wrote: »
    Kalikel wrote: »
    Don't try NuSalt. It's vile. I ran to the sink and spit it out and had to get other stuff into my mouth to kill the horrific taste. I'm not even sure just who the heck is buying that stuff. It's like tin foil dipped in poo that was set on fire. So disgusting.

    I know quite a few people who buy that stuff. I don't think it tastes too bad on popcorn, although it doesn't taste much like salt.

    Salt on popcorn? Is this normal? Do they put salt on popcorn at the movies?

    Haven't added salt or had popcorn in ages.

    You are kidding, right?

  • Tami_H
    Tami_H Posts: 67 Member
    Thanks for all the wonderful feedback. My doctor hasn't set a protein limit yet but I am trying to be proactive with the diet because I've read that you can't bring those GFR rates back up once they start to drop and my BUN and CREAT both went up into the danger zone within the last 6 months. The doc wants me to come back in 6 months for a recheck so I need to have this under control. I was doing a vegan protein shake which I love but it has 480gms of sodium so I think I need to give it up. I am okay with giving up lunch meat and I am a pretty good cook so I think I will look for some vegetarian recipes. I've also been researching the "Dash" diet.
  • Tami_H
    Tami_H Posts: 67 Member
    My daughter mentioned that I should try a cleanse diet to get rid of my taste for salt so I will probably try that too and then replace sodium based seasonings with the ones mentioned here.
  • atypicalsmith
    atypicalsmith Posts: 2,742 Member
    Kalikel wrote: »
    Lord, if you don't eat a lot of meat, avoiding protein isn't hard. I almost never make the protein goals.

    Salt is HARD to cut. Get yourself some bottles Mrs. Dash (one of them should be the table blend with the dark green cap) and get used to cooking/making your own food. Processed food is loaded with salt. At first, the food won't taste as good as it did when it was all salty, but your tastes will change. And the more you get used to making your own food and blending different foods, using herbs and spices, et cetera, you will find a whole world of flavor that you didn't know existed...and it tastes good!!

    Keep working hard and be patient while waiting to like this new diet better and working on making yummy food. :)

    Lots of nice sodium info here:

    I LOVE Mrs. Dash! No sodium at all. A GREAT low-sodium and delicious seasoning is Johnny's Garlic Spread & Seasoning, available at Costco. Oh, man, it is SOOOO good! Zero calories, 60 mg sodium per 1/4 teaspoon, but 1/4 teaspoon goes a very long way. Dunno how something without calories or anything else except for a little bit of sodium can taste so good, but it does. And no, I do not own stock in either it or Costco!
  • azulvioleta6
    azulvioleta6 Posts: 4,195 Member
    Tami_H wrote: »
    Thanks for all the wonderful feedback. My doctor hasn't set a protein limit yet but I am trying to be proactive with the diet because I've read that you can't bring those GFR rates back up once they start to drop and my BUN and CREAT both went up into the danger zone within the last 6 months. The doc wants me to come back in 6 months for a recheck so I need to have this under control. I was doing a vegan protein shake which I love but it has 480gms of sodium so I think I need to give it up. I am okay with giving up lunch meat and I am a pretty good cook so I think I will look for some vegetarian recipes. I've also been researching the "Dash" diet.

    This sounds like a really good start. You certainly don't need to go fully vegetarian, you just need to careful track and weigh/measure your animal protein.

    A cleanse could be more harmful than helpful. I would really recommend asking a professional if it is safe for you to do.
  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,626 Member
    Kalikel wrote: »
    Lord, if you don't eat a lot of meat, avoiding protein isn't hard. I almost never make the protein goals.

    Salt is HARD to cut. Get yourself some bottles Mrs. Dash (one of them should be the table blend with the dark green cap) and get used to cooking/making your own food. Processed food is loaded with salt. At first, the food won't taste as good as it did when it was all salty, but your tastes will change. And the more you get used to making your own food and blending different foods, using herbs and spices, et cetera, you will find a whole world of flavor that you didn't know existed...and it tastes good!!

    Keep working hard and be patient while waiting to like this new diet better and working on making yummy food. :)

    Lots of nice sodium info here:

    I LOVE Mrs. Dash! No sodium at all. A GREAT low-sodium and delicious seasoning is Johnny's Garlic Spread & Seasoning, available at Costco. Oh, man, it is SOOOO good! Zero calories, 60 mg sodium per 1/4 teaspoon, but 1/4 teaspoon goes a very long way. Dunno how something without calories or anything else except for a little bit of sodium can taste so good, but it does. And no, I do not own stock in either it or Costco!
    I owe the fact that I was even able to start reducing sodium to Mrs. Dash. She sure makes it easier to not miss the flavor!

    I buy some of it on amazon because our stores don't carry all the Mrs. Dash products. I refuse to pay people for the privilege of shopping in their store, so BJ, Sam and Mr. Costco will have to manage without me. They seem to be doing okay, lol. :)
  • Merkavar
    Merkavar Posts: 3,082 Member
    Merkavar wrote: »
    Kalikel wrote: »
    Don't try NuSalt. It's vile. I ran to the sink and spit it out and had to get other stuff into my mouth to kill the horrific taste. I'm not even sure just who the heck is buying that stuff. It's like tin foil dipped in poo that was set on fire. So disgusting.

    I know quite a few people who buy that stuff. I don't think it tastes too bad on popcorn, although it doesn't taste much like salt.

    Salt on popcorn? Is this normal? Do they put salt on popcorn at the movies?

    Haven't added salt or had popcorn in ages.

    You are kidding, right?

    Nope serious. Like I said I haven't had popcorn in ages and I don't remember them being salty.