
Hey everyone! I've really been busy lately and I didn't have time to hit the gym,maybe just twice a week and that's being lucky, so I wanted to incorporate sprints in the days I don't hit the gym so that I have a good workout in. And I'm not sure how to tackle it, I just finished a sprinting session which consisted of 30sec sprints followed by 1min rest. Over and over again for 20-30 mins, I feel really Good but I'm curious to know if there was a better way or proper way to do it for better fat loss results because I was thinking that 20-30mins was too short. Any advice?

Thanks In Advance =)


  • rmitchell239
    rmitchell239 Posts: 125 Member
    20~30 min of sprints is plenty if you are pushing yourself. Are you exhausted at the end of it? if not go faster. You could also vary the rest periods up particularly if its getting easy. Try a 45, 30, 15, sec rest. If it was me id try all 4 rest periods in the same workout to stress your body everytime.
  • MeanderingMammal
    MeanderingMammal Posts: 7,866 Member
    AldrinYeo wrote: »
    I feel really Good but I'm curious to know if there was a better way or proper way to do it for better fat loss results because I was thinking that 20-30mins was too short.

    How far/ how long can you run continuously?

    What are you hoping to achieve?

    To be honest I'd veer towards just going for a run for 30 minutes, as having much greater effect on your fitness.
  • AldrinYeo
    AldrinYeo Posts: 26 Member
    Im breathing heavily after the first 4-5 sprints sets
  • jimmmer
    jimmmer Posts: 3,515 Member
    If you're focusing on the fat loss/calorie burn aspect of things, then short rest periods are the way to get more density into the session.

    If you're focus on explosiveness, sprint quality and speed, then you should have rest periods that are more in line with weightlifting i.e. 2mins plus.

    In any event. 5 mins warm up. 10-15 mins of sprint intervals and a 5 min cool down is plenty of work if you're going all out. The rest is diet: moderate calorie deficit and decent protein count. Don't be fooled into "some is good, more must be better" type thinking - that always leads to people injuring themselves or hitting a performance wall.

    Time your sprints and aim for progression. You can get a decent body comp sprinting properly - but don't do it the day before leg day - unless you want to half-*kitten* your session. If you're not weight training, then you can get a lot of the body-comp benefits of weight training by sprinting. Mix in sessions where you tackle hills and sessions where you tackle 200 & 400m distances too.
  • MonkeyMel21
    MonkeyMel21 Posts: 2,395 Member
    I don't know if this helps but sometimes I like to mix it up on my jogs and do intervals of "sprinting" and jogging. I live in a very conformative neighborhood so I'll jog two mail boxes, sprint to the next mailbox, jog two, etc, till I get too tired and then finish the rest just jogging. Obviously I am not all out sprinting, just trying to get my heart rate up.